
  • Vaping: prevalence, risks, and helping your teenager quit - 電子煙:流行率、風險及幫助青少年戒煙
    Jul 16 2024
    Major regulatory changes in 2024 have brought about restricted access to vaping products in Australia. The crackdown on what is dubbed a “major public health issue” could lead to an increased number of teens seeking support to overcome the nicotine addiction, experts think. Learn about the health risks and ways to help young people in their quitting journey. - 2024 年的重大監管變化中,限制了澳洲電子煙產品的使用。專家認為,這項「重大公共衛生」決策,可能導致更多青少年希望在克服尼古丁成癮的問題上,尋求支持。不妨多了解當中的健康風險,以及幫助年輕人戒煙的方法。
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  • What is road rage and how to deal with it? - 甚麼是路怒症及如何應對?
    Jul 9 2024
    Aggressive driving is a continuum of bad driving behaviours which increase crash risk and can escalate to road rage. People who engage in road rage may be liable for traffic offences in Australia, have their car insurance impacted and most importantly put their lives and those of others at risk. Learn about the expectations around safe, responsible driving and what to do when you or a loved one are involved in a road rage incident. - 持續氣盛易怒的一種具攻擊性駕駛態度,被視為一種不良的駕駛行為,這會增加撞車意外的風險,並有可能發展為「路怒症」(Road Rage)。在澳洲患有路怒症的人,或要對交通違規行為負上責任,亦會令其汽車保險受影響,更重要的是會對其生命和其他人的生命構成風險。因此需要了解駕駛安全、責任及當你或親人捲入路怒事件如何應對。
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  • Why are Indigenous protocols important for all Australians? - 為何原住民禮儀對澳洲人那麼重要?
    Jul 2 2024
    Observing the cultural protocols of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is an important step towards understanding and respecting the First Australians and the land we all live on. - 遵守原住民和托勒斯島民的文化習俗,是理解和尊重原住民和我們賴以生存土地的重要一環。
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  • How to lodge your tax return in Australia - 【說明手冊】如何在澳洲報稅
    Jun 26 2024
    In Australia, 30 June marks the end of the financial year and the start of tax time. Knowing your obligations and rebates you qualify for, helps avoid financial penalties and mistakes. Learn what to do if you received family support payments, worked from home, are lodging a tax return for the first time, or need free independent advice. - 在澳洲,6月30 日標誌著財政年度的結束及報稅季節的開始。了解自己的義務及退稅的資格,有助於避免罰款及錯誤。了解在以下情況下該怎麼做:如果你領取家庭的財政支持、在家工作、首次報稅,或者需要免費的獨立諮詢。
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  • Exploring the rewards and opportunities of teaching in Australia  - 探索在澳洲教學的回報和機會
    Jun 13 2024
    Teaching in Australia offers stable career and professional growth opportunities, making it an attractive field for aspiring educators and career changers. - 澳洲的教學工作提供穩定的職業和專業發展機會,吸引有抱負的教育工作者,或想轉換職業的人士加入這個行列。
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  • Indigenous art: Connection to Country and a window to the past - 原住民藝術:與土地的聯繫及了解過去
    Jun 12 2024
    Embracing their oral traditions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have used art as a medium to pass down their cultural stories, spiritual beliefs, and essential knowledge of the land. - 原住民及托勒斯島民秉承口述傳統,以藝術為媒介,傳承他們的文化故事、精神信仰及土地的基本知識。
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  • Facing religious discrimination at work? These are your options - 在職場感受到「宗教歧視」有甚麼方法應對?
    Jun 5 2024
    Australia is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which provides extensive protections to religious freedom. However, specific legislated protections vary across jurisdictions. If you have experienced religious discrimination at work, it is important to know your options, whether you are considering submitting a complaint or pursuing the matter in court. - 澳洲是《公民與政治權利國際公約》的締約國,該公約為宗教自由提供了廣泛的保護。不過,不同的司法權對具體立法保護措施也有所不同。如果你在工作中遭遇到宗教歧視,無論你是考慮提交投訴還是向法院提出訴訟,知道自己有的選擇非常重要。
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  • Australia’s coffee culture explained - 認識澳洲的咖啡文化
    May 29 2024
    Australians are coffee-obsessed, so much so that Melbourne is often referred to as the coffee capital of the world. Getting your coffee order right is serious business, so let’s get you ordering coffee like a connoisseur. - 澳洲人對咖啡情有獨鍾,以至於墨爾本經常被稱爲世界上的「咖啡之都」。要正確點一杯咖啡是一件嚴肅的事,所以讓我們來分享,讓你能像行家一樣點咖啡。
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