I love a good mystery. Whether it's a police detective closing in on a criminal, hapless amateurs stumbling onto clues, or you, the reader, sussing out the details, there's nothing like the excitement and engagement of a well-done whodunit - whatever the form. My obsession, which may have started with all those choose your own adventure mystery books I once devoured, only grew as I did. And so did my desire to see myself in these stories. Thankfully, especially in recent years, there's no shortage of mysteries and thrillers with women as the driving force behind them - and not always on the virtuous side. That's what keeps it interesting and why we love them, right? So I've pulled together this list of 100 of my favorites (adding it to our 100 club).

We've got an array of popular subgenres from which to choose. Psychological thrillers with shifting perspectives and shifty states of mind. Police Procedurals that are very focused on solving the case. Suspense titles that'll keep you guessing. True Crime books that prove reality can often be more horrifying than fiction. Modern Detective tales that ground us in the contemporary world and a keen sense of the hero's inner workings. Classic Detective titles that harken back to a different time, with different sensibilities. And Espionage books to get your spy game on. Pick your poison below and find your next listen that's sure to make you shudder with delight. -- Abby, Audible Editor

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