
  • What is road rage and how to deal with it? - 【解读澳洲】什么是路怒症?如何应对?
    Jul 11 2024
    Aggressive driving is a continuum of bad driving behaviours which increase crash risk and can escalate to road rage. People who engage in road rage may be liable for traffic offences in Australia, have their car insurance impacted and most importantly put their lives and those of others at risk. Learn about the expectations around safe, responsible driving and what to do when you or a loved one are involved in a road rage incident. - 驾驶时的粗鲁无礼往往会升级为道路上的攻击行为。 您能识别出攻击性驾驶的迹象吗?您知道如何最好地处理路怒事件吗?或者它会如何影响您的汽车保险? 在本期解读澳洲中,我们将探讨在澳大利亚安全、负责任的驾驶标准,以及如果您或您所爱的人卷入路怒事件,应采取哪些措施。(点击音频收听详细内容)
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    9 m
  • Why are Indigenous protocols important for all Australians? - 【解读澳洲】为什么原住民礼仪对每个人都很重要?
    Jul 2 2024
    Observing the cultural protocols of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is an important step towards understanding and respecting the First Australians and the land we all live on. - 遵守澳大利亚原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民的文化礼仪是理解和尊重我们赖以生存的土地的传统所有者的重要一步。 本期的《解读澳洲》介绍了一些重要的礼仪,这些礼仪会影响我们的行为,并尊重澳大利亚原住民所拥有的独特知识和地位。(点击音频收听详细内容)
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    8 m
  • How to recycle electronic items and batteries in Australia - 【解读澳洲】在澳大利亚如何回收电子产品和电池
    Jun 18 2024
    Many common household items such as mobile phones, TVs, computers, chargers, and other electronic devices, including their batteries, contain valuable materials that can be repurposed for new products. Electronic items we no longer use, or need are considered e-waste. Across Australia, there are government-backed programs available that facilitate the safe disposal and recycling of e-waste at no cost. - 您如何处理家中已达到使用寿命的电子产品? 澳大利亚各地禁止将电子垃圾填埋。 这意味着您不能将电视、电脑、手机、电池、智能设备以及几乎任何可以插入电源的东西扔进普通垃圾箱。 但所有这些产品都有回收的途径。 让我们了解一下可以免费处理您不想要的电子产品和电池的选项。(点击音频收听详细内容)
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    8 m
  • Indigenous art: Connection to Country and a window to the past - 原住民艺术是与国家的联系和通往过去的一扇窗户
    Jun 12 2024
    Embracing their oral traditions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have used art as a medium to pass down their cultural stories, spiritual beliefs, and essential knowledge of the land. - 原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民拥抱他们的口头艺术传统,将艺术作为媒介来传承他们的文化故事、精神信仰和对土地的基本知识。 艺术也是一个窗口,通过它,人们可以更深入地了解他们独特的文化和创造性传统。 本集将探讨原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民如何通过不同的艺术形式拥抱他们的口头艺术传统。(点击音频收听详细内容)
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    10 m
  • Facing religious discrimination at work? These are your options - 【解读澳洲】在工作中面临宗教歧视时该怎么办?
    Jun 10 2024
    Australia is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which provides extensive protections to religious freedom. However, specific legislated protections vary across jurisdictions. If you have experienced religious discrimination at work, it is important to know your options, whether you are considering submitting a complaint or pursuing the matter in court. - 在澳大利亚,针对基于宗教的工作场所歧视的立法因司法管辖区而异。 在某些情况下,限制工人信奉宗教的自由也可能是合法的。 无论是考虑向相关部门投诉还是通过法律途径解决,如果您在工作中遭遇宗教歧视,了解自己的选择非常重要。
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    8 m
  • Australia’s coffee culture explained - 【解读澳洲】澳大利亚的咖啡文化
    Jun 10 2024
    Australians are coffee-obsessed, so much so that Melbourne is often referred to as the coffee capital of the world. Getting your coffee order right is serious business, so let’s get you ordering coffee like a connoisseur. - 澳大利亚人对咖啡非常痴迷,以至于墨尔本经常被称为世界咖啡之都。 点咖啡是一件要认真对待的事情,下面我们将详细介绍咖啡馆的菜单。
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    9 m
  • What were the Australian Wars and why is history not acknowledged? - 【解读澳洲】为什么澳大利亚战争在历史上不被承认?
    May 20 2024
    The Frontier Wars is a term often used to describe the more than 100 years of violent conflicts between colonial settlers and the Indigenous peoples that occurred during the British settlement of Australia. Even though Australia honours its involvement in wars fought overseas, it is yet to acknowledge the struggle that made it the country it is today. - 边境战争(The Frontier Wars)这个术语经常用来描述英国殖民澳大利亚期间殖民地定居者与原住民之间发生的长达一百多年的暴力冲突。 尽管澳大利亚是一个以参与海外战争为荣的国家,但它尚未承认正是那些边境战争造就了今天的国家。 内容警告:本集包含可能会让某些听众感到不安的暴力内容。
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    11 m
  • Mushroom foraging in Australia: Is it safe? - 【解读澳洲】在澳大利亚采集蘑菇如何保证安全?
    May 9 2024
    In Australia, authorities strongly advise against eating mushrooms that have not been expertly identified or purchased from a supermarket or grocer, as some fungi can be toxic or deadly if consumed. In each State and Territory, rules and regulations vary, and mushroom foraging is not allowed in some areas. - 采摘蘑菇在世界许多地方都很流行,但最近抵达澳大利亚的移民可能不知道在澳大利亚采摘野生真菌所涉及的风险。 如果不了解区分安全品种和有害品种,采摘蘑菇可能非常危险,因为某些真菌如果食用可能会有毒或致命。 在澳大利亚采集蘑菇是否安全、哪里允许采摘蘑菇以及如何采摘呢?
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    9 m