Since its initial big screen debut in 1977, the Star Wars franchise has branched out from film to almost every medium available. From television shows, both animated and live action, to in-universe audiobooks and comics to an ever-growing catalog of merchandise and even a dedicated section of Disney parks, that galaxy far, far away is larger than ever and expanding at an exponential rate.

A fan favorite corner of the expanded universe is in gaming extensions, including board games, tabletop games, and—a long-running staple of our favorite space opera—video games, ranging from the arcade and pinball days of old to state-of-the-art games for console and PC that allow players to interact with worlds they'd only seen on the big screen. A new slate of games is well on its way, including the hotly anticipated Knights of the Old Republic remake, and projects from Ubisoft, Skydance New Media, and Zynga. But for now, we're busy celebrating the arrival of Jedi: Survivor, the second game following Jedi Cal Kestis and the Mantis crew in the early days of the Empire's reign.

Early reviews are in, and they're glowing. So while we try our best to maintain composure, the echo of "Patience you must have, my young Padawan" ringing in our ears, we've collected a round-up of Star Wars video game tie-in listens for fans looking for an even deeper dive.

Star Wars Jedi: Battle Scars
Battlefront: Twilight Company
Battlefront II
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II

Game on: Amazon Gaming week is here

Click the banner below to browse deals on hardware, games, and accessories for your setup—available April 29, 2024 through May 5, 2024.

Amazon Gaming Week