Doesn't November

always go by incredibly fast? Between stocking up on food for Thanksgiving and making plans for all the upcoming holiday travel (a.k.a. not knowing how to use my remaining vacation days), the holiday season requires a lot of prepping. On top of the usual hustle and bustle, I feel like this November has felt particularly busy here at Audible. We’ve debuted Destination True Crime (P.S. you have to listen to this conversation hosted by editor Kat), released a ton of fantastic interviews, and I’ve recently moved desks! While that last bit may only affect me, my point still stands. November is busy. And though we only have one month left in 2019, let’s see what else we can accomplish before the end of the year is upon us. Here’s to keeping busy, my friends.

- Michael, Audible editor

About the Editor

With a broad range of interests, it’s hard to guess what Michael’s going to listen to next. Although he likes to get his ears into a little bit of everything, some of his favorite listens deal with environmental issues, gender studies, and LGBTQ+ topics. Follow him on Twitter @mikecollina.

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