The AIDS crisis is a devastating part of history that should never be forgotten. The epidemic led to the death of more than 25 million Americans and contributed to the health struggles of countless others. Not only a medical emergency, the HIV and AIDS epidemic marked a massive failure on the part of the United States government in protecting its citizens. The audio on this list confronts the harsh, heartbreaking realities of the AIDS epidemic through the lens of fiction and nonfiction alike. Each of these listens helps commemorate a dark part of our nation’s history and honor those who lost their lives to the bigotry that built barriers to treatment and care.

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Just Kids
Body Counts
Angels in America
Weetzie Bat
Illness as Metaphor and AIDS and Its Metaphors
Close to the Knives
To the Wedding
Patient Zero and the Making of the AIDS Epidemic
The Impatient Dr. Lange
A Positive Life
Remaking a Life
Living and Loving in the Age of AIDS
The Storm
The Great Believers
Blood Colony
Tell the Wolves I’m Home
And the Band Played On
Fiasco: The AIDS Crisis