Strap in for a thrill with these 10 must-listens for theme park fanatics

Strap in for a thrill with these 10 must-listens for theme park fanatics

Ask a lot of folks their perfect vacation and they very well might conjure restorative images of lulling waves and powdery sand, sinking into some rest and relaxation and returning to their day-to-day with a newfound tranquility. As for me and other theme park aficionados, that dream destination can look just a little bit different, swapping calm for high-octane coasters, trading peace and quiet for parades, fireworks, concessions barkers, and the din of clamoring youngsters sprinting to hug costumed performers.

Maybe it's because I grew up frequenting Coney Island's now-defunct Astroland or made routine trips to Orlando at a formative age, but the sounds of amusement parks feel like home. The gentle, expansive crackling of popcorn carts; the roar of coaster cars on steel tracks punctuated by the shrieks of thrill-seekers; the ambient music humming along, a backing track to memories made in real time.

But it's not just the sensory smorgasbord that brings hordes of folks like me through the clickety-clack turnstile year after year—though the wafting scent of churros and endlessly stimulating eye-candy kitsch certainly doesn't hurt. It seems that there's some kind of magic in amusement parks, an invitation to leave reality behind and immerse yourself in a world dreamt up by the kind of whimsy and wonder usually solely reserved for children, one where it's the pursuit of pure, unadulterated fun—and the people you share it with—that reigns supreme.

Whether you, too, are enamored with all things amusement or are a casual park-goer, these audiobooks and podcasts get to the heart of what makes theme parks so purely enchanting. So buckle up, pull on that yellow strap, and get ready for a wild ride.