
came and went quickly, but it’s been quite a month. My friends got engaged, my car hit 200,000 miles, and I’ve sneezed a record of 500,000,000 times since the start of the month! I know the second thing there is only important to me, and the third is a cartoonish exaggeration, but hey, it’s my newsletter so I call the shots here.

In other news that no one else cares about but me, I’m on spring break this week. While you typically get this email while I’m on my way to grad school, right now I’m doing what every student does on their spring break…sitting at my desk here at work and plugging away on Audible stuff! But I’m finally getting some normal human sleep hours this week, so I can’t complain. And without my usual homework, I’m squeezing in a few extra listens, too.

- Aaron, Audible editor

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