Indie romance authors represent a huge diversity of experiences and identities, and some of our favorites come from the world of LGBTQIA+ romance. In this article, we’re highlighting queer romance stories from indie authors that cover a range of genres, from rom-com to paranormal.

Queer romance stories by indie authors can be raw, sexy, steamy, and about 100 other adjectives. They are often written from a unique perspective, exploring the LGBTQIA+ experience in an honest and meaningful way. Often full of adventure, love, and self-discovery, these stories are sure to leave listeners wanting more.

As is true of romance in general, these stories have different levels of spice. From sweet strolls and tender glances to heated romps at wild parties, you’ll find a listen with just the right amount of steam for you. And for fantasy lovers who want their romance to mix with vampires and alpha werewolves, we have that too. We don’t kink-shame here—we kink-celebrate! So come on in and enjoy the ride. Let your fantasies run wild and explore your deepest desires with this list of six of the best queer romance stories by indie authors.

About That Kiss
I'm Your Guy
Exhale: An MM Shifter Romance
Confetti Hearts
Nothing to Lose
Jilted: Jaren