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Before we get too excited about the upcoming summer blockbusters and big-name releases of the fall, let’s take a pause to appreciate the wonderful listens 2022 has brought us so far. When creating a "best of" list, we editors draw from our personal favorites and then ask: What have listeners responded to most and rated the highest? What hidden gems deserve some time in the spotlight? And we even get a little philosophical by asking, what are the listens that best represent the current state of audio storytelling? We hope you’ll love these listens as much as we do. We can’t wait to hear what the rest of 2022 will bring!

Impact Winter
Remarkably Bright Creatures
Finding Me
Pandora's Jar
Finding Tamika
I Kissed Shara Wheeler
The Miranda Obsession
Maejor Frequency
Book Lovers
Young Rich Widows
How High We Go in the Dark
All My Rage
Summer In Argyle
Atlas of the Heart
Approval Junkie
The Book of Baraka
The Golden Couple
Fiasco: The AIDS Crisis
True Biz
The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle
Olga Dies Dreaming
Ten Steps to Nanette

Our editors on the best of 2022

Ep. 9: Best of the Year (So Far)

Ep. 9: Best of the Year (So Far)

By The Audible Editors

Narrated by Katie O'Connor, Kat Johnson