We know from our listeners that "there's more to imagine when you listen." They told us that audiobooks have changed their lives by bringing more flavor to how they see things. This also holds true for our own team. They, too, after listening to a book have seen things differently, or discovered a new way to look at an old issue. Or listened to great fiction that transported them to another place and time that felt as familiar as home. No doubt, there's more to the story, when one listens.

Amy Garas Workplace Experience Lead based in Newark, New Jersey

Amy Garas

A New Earth: Awakening Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle fundamentally changed how I approach life's challenges. It’s helped me imagine challenges as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Each time I listen, I pick up something new, deepening my understanding and helping me envision a more mindful and connected life. One quote that always stays with me is, "Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." This simple yet profound message continually reminds me to focus on gratitude, shifting my perspective to recognize the abundance already present in my life. Listening allows me to immerse myself in new ideas and perspectives, whether I'm exercising, doing the dishes, or lounging in my hammock. It brings the author's voice and message to life, helping me visualize new possibilities and perspectives, and connect with the content on a deeper level.

Radhiah Chowdhury Content Development Manager based in Sydney, Australia

Radhiah Chowdhury

Listening to So Emotional!: Find Freedom from Your Feelings with Reframing by Dr. Rebecca Ray feels like an antidote to toxic positivity. The author allows space to feel the negative emotions that often overtake us, sit with them, but not let them overcome or overwhelm us. Dr. Ray demonstrates how reframing negative emotions can actually bring growth to our lives, and retrain our brains to move beyond paralysis into new ways of thinking. Chapter 3, on grief, had the profound and powerful message of shifting sadness and loss into a place of reverence. Dr. Ray offers useful steps to move beyond blame and guilt into understanding grief as a reflection of our personal capacity for love. There's really something for everyone in audio—whatever your struggle or challenge, you can find a title that can support you on your journey of personal or professional growth.

Sandy Fershee Head of UX Design based in Newark, New Jersey


Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things by Adam Grant inspired me to think differently about talent and humanity and how we have overlooked so much incredible potential in the world. It has helped me not only imagine more for my own personal development but also for professional teams, my family, and other creative pursuits. Raw talent is interesting and useful, but it's not the end all be all. Anyone can improve at improving and reach further. I loved this listen because I value hearing different stories and perspectives that stimulate and push my thinking.

Anna Stopazzolo Customer Care Program Manager based in Berlin, Germany


The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende helped me imagine more for creative pursuits. I am particularly attached to this title because it was created by my mother's favorite author, so naturally there is a lot of emotional attachment. This unforgettable novel is the story of three strong women and their resilience, even in difficult times. I recently listened to the audiobook and was inspired by the strong female characters and how they overcame a very dark time. I loved the three female generations of the Trueba family—even though the book is not recent, I can see how it is so modern in many ways. I find it fascinating to be transported to a different time, place, or state. Even though I live in Berlin, I can travel and explore the whole world with an audiobook.

Alex Boccard Software Development Engineer based in Cambridge, Massachussetts


Every Tool's a Hammer: Lessons from a Lifetime of Making by Adam Savage helped me rethink how I viewed being a maker and how I can implement his years of wisdom into my own creative pursuits and DIY projects. The lessons throughout, not just from Adam but also other legendary creators, resonated enormously with me and helped reignite a passion for building and robotics, and also pushed me to act upon my imagination and start creating. This title really reminded me of how fun and rewarding my passion for creating was and how much I actually yearned for it. Audiobooks open up my imagination and bring me back to a time of childlike wonder. When the book is narrated by the author themselves it adds an entirely new dimension as if the author were reading their story to you personally, and you can connect with them on a much deeper level.

Ember Wang Software Development Engineer based in Los Angeles, California


Counselling for Toads: A Psychological Adventure by Robert de Board inspired me to rationally examine my emotions and helped me imagine more for my personal development. When I feel low or emotionally agitated, I often think of this book and remind myself not to be a slave to my emotions, but analyze why I am experiencing negative feelings, allowing me to handle the problems I encounter in life and work. When I listen to this book on Audible, I feel like a nurse in a psychological clinic, with the conversations between the toads and the psychologist unfolding before my eyes. Every night before bed, I immerse myself in the world of the book, learning new psychological knowledge with the toads and understanding and analyzing my own emotional state.