Comedy Newsletter

If you’re anything like me, jokes are always on your mind. How can I say this in the funniest way possible? Where’s the punch line in this? Is this anything? Questions like that are constantly rolling around in my head. For me, one of the best parts about comedy is sharing and enjoying it with others, so each month in Laugh Lines, Audible’s seasonal comedy newsletter, I suggest a few listens for you that I’m excited about and think are genuinely funny—from podcasts to memoirs to fiction. —Aaron S.

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About the editor


As the Comedy Editor, Aaron always has an ear out for all things funny—but a good biography or history listen is always in his queue. He’s never broken a bone in his body, his favorite candy is Raisinets, and he’s currently trying to teach himself how to whistle but not really getting anywhere with it. He lives in Brooklyn, obviously.
