
  • 00.美音磨耳朵28句(词汇简单)
    Feb 17 2021

    文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”


    一、每个句子都会播放两遍常速发音 + 一遍慢速发音 + 一遍常速发音。




    I really want them to be successful.



    I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.



    Volunteering here is adream come true for me.



    she could read by herself at the age of four.



    I don't think that's fair.



    The man was saved by the doctors in time.



    Mary is a book lover.



    But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him.



    Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor.



    How do you know?



    She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read.



    He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital.



    A woman next to him was shouting for help.



    Too much pressure is not good for a child's development.



    It's crazy!



    Do you think it comes from a newspaper?



    She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital.



    He got off and asked the woman what happened.



    Mario believes he can help him to get his future dream job.



    And they're always comparing them with other children.



    But the driver didn't think about himself.



    Maybe you should learn to relax.



    But I want to learn more about how to care for animals.



    He only thought about saving a life.



    Many of them are learning exam skills, so that they can get into a good high school.



    However, the tired children don't get home until after 7 PM.



    He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning.



    People shouldn't push their kids so hard.


    Más Menos
    11 m
  • 01.美音磨耳朵50句
    Feb 11 2021
    文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词语提示4.admit 承认5.allergy 过敏症15.rufused17.fall ill20.still,jump into action22.letter25.workers28.incredibly 非常30.conscience 良心33.crawled 爬行34.sharp 剧烈climatic changes 气候变化36.charm 吉祥物、魔法37.temperature温度38.Greek god 希腊神45.hilarious 滑稽47.ignored提示一、每个句子都会播放两遍常速发音 + 一遍慢速发音 + 一遍常速发音。二、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。三、一定要坚持!加油!1We're just sixteen.我们才十六岁。2I simply didn't have the answer.我根本没有答案。3But I shouldn't get back home anymore.但我不该再回家。4Now I have to admit my father isn't a bad guy.现在我不得不承认我的父亲并不是一个坏人。5It was similar to my childhood allergy.这和我儿时的过敏症很相似。6I couldn't believe how well my plan had worked.我简直不敢相信我的计划完美地奏效了。7We don't have heating.我们没有暖气。8I wasn't ready yet.我还没准备好。9We get in touch every evening.我们每天晚上都联系。10The island was perfect for me.这个岛对我来说是完美的。11It was a mystery to me.这对我来说是个谜。12And I don't know how long we 'll be together.我不知道我们会在一起多久。13My mom is still quite young.我妈妈还很年轻。14I was very surprised.我很惊讶。15She refused to work for free.她拒绝免费工作。16And they let me go.他们让我走了。17I started to fall ill a little more often.我开始更经常生病了。18And I'm not talking about my new friends我不是在说我的新朋友。19She hasn't even turned fifty yet.她还没满50岁呢。20Still I decided not to jump into action just yet.我还是决定不立即行动。21I like spending time with him but I didn't want to be around him all the time.我喜欢和他在一起,但我不想一直围着他转。22My hands were really shaking when I took the letter and opened it.当我掌起信打开时,我的手真的在颤抖。23I was already eighteen.我已经十八岁了。24But I won't let him go anyway.但无论如何我不会让他走的。25I thought it was some workers washing the windows我以为是一些工人在擦窗户。26Suddenly an idea came to me.突然间我想到了一个主意。27Here is much better than anywhere else.这里比其他地方好多了。28I got incredibly upset.我非常沮丧。29Do you believe in magic?你相信魔法吗?30Conscience wouldn't let me do it.良心不让我这么做。31I was not happy.我并不开心。32My fingers turn black in front of my eyes.我的手指在眼前变黑了。33Well. I crawled out of my bed.我从床上爬起来。34But no one understood the reason for such sharp climatic changes.但是没有人知道气候变化如此剧烈的原因。35Little by little, he's going back to normal.渐渐地,他恢复成正常的样子。36My plan worked like a charm.我的计划奏效了。37Temperature became normal.温度恢复正常。38I'd say he looks like a Greek god.我觉得他看起来像希腊神。39He knew someone who could get me exactly what I needed.他认识一个可以完全满足我需求的人。40I don't know what happens now.我不知道现在发生了什么。41It was so sad.真是令人伤心。42I knew that the process would be long but | was ready to wait.我知道这个过程会很长,但我已经准备好等待。43I felt very well here.我在这里感觉很好。44There was a note.有张纸条。45It was hilarious.真是好笑。46Everything was fine.一切都很好。47Every time she told me what to do,I just close the door to my room and ignored her.每一次她告诉我要做什么,我就把房门关上。48I found a local boyfriend.我找到了一个当地的男朋友。49My friends know about my hobby.我的朋友知道我的爱好。50No one noticed anything special about me.没人注意到我有什么特别之处。
    Más Menos
    16 m
  • 02.英音美音磨耳朵100句
    Feb 11 2021

    文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”


    3.punish 贪婪吃喝

    5.verses 诗句,scan well

    6.exhaustion 耗尽

    10.mend 修理

    12.wine,aromatic flavor 香味浓郁

    15.representative 有代表性

    18.potted 射杀,partridge鹌鹑

    21.soluted 敬礼

    26.artificial 人工的

    29.lapped 折叠、一周

    30.offence 生气

    31.passport,expire 期满

    32.eagle 鹰

    33.domestic 家庭的

    34.folk 人们,satisfied

    37.monitor 班长

    30.refuse 拆除


    41.proposed,debate 辩论



    46.megabucks 百万美元


    49.hugging 抱

    52.adolesence 青春期


    55.mineral water 矿泉水

    57.twist 转折

    59.forbid 禁止

    60.hopeless situation

    61.dealt,blow 打击

    65.expect,act on square 公平


    69.mainly,salary 工资


    79.beneficial effect

    80.coach 客车





    85.insure,residence 住房


    87.horse,stampede the ground 蹬地,nervously

    89.disturbing 令人烦恼的

    91.shave the lawn 修草坪

    92.seat,trousers 裤子

    94.absent 缺席

    97.sailing over the bushes 越过树丛

    99.form a soft dough 面团

    100.duty rota 值班表,pinned up

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 03.英音美音磨耳朵99句
    Feb 11 2021

    文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”


    3.caution 谨慎

    5.attempt 企图

    6.pretended 假装,box her ears

    7.granted 同意,terminal 学期

    10.spare 饶恕,injure

    14.pricks 刺,skin 皮肤,sting 针

    15.flat 平

    18.waist 腰

    20.kiln 窑

    22.guarded 守护,identity 身份

    23.director 领导



    30.abruptly 突然、意外

    31.cirlular 圆

    32.roar 吼叫

    35.stick 针,chair

    39.pipes 管,leak 漏

    41.howled 咆哮

    42.guard,relayed 轮换


    44.courage 勇气


    46.felt like 想要

    48.wound 伤


    51.mourned 哀悼,valiant men 勇士

    53.plastic 塑形,surgery 手术

    55.prayers 祈祷


    61.posters 张贴

    64.tire her dreadfully 惹她生气


    67.folks 父母

    68.engineer,detonate 引爆

    69.theatre 戏剧,arranged

    70.swear 发誓、诅咒

    71.fever 发烧

    72.cropped up 涉及

    76.pretty 漂亮

    77.competence 能力




    83.garlic 大蒜

    84.cervix 子宫,dilated 扩大

    85.be green to


    87.keened 哭诉,sorrow 悲伤



    92.adopted,lecture 演讲,audience 听众

    95.brought up,polite 礼貌



    98.lager 啤酒

    99.awkward 不方便

    Más Menos
    28 m
  • 04.英音美音磨耳朵49句
    Feb 12 2021
    文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示5.fancy 倾慕7.master 掌握,emotion8.feasted 享用10.exceptionlly tough 异常艰苦13.incident,character 品质14.bought15.loyalty 忠诚17.lacked,confidence20.belly 肚22.blank 空洞23.criminal 罪犯,condemned 宣判25.swell 增强27.mice 老鼠29.constantly30.assembled 集合31.knob 球形把手32.hit the roof 大怒34.tinker 修补,gadgets 小装置37.arches 桥东40.novel 小说,was adapted for 被改编41.Torrid Zone 热带43.bared its gums 龇牙45.secret46.gym 健身房47.flew49.effort 努力提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1The car has arrived.车子来了。2He went without my knowledge.他没有让我知道就去了。3It's your turn to go now.轮到你来玩了。4She's a doctor.她是个医生。5He clearly didn't fancy me.他明显对我不感兴趣。6He may be 55, but he's young in mind.尽管他有55岁了,但人老心不老。7You must master your emotions.你必须控制住自己的感情。8We feasted on nuts and candies and cake.我们尽情享用坚果、糖果和蛋糕。9I used to wine with my meals.我过去吃饭时常常配点酒喝。10They've had an exceptionally tough life.他们的一生异常艰苦。11A bright star was shining in the East.东方闪烁着一颗明亮的星。12He modeled himself on his father.他把他的父亲作为自己的楷模。13Incident often brings out character.小事情往往显露品质。14I bought it ready-made.我买的是现成货。15Their loyalty only went so far.他们的忠诚只能到这个程度。16The walls were bare.墙壁光秃秃的。17They still lacked confidence.他们信心还不足。18We'll support you,come what may.不管怎样,我们都会支持你。19Charles got a shock when he saw him.查尔斯看到他时,心里一震。20He has a large belly.他大腹便便。21You've thought of everything!你想到了每件事!22She gave him a blank look.她漠然地看了他一眼。23The criminal was condemned to death.这个罪犯被判死刑。24He was sudden in his actions.他行动迅速。25His anger swelled when he heard.他一听说这个就怒火上升。26It was nice to see Steve again.很高兴又见到了史蒂夫。27I guess there are mice in the kitchen.我猜想厨房里有老鼠。28You say the strangest things sometimes.有时候你说的话非常奇怪。29My parents were constantly in touch.我父母一直保持联系。30The children were assembled in hundred.数百名孩子被集合起来。31This knob goes here.这个球形把手要装在这里。32He hit the roof when I told him.我告诉他时,他勃然大怒。33The machine was at last got to start.机器最后还是给发动起来了。34He likes to tinker at broken gadgets.他喜欢弄坏掉的小器具。35If you lose your way,ask a policeman.你如果迷路了,就找警察问路。36I believe the boy is telling the truth.我认为那个男孩说的是真话。37The bridge has three arches.这座桥有三个拱洞。38There is not a silver hair on her head.她头上没有一个银发。39He has fallen fast asleep.他已酣睡40His novel was adapted for television.他的小说被改编成了电视剧。41Some people live in Torrid Zone.有些人生活在热带。42The children are still wide awake.孩子们仍然完全醒着。43The dog bared its gums at me.狗呲着牙冲我叫。44oh yes?(表示不知情)哦,真的吗?45He leaked my secret.他把我的秘密泄露了。46How often do you go to the gym?你多长时间去一次健身房?47She flew out to join him in Africa.她飞去非洲与他汇合。48The idea came to him in his bath.他洗澡时想出了这个主意。49May your efforts tell in your studies.愿你的努力在学习上取得战果。
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • 05.英音美音磨耳朵49句
    Feb 12 2021
    文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示4.rather damp 相当潮湿7.bound 8.deceive 欺骗10.screaming 尖叫11.acquired 获得12.parade 游行,jammed 阻塞14.coat 大衣15.staved in 撞破18.mayor 市长19.ruined,wheat crop 小麦20.passion 激情21.square 古板24.paused 停顿25.lengths 身位长度26.pulling the string 幕后操纵28.spring-sowing season 春播季节29.bitter 苦30.quieted the engine 关闭发动机32.flooded 淹没34.plenty,absence 缺席35.superb36.adjusted38.bear 忍受41.feather 羽毛,floated 飘42.disapproval 反对44.thick 交情深厚46.at a stand 陷入僵局48.pronounce 发音提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1He dated her on Wednesday nights.他常在星期三晚上同她约会。2He writes children's stories.他写童话故事。3She's dying of cancer.她患了癌症,就要不久于人世了。4It is rather damp in the basement.地下室很潮湿。5He reviewed the whole of his past life.他回顾了他的整个一生。6I have nothing to do with her.我跟她一点关系也没有。7The book was bound in paper covers.这本书是平装的。8It was wrong of you to deceive him.你不应该欺骗他。9At six o'clock the motor started up.6点钟时马达开动起来。10He was screaming for help.他正尖声叫喊救命。11She has acquired some odd habits.她养成了一些奇怪的习惯。12The parade jammed traffic all over town.游行队伍阻塞了全市的交通。13He is long in returning.他迟迟归来。14His coat is worth hundreds of dollars.他的大衣值好几百美元。15The side of the boat had been staved in.那艘船的侧面已被凿穿。16Francine has taken a fancy to you.弗朗辛看上你了。17He got there earlier than we did.他到得比我们早。18My uncle was the mayor of Memphis.我叔叔是孟菲斯市市长。19The storm ruined our wheat crop.暴风雨毁坏了我们的小麦。20Passion kept us together.激情让我们聚在一起。21He's a bit of a square.他有点古板。22I listened to their conversation.我倾听他们的谈话。23The trains don't run on Sundays.火车星期天不开。24He paused and thought for a moment.他停下来想了一会。25We won by two lengths.我们领先两个身位胜利。26Who's pulling the strings?谁在幕后操纵?27Do you know your way around?你精熟业务吗?28The spring-sowing season has set in.春播季节到来了29Good medicines taste bitter.良药苦口。30Boon walked in and quieted the engine.布恩走进来,关掉发动机。31Is she ready or not?她准备好了没有?32The river has flooded the village.河水淹没了村庄。33That's just like him.他就是这么个人。34He'd been plenty busy during my absence.我不在的时候他十分忙碌。35The athlete made a superb jump.运动员做了一个出色的跳跃。36I adjusted my watch to local time.我把表调整到了当地时间。37Allow me to say a few words.让我说两句。38She could not bear me to be away.她不忍我离去。39The kingdom's power declined.王国的势力衰落了。40He touched the bell.他按铃。41The feather floated through the air.羽毛在空中飞舞。42He shook his head in disapproval.他摇了摇头表示反对。43We leave the day after tomorrow.我们后天离开。44She is thick with him.她和他很要好。45I can run a mile in five minutes.我可以在5分钟里跑1英里。46The business is at a stand.生意萧条。47Part-time work is hard to find.兼职工作不好找。48How do you pronounce this word?这个词你怎么念?49May I see your boarding card first?我可不可以先看看您的登机牌?
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • 06.英音美音磨耳朵65句(旅行交通)
    Feb 12 2021
    文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”词汇提示1.took turns 轮流2.tunnel 隧道3.shore 岸5.load this truck 装车10.bowed 弯腰14.caught 赶车15.steep 陡18.loaded22.jogged 碰撞25.lame 跛足28.aircraft,fuel 加油30.Rolls Poyles 劳斯莱斯35.fell off 跌落37.horn 喇叭、号角38.is knock down 被撞倒39.crow in 挤进40.hire 租41.flew,jet42.dived 潜、俯冲,steeply44.flew down45.thrill48.bombing along49.bound for 开往53.at a tremendous rate54.anchored 抛锚,shore 55.listed 倾斜56.swaying 摇晃57.boat58.a stiff breeze 强风,bag out 鼓起60.toughed the ground 搁浅61.farther62.smooth stride 平稳的脚步65.circuit 环形提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1We took turns to drive the car.我们轮流开车。2The train went through a tunnel.这列火车穿过一条隧道。3They walked down to the shore.他们往下走到了岸边。4There is an underground car park.这里有一个地下停车场。5It is time to load this truck.该装车了。6well,I have to go- my ride is here.好了,我该走了,让我搭车的人来了。7I love travelling on train.我喜欢乘火车旅行。8Can you help me get my car going?你能帮我把车发起来吗?9How long is the flight?这次航班飞多久?10He was bowed into a taxi.他被点头哈腰地送上出租车。11I missed the bus and had to walk home.我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。12You nearly got hit by that car!你差点被车撞了!13We went there by coach.我们是坐长途汽车去那里的。14He caught the slow train to Birmingham.他赶上去伯明翰的慢车。15That hill's far too steep to cycle up.那个坡太陡了,自行车根本骑不上去。16The car ran clear off the road.车子完全驶离了道路。17I followed him for some distance.我跟着他走了一段路程。18The cargo was loaded onto another ship.货物被撞倒了另外一条船上。19The bus went past without stopping.公交车经过的时候没有停。20Shall we walk or take a cab?我们步行还是坐计程车?21We took a taxi to save time.我们坐了辆出租车以节省时间。22The truck jogged up and down.那辆卡车颠簸行进。23The country road rides hard.乡村路上车不好骑。24The train was 40 minutes late.火车晚点了40分钟。25His lame is the result of an accident.他的跛足是一次车祸的结果。26Our car had a flat tire.我们那辆汽车有一只轮胎漏了气。27They rode up the hill in a jeep.他们坐了一辆吉普车往山上开去。28All aircraft must fuel before flight.所有飞机飞行前都必须加油。29She drove by in her new car.她开着新车驶过。30Rolls Royces are very expensive.劳斯莱斯汽车价格昂贵。31Don't drink and drive.别喝了酒开车。32I lost my train by three minutes.我迟了3分钟,没赶上火车。33The parking area is for members only.停车设施仅供会员使用。34She was driving at 30 miles an hour.她以每小时30英里的速度驱车前行。35He fell off his bike.他从自行车上摔了下来。36The train arrived dead on time.火车准点到达。37A motor horn sounded.有辆车鸣喇叭了。38The man is knock down by the bicycle.这个男人被自行车撞到了。39They had managed to crowd into a train.他们勉强挤上了一列火车。40 This car is for hire.这辆车是供租用的。41We flew to New York by jet.我们乘喷气式飞机到了纽约。42The aircraft dived steeply.那架飞机垂直俯冲下来。43The plane was shot down in error.飞机被错误地击落了。44He flew down the road in a car.他开着汽车沿那条路飞驰而去。45I get a real thrill from speed.飞速驾车会让我兴奋不已。46He flew from London to Paris.他从伦敦飞往了巴黎。47The planes flew through the clouds.飞机穿越云层。48He was bombing along on his motorbike.他正骑着摩托车飞驰。49I boarded the plane bound for Boston.我登上了飞往波士顿的航班。50We drove along the dusty road.我们在尘土飞扬的路上行驶。51His plane lands at six-thirty.
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • 07.英音美音磨耳朵67句(家用电器)
    Feb 12 2021
    文稿下载 加 公众号 “高效英语磨耳朵”提示一、每一个句子都播放2遍美式发音和2遍英式发音。二、同时听不同口音的好处是更加贴近真实的英文环境,高效提升你英语听力的敏锐度。三、自己觉得比较陌生的句子,要反复听。四、一定要坚持!加油!1The telegram asked for an instant reply.这封电报要求立即回复。2The note supplied a phone number.那字条提供了一个电话号码。3I mended the computer for her.我帮她修了电脑。4He often goes to school by trolleybus.他经常乘无轨电车上学。5Is the telephone working todays?电话今天能用吗?6I made a few phone calls.我打了几个电话。7The television's not working properly.这台电视机运转不正常。8Sorry,the lift is out of service.对不起,电梯停用了。9She was burning to buy a computer.她很想买台电脑。10Cleaning the oven is such a performance.清理烤箱真是一件苦差。11Turn the oven on low.把烤箱调到低火。12I burned myself on the oven door.我被烤箱门烫伤了。13Turn the oven to a low heat.把烤箱调到低火。14Put it in a hot oven.把它放入炙热的烤箱里。15The new-type TV set sells well.这种新型电视销路很好。16I hung up the phone and started to cry.我挂掉电话,开始哭了起来。17where can I find a telephone booth?我在哪里可以找到电话亭?18The TV was on.电视开着。19He arrived just after you called.就在你打电话之后他到了。20I spoke to him by telephone.我通过电话跟他讲话。21Leave the jelly in the fridge to set.把果冻放在冰箱里凝固。22Repairs to the cable did not take long.电缆维修没花太长时间。23The customer called to cancel.顾客打电话来取消。24If necessary,give me a ring.如果需要,给我打个电话。25Right,let's go to our next caller.好,我们来接听下一个电话。26I phoned your office the other day.几天前,我往你的办公室打电话。27He telephoned us that he would be late.他打电话来说他将迟到。28Taka the elevator to the 51st floor.电梯乘到51层。29I had a phone call from Mary.我接到了玛丽的电话。30This is my home phone number.这是我家的电话号码。31Our phone isn't working.我们的电话坏了。32My phone is being tapped.有人在窃听我的电话。33They flashed a torch in his face.他们用手电筒照了他的脸。34Wire one end of the cable to the plug.把电缆的一端接在插头上。35The damaged wire blew out the cooker.电线坏了,电饭锅不能使用了。36Who turned the TV on?谁开的电视?37This is a refrigerator or distinction.这是一台优质电冰箱。38She is on the telephone at the moment.她正在打电话呢。39I went downstairs to answer the phone.我下楼去接电话。40Get the exchange to call their number.让总机给他们打电话。41The radio batteries are running low.收音机的电池快用完了。42They are switching the tram.他们使电车换了轨道。43He was in floods of tears on the phone.他在电话里大哭。44You hold the torch while I look inside.他拿着手电筒,我看看里面。45You've got the wrong number.你打错电话了。46Do ring if you want to talk about it.如果你想谈谈这件事,就给我打电话。47The electricity had been cut off.电让人切断了。48we have repaired the motor.我们已经修好了电机。49I've just got a couple of calls to make.我正要打几个电话。50She hurried to answer the phone.她匆忙去接电话。51I could always call the local doctor.我随时可以给当地医生打电话。52I must phone my parents.我一定要给父母打电话。53The phone suddenly went dead.电话突然不能用了。54He's got an ancient laptop.他有一台老掉牙的电脑。55Thank you very much for your call.非常感谢您打来电话。56Why was his wire busy?为什么他的电话老占线?57Please turn the electric fan on.请打开电风扇。58Put the milk back in the fridge.请把这些牛奶放回冰箱去。59She can mend the fridge by herself.她能自己有冰箱。60Milk keeps much longer in a fridge.牛奶放在冰箱里保鲜时间会更长。61
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