We did it!

We’ve survived another holiday season and lived to tell the tale. But now that we’re nearing the end of January, it’s time to step back and assess how those resolutions have held up. I’ve never been a good resolution keeper. Year after year, I tell myself that I’m going to drink less coffee, but year after year, I…don’t. Rather than resign myself to another year of failing my resolution (because let’s face it, I’ve already had A LOT of coffee this past month), I’ve decided to take an entirely different approach for 2019. Rather than vowing to drink less coffee, I’ve decided to better educate myself about my coffee.

With Dean Cycon’s Javatrekker as a guide, I’m determined to learn more about where my coffee comes from and how I can buy (and then, in turn, drink) a little more ethically. And let’s look at it this way—I still have 11 months ahead of me to make it into reality. Challenge accepted, 2019.

- Michael, Audible editor

About the Editor

With a broad range of interests, it’s hard to guess what Michael’s going to listen to next. Although he likes to get his ears into a little bit of everything, some of his favorite listens deal with environmental issues, gender studies, and LGBTQ+ topics. Follow him on Twitter @mikecollina.

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