Who the heck am I?
In short…
I’m just an average girl with slightly above average issues, who figured out without a PhD that when you can’t get your ish together, life can suck. And when I figure out ways to make it suck a little less, I write a book about it.
In long...
I used to be just like you--unhappy, unfulfilled, and un-optimized--and if that’s not you, my bad, that was presumptuous and a little insulting. But to be fair, there has to be a reason you’re on the page of an author of self help books. (That’s still crazy to me to call myself an author).
But the truth is, there’s no shame in trying to improve yourself. But even knowing this fact, I didn’t want to be caught dead in the self help section of Barnes & Noble (that was a bookstore back in the day for all you young folks).
But as a former big ol’ bundle of couch potato who hated everything about myself, my life, and my bank account, I knew that I wanted (and desperately needed) help for my self, but I didn’t want self help.
I didn’t want to go gluten free, vegan, grow my hair to my butt and wear flower crowns, sell all my belongings save for what can fit in a personal item that would be accepted on Spirit Airlines without a fee, tattoo motivational quotes to my forehead, and snort incense. And I didn’t want to feel like I had to become Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk and work 268 hour weeks without coming up for air...or food, or social interaction, or smiles.
I just wanted to be me, but better.
I write self help books for those people. People like me.
When I was trying to get my ish together, I didn’t care about degrees, I cared about results. If you have a PhD in life badassery, yet you’re still miserable and your life still sucks, I don’t want your advice and I don’t want to read your book. And most of all, I didn’t want to take advice from someone who was not at all like me. That’s when I gained the confidence to start writing myself.
“Self help with a little sass” I like to call it. A little language, a little tough love, a lot of sarcasm, and a dose of humor. Because when the ish really hits the fan, we have to laugh to keep from crying.
I write books so I can help other people get their ish together in every area of their lives so I can spare them the same anxiety I felt of having to change the subject to some sports team I don’t care about in order to avoid the feelings of shame that come along with having to provide a life update to friends and family at dinner when you have nothing of note to report.
Admittedly, I’m still not perfect. I’m a little rough around the edges, I cuss a little, I whine a little (ok, a lot), I can’t take anything too seriously, I like bacon bits in my ice cream, and I watch way too much reality TV.
But I’ve finally graduated from wearing socks with sandals and working a minimum wage job, and I’ve created a life where I actually wake up happy and excited every morning. Inch by inch, little by little, I’ve made improvements in every part of my life, and every day, I learn more, discover more, implement more, benefit more, and share more so other people can benefit too.
When I’m not writing, I like to paint (badly), play with my Frenchie (dog, not a man unfortunately--still working on that one) and do...ahem, don’t tell anyone--yoga...in the back of the class, close to the exit with sunglasses on so no one can recognize me, and close to the exit just in case someone does.
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