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The Best Listens for Tom Hanks Fans

The Best Listens for Tom Hanks Fans

From Forrest Gump to You’ve Got Mail, Cast Away, and Toy Story, Tom Hanks has displayed an incredible range as an actor, and he’s become a household name for bringing some of the most iconic characters to life. But his talent isn’t limited to onscreen roles or film voice-over work—Hanks is also a fantastic audiobook narrator and writer, as well as an excellent guest and subject of some of our favorite podcasts. The upcoming debut of his super-ambitious first novel has us more eager than ever to get our ears on anything and everything Hanks.

If you’re looking for some great Tom Hanks content to keep you entertained until his next box office premiere, here are our recommendations for the best audiobooks and podcasts for fans of Tom Hanks.


Audiobooks Narrated by Tom Hanks


Audiobooks for Tom Hanks Fans

His stellar narration aside, there are so many other great audiobooks for fans of Tom Hanks, from his upcoming debut novel (which we are eagerly anticipating might feature his voice) to novels that will appeal to fans of his films.


Podcasts for Fans of Tom Hanks

If you prefer podcasts, we’ve got you covered. Here are some podcasts about Hanks, including a few episodes featuring appearances by the man himself.


The Best Audiobooks for Tom Hanks Fans |