When trying to reach a goal or make a lifestyle change, it’s tempting to latch on to the advice of the first expert who promises to have all the answers. Dig a little deeper though, and you might find that the opposite of what you first heard may have been what you needed all along. 

The truth is, everyone is different: the steps you need to take depend on your personal preferences, priorities, habits, and experiences. To save you some of the legwork of finding the advice that works best for you, we’ve rounded up a list of top self-development books with competing messages to help you advance your personal journey.


Change your mindset

Self-development authors and influencers generally love to sing the praises of positive thinking—just check out our list of top Audible listens for positive thinking. But what if the opposite is also true? After all, thinking positively may not always be the best way to plan for the future if it means you’re flat out ignoring potential roadblocks. Unpack The Power of Positive Thinking with Norman Vincent Peale, or explore the benefits of looking at the glass half-empty with Oliver Burkeman in The Power of Negative Thinking

The Power of Positive Thinking

The Power of Negative Thinking


Check off your to-do list (or not) 

We all have Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In to thank for the image of the high-powered career woman running between meetings, social gatherings, and family commitments. For many, “leaning in” can work, if it’s the motivation you need to be your best self. On the contrary, Lean Out by Marissa Orr is a rallying cry for women who feel that maybe we just can’t do it all—and that’s OK. 

Image for Lean In

Lean In

By Sheryl Sandberg

Narrated by Elisa Donovan

Lean In

Image for Lean Out

Lean Out

By Marissa Orr

Narrated by Misty Wells

Lean Out


Get ahead at work

There’s so much advice for women in the workplace that it can be overwhelming to know what to do: Be nice. Don’t be nice. Worry about if you’re liked. Don’t worry at all. Get it all done—no, drop the ball—no, but really, you have deadlines. The truth: everyone’s path to success is different. Hear from two successful women who took opposite approaches and find out what works for you. In Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office, Lois P. Frankel, PhD, urges women to be more assertive and engage in office politics or risk sabotaging their careers. Fran Hauser, on the other hand, has staked her career on bringing her most authentic self to work. 

Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office (10th Anniversary Edition)

The Myth of the Nice Girl


Hone your leadership style

Other ways to get ahead? Many leaders swear by the ancient battle lessons taught in The Art of War by Sun Tzu. To name a few: know your strengths and weaknesses, know your opponents' strengths and weaknesses, and “ponder and deliberate before you make a move.” In sum, be aware of your surroundings and outside forces. For when you’re more focused on inner battles, The War of Art by Steven Pressfield offers advice on how to break through creative blocks to generate new ideas.

Image for The Art of War

The Art of War

By Sun Tzu

Narrated by Aidan Gillen

The Art of War

Image for The War of Art

The War of Art

By Steven Pressfield

Narrated by Steven Pressfield

The War of Art


Find your calling today…or tomorrow

Nothing screams “what are you doing with your life?” quite like watching a child build a successful business. Some find "kidpreneurs" such as Moziah Bridges, better known as Mo's Bows, inspirational, and would benefit from giving his A Young Person's Guide to Start-Up Success a listen. (Hey, if a kid can do it, why not you?). For others? Late Bloomers by Rich Karlgaard serves as an important reminder that not everyone is successful in their tweens... or twenties… or thirties… or, well, you get it.

Mo's Bows: A Young Person's Guide to Start-Up Success

Image for Late Bloomers

Late Bloomers

By Rich Karlgaard

Narrated by Fred Sanders

Late Bloomers


Learn to learn

Being told you can be successful so long as you Think Like a Rocket Scientist may encourage you to reach for the stars. Former rocket scientist Ozan Varol thinks so, anyway. Ready to burst your bubble is David McRaney who wants you to know that You Are Not So Smart. The truth is probably somewhere in between—those of us who aren’t rocket scientists can still learn from them, but we also need to be aware of the many ways our brains will try to trick us into thinking we know more than we do. Listen to both of these books to balance hubris with humility.

Think Like a Rocket Scientist

You Are Not So Smart


Face your challenges

Speaking of aerospace, in his inspiring memoir Failure Is Not an Option, NASA flight director Gene Kranz recounts the amazing—and terrifying—moments of the nearly unsuccessful Apollo 13 launch. While hearing about that level of mental fortitude can kick some of us into shape when it comes to meeting our own challenges, sometimes it’s comforting to know that what we’re doing isn’t rocket science and therefore doesn't require the same amount of attention to detail. Laugh (and cry) along with relatable dad and comedian H. Jon Benjamin (you may know him best as the voice of Bob in Bob’s Burgers) as he regales his life’s lowlights in his hilarious memoir, Failure Is an Option.

Image for Failure Is Not an Option

Failure Is Not an Option

By Gene Kranz

Narrated by Danny Campbell

Failure Is Not an Option

Image for Failure Is an Option

Failure Is an Option

By H. Jon Benjamin

Narrated by H. Jon Benjamin

Failure Is an Option


Form better habits

Even if you're comfortable with the possibility of failure, you might still want to work on forming some better habits. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: maybe you don’t have to be the best… just better. Now, to be fair, there’s a lot of similar (and helpful!) advice in these two quintessential books on forming better habits. The difference is whether you’re someone who’s motivated by Atomic Habits—making big changes (through smaller steps) that will alter your life—or Tiny Habits—making little, incremental improvements that may or not lead to larger goals. 

Image for Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits

By James Clear

Narrated by James Clear

Atomic Habits

Image for Tiny Habits

Tiny Habits

By BJ Fogg PhD

Narrated by BJ Fogg PhD

Tiny Habits


Make difficult decisions

Last but not least, it comes down to what we’ve been exploring all along: how to choose. Maybe you’re the type of person who makes frequent, life-altering decisions that impact people around you; if so, you could really benefit from a 12-hour long instructor-led Great Course called The Art of Critical Decision Making. Or maybe, you’re the type of person who just needs to hear hilarious author Reese Owen tell you to Just Frickin Pick One. Either way, the fact that you’re interested in making better choices proves that you’re already on the right path.

The Art of Critical Decision Making

Image for Just Frickin Pick One

Just Frickin Pick One

By Reese Owen

Narrated by Aimee McKenzie

Just Frickin Pick One