Since 1982, the American Library Association has been celebrating our freedom to read with its annual Banned Books Week, commemorated each fall. Now, as the organization Unite Against Banned Books gears up for the second annual Right to Read Day on April 8, defenders of literature and freedom of speech have another occasion to organize and challenge the increasing surge of book bans across US school districts and libraries. There are many reasons that books get banned, but no matter the genre, these voices and points of view deserve to be heard. Here are just a few of my favorite—and frequently banned—listens.

The Hate U Give
All American Boys
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Handmaid's Tale
Being Jazz
The Kite Runner
The Bluest Eye
Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You
All Boys Aren't Blue
Gender Queer
George Orwell’s 1984