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The Best James Patterson Audiobooks and Series, According to Fans

The Best James Patterson Audiobooks and Series, According to Fans

James Patterson is one of the most prolific contemporary American writers working today—from children's and YA books to thrillers, mysteries, and even romance, it's hard to keep up with such a massive number of bestsellers. Figuring out where to start with his array of audiobooks can be a tough choice to make. Most fans will give you different answers if you ask what the best James Patterson listens are, or which series are his most popular, so we've decided to offer you a few different entry points into his impressive catalog.

We've rounded up some of James Patterson’s most popular and highly rated audiobooks for adults. Some of these are series that should be listened to in order, and some are standalone novels—but feel free to dive in anywhere! You can't go wrong with any of these excellent James Patterson listens.

Tirzah Price is a writer and contributing editor at Book Riot.