• Finding Clarity: A Heartfelt Walk Around Lake Bled

  • Sep 27 2024
  • Duración: 16 m
  • Podcast

Finding Clarity: A Heartfelt Walk Around Lake Bled

  • Resumen

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Clarity: A Heartfelt Walk Around Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-clarity-a-heartfelt-walk-around-lake-bled Story Transcript:Sl: Jure je sedel na klopi in opazoval jezero Bled.En: Jure sat on the bench, observing Lake Bled.Sl: Veter je nežno zibala liste dreves, ki so se spremenili v čudovite barve jeseni.En: The wind gently swayed the leaves of the trees, which had turned into the beautiful colors of autumn.Sl: Zrak je bil svež, a ne hladen.En: The air was fresh, but not cold.Sl: Jure je bil domač v naravi, tukaj se je počutil svoboden.En: Jure felt at home in nature; here, he felt free.Sl: Vendar mu misli niso dale miru.En: Yet, his thoughts gave him no peace.Sl: Tanja je stopila poleg njega.En: Tanja stepped next to him.Sl: »Kako si?« ga je vprašala.En: "How are you?" she asked.Sl: Njene oči so sijale z vedrino, a tudi skrbjo.En: Her eyes shone with brightness but also concern.Sl: Poznala je Jureta že dolgo, vedela je, da nekaj teži njegovo srce.En: She had known Jure for a long time and knew that something was troubling his heart.Sl: »V redu sem, mislim,« je odvrnil Jure, a njegov pogled je ostal na obali jezera.En: "I'm okay, I think," Jure replied, but his gaze remained on the lake's shore.Sl: Tanja ni bila prepričana, a pustila je, da bo sam spregovoril.En: Tanja wasn't sure, but she let him speak on his own.Sl: Dolgo sta hodila po poti okoli jezera.En: They walked for a long time along the path around the lake.Sl: Pod njunimi stopali so šelesteli suhi listi, sonce je počasi zahajalo.En: Dry leaves rustled beneath their feet, and the sun slowly set.Sl: Bilo je božansko lepo in mirno.En: It was divinely beautiful and peaceful.Sl: Tanja je čutila, da želi Jure nekaj povedati. Ni hotela pritiskati.En: Tanja sensed that Jure wanted to say something but didn't want to pressure him.Sl: Končno, medtem ko sta se usedla ob vodi, je Jure spregovoril.En: Finally, as they sat by the water, Jure spoke.Sl: »Razmišljam o svojem življenju, Tanja.En: "I've been thinking about my life, Tanja.Sl: Imam težave doma,« je priznal.En: I have problems at home," he admitted.Sl: Stresel je z glavo, kot da bi se hotel znebiti teže svojih misli.En: He shook his head as if trying to rid himself of the weight of his thoughts.Sl: »Ne vem, kaj naj naredim. Torej...« njegov glas je bil tih in trepetajoč.En: "I don't know what to do. So..." his voice was quiet and trembling.Sl: Tanja je z razumevanjem prikimala.En: Tanja nodded with understanding.Sl: »Veš, da sem tukaj zate.En: "You know I'm here for you.Sl: Včasih je dobro govoriti,« ga je pomirjujoče spodbujala.En: Sometimes, it's good to talk," she encouraged soothingly.Sl: Jure je vdihnil globoko.En: Jure took a deep breath.Sl: »Moram se odločiti, ali ostanem s svojo partnerko.En: "I have to decide whether to stay with my partner.Sl: Nisem prepričan, ali je to prava pot zame.«En: I'm not sure if it's the right path for me."Sl: Tanja ga je pogledala naravnost v oči.En: Tanja looked him straight in the eyes.Sl: »Poslušaj svoje srce, Jure.En: "Listen to your heart, Jure.Sl: A ne beži pred težavami.En: But don't run from your problems.Sl: Sooči se z njimi.En: Face them.Sl: Mislim, da boš potem našel mir.«En: I think then you'll find peace."Sl: Besede so bile preproste, a so Janeza ganile.En: The words were simple, but they moved him.Sl: Čutil je, kako se je kamen v njegovem srcu nekoliko odrolal.En: He felt the stone in his heart loosen a little.Sl: Pogledal je nazaj proti jezeru, a zdaj z novo odločnostjo.En: He looked back at the lake, now with a new resolve.Sl: Ko sta se vračala iz svojega izleta, je Jure čutil, da ima načrt.En: As they returned from their outing, Jure felt that he had a plan.Sl: Odločil se je pogovoriti s svojo partnerko in odkriti, kaj si resnično želi.En: He decided to talk to his partner and discover what he truly wanted.Sl: Videl je prihodnost, ki je bila manj strašljiva.En: He saw a future that seemed less intimidating.Sl: Tanja je čutila olajšanje.En: Tanja felt relieved.Sl: Vesela je bila, da je prijatelju lahko pomagala.En: She was glad to have helped her friend.Sl: Vedela je, da je naslednji korak njegov, a tudi to, da bo vedno ob njem.En: She knew the next step was his, but also that she would always be by his side.Sl: Jesenski dan na Bledu se je končal, a Jure je našel smer.En: The autumn day at Bled ended, but Jure found direction.Sl: Jezero je bilo priča še eni zgodbi o prijateljstvu in pogumu.En: The lake had witnessed another story of friendship and courage. Vocabulary Words:observing: opazovalgently: nežnoswayed: zibalatroubling: težigaze: pogledshore: obalarustled: šelestelidivinely: božanskoencouraged: spodbujalatrembling: trepetajočresolve: odločnostadmitted: priznalpeace: mirwitnessed: pričaconcern: skrboutgoing: izletasoothingly: pomirjujočepartner: partnerkadecide: ...
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