• EP 282 | Dr. Fauci Tortured Cats | Guest: Anthony Bellotti
    Jun 5 2024
    It’s long been established that cats are libertarian individualists with a distaste for big government, but it turns they may have done more to preserve American lives and freedom than even they realize. Matt Kibbe speaks to Anthony Bellotti, president and founder of the White Coat Waste Project, about how an investigation into feline animal abuse in government labs led to a surprising discovery about the origins of the COVID-19 virus. It turns out that U.S. tax dollars were being funneled to a lab in Wuhan, China, to conduct dangerous gain-of-function research on bat viruses, one of which escaped, causing a worldwide pandemic. Without Bellotti’s vigilance and compassion for animals, we might never have learned the truth about Anthony Fauci’s lies and deceptions. Free the People’s original docuseries, The Coverup, is available now on BlazeTV. Matt Kibbe is uncovering the truth behind the origins of Covid-19. Watch now: https://www.faucicoverup.com/
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    59 mins
  • EP 281 | Both Republicans and Democrats Love War | Guest: Tulsi Gabbard
    May 29 2024
    There was a time when the Democratic Party marketed itself as a home for the anti-war Left, with protesters routinely showing up at Republican events to condemn American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, with the election of Barack Obama, those voices fell silent, and since then, both major political parties have demanded more wars, more drone strikes, and more military spending. Tulsi Gabbard, author of “For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind,” rose to national prominence as a veteran and presidential candidate bold enough to stand up to the war machine, and for her efforts she was demonized as a traitor and a Russian asset. In this conversation with Matt Kibbe, Gabbard explains why she parted ways with her old party and what Americans can do to take back their power over the political elite who are supposed to work for them. You can order Tulsi Gabbard's new book here: https://www.tulsigabbard.com
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    51 mins
  • Ep 280 | Independent Creators Can’t Be Stopped | Guests: Joseph Keatinge & Matt Battaglia
    May 22 2024
    In the debate about cancel culture, it’s become cliché to claim that the powers that be won’t permit certain types of entertainment anymore. Matt Kibbe and Matt Battaglia challenge this conception in a conversation with comics writer Joseph Keatinge, co-founder and chief creative officer at Vast Vision Publishing. Keatinge talks about the freedom and flexibility that comes from cutting loose the corporate bureaucracy and taking control of your own art. Through independent publishing, creators don’t have to answer to moral guardians or timid HR departments. This means that they can focus on telling compelling stories, not checking boxes or enforcing quotas.
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    50 mins
  • Ep 279 | States Are Laboratories of Liberty | Guest: Eric Brakey
    May 15 2024
    At the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe sits down with Maine state Senator Eric Brakey, who talks about his legislative accomplishments and his transition into the role of executive director of the Free State Project. Brakey explains that state governments are in the best position to be leaders on building mainstream support for new and seemingly radical ideas. Just as Democrat-led states have shifted the Overton window on certain progressive policies, states like New Hampshire and Maine are positioned to demonstrate that liberty-oriented laws can not only pass but can work to improve the lives of American citizens.
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    50 mins
  • Ep 278 | Bring Our Troops Home | Guest: Derek Proulx
    May 8 2024
    At this year’s New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe sat down with Derek Proulx, the New Hampshire state chair of Bring Our Troops Home, to talk about his involvement in the Defend the Guard movement. Defend the Guard is an initiative to prevent the federal government from misusing the National Guard for military adventurism abroad without a proper declaration of war by Congress, as the Constitution requires. As a former member of the National Guard, Proulx and his fellow veterans have a unique and valuable perspective on military involvement, which could teach a lot to war-hungry politicians who have lived lives sheltered from military conflict.
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    30 mins
  • Ep 277 | The Speaker Has No Clothes | Guest: Rep. Thomas Massie
    May 1 2024
    Speaker of the House Mike Johnson’s job is in trouble, as many Republicans in Congress are dissatisfied with his lack of leadership and willingness to cozy up to the Democratic opposition. Matt Kibbe is joined by Rep. Thomas Massie, who explains why he’s calling for the speaker to be replaced and outlines what he calls “the three betrayals of Mike Johnson.” First, Johnson abandoned the regular order budgeting process in favor of a massive omnibus bill. Second, he reauthorized warrantless surveillance of Americans by the FISA courts, and third, he is ushering through a military spending package that would send American taxpayer dollars to fund the wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine. To top it all off, Democratic leaders in the House are openly admitting that they want to keep Johnson in power, which speaks volumes about how firm his conservative bona fides really are.
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Ep 276 | How New Hampshire Became the Freest State in the Union | Guest: Carla Gericke
    Apr 24 2024
    Sprouting from a graduate student’s thought experiment in 2001, over the last 20 years, the Free State Project has made a significant impact on the state of New Hampshire by gathering like-minded, liberty-loving folk who share a passion for freedom and independence. At this year’s New Hampshire Liberty Forum, Matt Kibbe sits down with Carla Gericke, president emeritus of the Free State Project, to discuss the history of the project, where it is today, and where it’s going in the future. In addition to making substantial legislative changes in the state, the Free Staters are also attracting the attention of major figures like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard, indicating that the real gains for liberty are yet to come.
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    46 mins
  • Ep 275 | How Estonia Defeated Socialism | Guest: Matthew Mitchell
    Apr 18 2024
    After the fall of the Soviet Union, a whole host of European countries were faced with a unique opportunity: the chance to free their economy and clean up a corrupt legal system. Of all the ex-Soviet states, few have been as successful as Estonia. Matt Kibbe speaks to Matthew Mitchell, senior fellow at the Fraser Institute, about the peaceful and musical revolution that helped lift Estonia out of poverty and oppression as the country’s people embraced the concepts of free markets and personal liberty. Today, this tiny Baltic nation serves as a model for how to get things right, both in terms of casting off the chains of the past and create a free society that empowers citizens to thrive.
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    1 hr and 4 mins