The family that silently reads together, stays together. That's my theory, anyway. There's no certifiable proof, but there's also no harm in trying, right?

While the holidays can be a wild, maddening, frenzied time full of one too many gingersnaps and three too many glasses of spiked cider, a simple way to calm the chaos is by bonding over a book or two.

Not only are audiobooks the perfect travel companion for that endless trip home (Oh, my flight's delayed six hours? Terrific!), they can also provide a necessary cultural touchstone-also known as "talking points"-to connect with people you haven't seen in awhile. Why not transform a holiday get-together into an impromptu book club? You can suggest a title or narrator you love, while opening up a new narrative world for someone you love.

Here's how to spark conversations with every member of your family-may this guide you through all the ham-carving, pie-eating, and cocktail-downing you'll be doing through January.

Talking as Fast as I Can
Leonardo da Vinci
The Power
The Last Black Unicorn