
you stumble upon a random fact of history that you feel like no one knows but you, and it’s a really awesome feeling. This just happened to me a few weeks ago as I was stuck in one of those internet wormholes that makes you forget to eat lunch on a lazy Sunday in your sweatpants—or is that just me?

What I found is that a lot of important events have happened on exactly April 3, including one that didn’t seem that important at the time, one brief journey that would stick in the American consciousness forever, and one milestone that was far overdue. As always, I hope you enjoy these hidden gems…but more importantly, I hope you enjoy this beyond nerdy take on history as much as I do!

- Kyle, Audible editor

About the Editor

With tastes as varied as his shoe collection, editor Kyle will listen to just about anything; however, his go-to listens deal with the consequences of human nature: history, politics, religion, and true crime. His favorite pastime is taking long walks with his dogs while devouring a great story from Audible, of course. Follow him on Twitter @_EditorKyle.

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