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Being a parent is full of challenges—here are 20 great parenting audiobooks to help

Being a parent is full of challenges—here are 20 great parenting audiobooks to help

Wouldn't it be great if every child came with a trusted, easy-to-follow, how-to-raise manual? Speaking as a mom who's made a ton of mistakes over the years, I sure wish my daughter had. From showing support to setting boundaries, from providing encouragement to instilling values, what works for each child—and each family—is different. That's why it's so important to find the parenting advice that speaks to your specific situation, family, and child. With our list of the 20 best parenting audiobooks, we’ve pooled together the top resources on parenting for a variety of styles and priorities, and for challenges that come with kids of every temperament and every age from two through adolescence. We hope you'll find something you can relate to and rely on as you continue your child-raising adventures.

Being a parent is full of challenges—here are 20 great parenting audiobooks to help |