Hi, everyone!

It’s your Audible Editor Katie here, and I’m so excited to be taking over Now in YA from my friend Heather. Don’t worry, she hasn’t gone too far (in fact I can see her from where I’m typing this right now—hi, Heather!), and I promise to treat this newsletter with the same reverence that she did.

I’ve been a YA junkie since I was a young adult myself. What I love most about it is that it transcends so many other genres—fantasy, romance, horror, historical: they can all be YA! That plus, you know, the ever-present nostalgia factor of a great coming-of-age story

My tastes within YA are pretty varied. Throughout my time at Audible you may have seen me rave about the quirky grim reaper series Croak, obsess over Julia Whelan’s narration in The Conspiracy of Us trilogy, or detail my roadside breakdown while listening to Code Name Verity. I can’t wait to discover some new favorites with you all.

- Katie, Audible editor

About the Editor

Katie is drawn to stories with high stakes, strong female leads, and happily ever afters. When she’s not talking too much about her kiddos or The Bachelor, she’s writing. Follow her on Twitter @kdobooks.

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