Susie Bright has never done things the conventional way. When the sex-positive icon, author, and Audible Editor-at-Large recently celebrated her marriage—that most traditional of milestones—The New York Times reported that the event came after the relationship had already spanned three decades, a blended family arrangement, and a life-altering pandemic, which all but forced the issue.

Now, the trailblazing "sexpert" has ended her long-running podcast, In Bed with Susie Bright, in an era when people are much more likely to be starting one—maybe even as listeners—for the first time.

Susie's first episode was in December of 2000, before there was such a thing as a "podcast" or an iPod, and the newly minted host resorted to describing it as “an internet audio program.”

If the name was clunky and the tech inexplicable, the listening experience was anything but.

As a freelance reporter active across the thriving print and book-publishing scene of the ’80s and ’90s, not to mention deeply embedded in the erotica renaissance, Susie brought a frank, approachable delivery that was a natural fit for the new medium. In fact, the startling thing about listening to In Bed with Susie Bright: A Look Back—a special retrospective compiling nine of Susie's favorite episodes, included in Audible Plus—is how contemporary (and prescient) the recordings sound today.

Well, one of the most startling things.

There are quite a few jaw-dropping and juicy moments featured in IBWSB, and with Susie’s help, we rounded up nine of them. If any of these get your motor running, you’ll want to check out the entire archive of episodes—with 18 seasons, it’s anything but a one-night stand.

Tell Me Your Sex Story: In Bed Listeners Spill Their Secrets
Betty Dodson, Masturbation Guru
Porn Pioneer Jamie Gillis
The D.C. Madam Is in the House
Anal Sexpert Tristan Taormino
Growing Up With Hunter S. Thompson: What Couldn't Be Said - What Won't Be Forgotten
Mating in Captivity with Esther Perel
A Survivor's Guide to Sex with Staci Haines, Part 2
Religious Sex Manuals - or 'Fisting for God'

Image for Listen in on 'In Bed with Susie Bright'

Listen in on 'In Bed with Susie Bright'

In this clip from the episode 'A Survivor's Guide to Sex', Susie talks to somatic coach Staci Haines about the complex process of healing and rehabilitation.