
  • Helping make Christians Healthy and Wealthy
    Nov 3 2021

    We had some fun with this episode!

    Yes, 5 Solas Studios will actually be trying to help make Christians more healthy and wealthy. But no, this is no health-wealth, name-it claim it prosperity garbage. On the contrary, everything that we are sharing in this podcast we have learned through years worth of chronic suffering.

    However, we share a similar sentiment as the apostle Paul when he said, “If we are afflicted, it is for your comfort.” (2 Co 1:6) These things that we have learned through patiently enduring various chronic illnesses, we trust in the Lord that they will be used to be a rich blessing to you and your family.

    We will discuss everything—from how the human body works, to proper water filtration, to eating from proper non-GMO organic food sources, to using proper dietary supplements and the importance of digestive aids, to the vital importance of grounding (aka earthing) in the 21st century, to protecting and healing ourselves from various man-made environmental things which are wreaking havoc on our health and are utterly destroying our bodies. And yes, that will include those things which we are forbidden from speaking of related to the technological and biological warfare that we are experiencing as we all face a globalist communist revolution.

    I also recently discovered a good financial investment that could be very helpful to those who would like to get out of debt, but need some help…like our family does. So, I just wanted to briefly pass along this opportunity to you.

    All kinds of good practical wisdom in here, but none of it is to help you live a life of comfort and ease before you die. This is practical help for all of my fellow pilgrim-soldiers who are laboring to advance the kingdom of God.

    We hope this assists you as you go on your way in the Lord!

    Links from the show:

    Get $5 of $SHIB with Webull Crypto! Use my referral link to join. Initiate one crypto trade and both of us can get $5 of $SHIB! https://a.webull.com/fclZ7c4DuNmTbxD36o

    Alan Maher Designs & Health (EMF & EMR Mitigation) https://www.amdesignshealth.com

    Earthing (Grounding Mats and Productions) https://www.earthing.com

    doTERRA Essential Oils my.doterra.com/katyboland

    Patreon https://www.patreon.com/5SolasStudios

    Visit 5 Solas Studios at: 5solasstudios.com

    Más Menos
    2 h y 24 m
  • When Christians Suffer
    Oct 27 2021

    In this fallen world there are a myriad of different insurmountable and horrific ways to chronically suffer or die...or oftentimes, both.

    In this episode, we’ll look at 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:5 to set the stage, and then we’ll go verse-by-verse through all of Romans chapter 8.

    Christians need to be equipped with a theology of suffering in order to help sustain them, as the difficult days we’re currently living in continue to wear on us (now a-year-and-a-half into ‘The Great Reset’), and which are likely to grow more and more difficult and wearisome in the future…for a season.

    So, please join us for this very important episode!

    Visit 5 Solas Studios at: 5solasstudios.com

    Más Menos
    2 h y 38 m
  • God is the Gospel — What Makes the Gospel Good News
    Oct 13 2021

    Over 2 1/2 hours of nothing but gospel! What better way could you possibly spend your time them basking in the infinite glory of the triune God as he has revealed himself to us in the gospel?

    Make no mistake about it: This is relevant to all of the tyranny and cultural insanity happening out in the world, as well as being relevant to all of the suffering and false doctrine in the church.

    I hope you all are greatly blessed, and that your hearts would be refreshed, your minds renewed, and that your souls would be lifted up in worship as you fix your eyes on the glory of Christ.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

    Visit 5 Solas Studios at: 5solasstudios.com

    Más Menos
    2 h y 43 m
  • Federal Vision — A Plague in the Postmil Camp
    Oct 6 2021

    Since the Lord has graciously used me to help bring so many people into a Postmillennial understanding of Scripture, I feel a certain weight of responsibility to now warn those people of some various dangerous doctrines which are taught and defended within the Postmil camp.

    My aim in this is love. I really wish somebody had warned me about what various strange hermeneutics and doctrines were being being taught, and who’s books to beware of. So, I am attempting to do for others as I wish others would have done for me.

    That said, I am not going to get wrapped up in endless Federal Vision debates. I said what I said in this episode. This is my official position on the matter. It is not open to discussion. I simply offer this episode as a friendly warning to fellow Christian pilgrim travelers who happen to wonder into the Postmil camp in order that they might not theologically stumble.

    As for the guys in Moscow: I want to state up front that I have nothing but love and goodwill toward them…even if they do not have the same toward me. So, in calling two leaders to come further in the right theological direction and separate themselves from those caught up in serious error, I do so in love. I welcome with open arms all who are seeking to glorify God by their growth in repentance in both doctrine and personal holiness—that the saints might rejoice with increased thanksgiving and with great joy, and that God would be glorified in heaven and on earth through the body of Christ, the church.

    To that end, I pray that the hearers of this podcast would be blessed, and that God would have mercy on his people and grant repentance where needed. To the degree that that is accomplished, to God alone be the glory!

    Más Menos
    2 h y 49 m
  • Putting the Evangel Back in Evangelicalism — 5 Solas Studios Returns!
    Sep 30 2021

    5 Solas Studios is back!!!

    All kinds of exciting topics are covered in this new episode. We’ll talk about the ministry of 5 Solas Studios, the gospel, tyranny, Postmillennialism, Federal Vision, the 1689, and more. Don’t miss it!

    Visit 5 Solas Studios at: 5solasstudios.com

    Más Menos
    2 h y 42 m
  • The Fiery Furnace of Theocracy …And an Important Ministry Update!
    Jul 23 2021

    Here’s a surprise bonus episode for y’all!

    This might be the last new podcast for a while, so I wanted to leave you guys with some rowdy Postmil Reformed content for your edification. After I give a brief ministry update for 5 Solas Studios, we’ll dig into Daniel 3 where we’ll see how theocracies are inevitable. I think you guys will be greatly blessed by this brief study of Daniel. Enjoy & Soli Deo Gloria!

    Visit 5 Solas Studios at: 5solasstudios.com

    Más Menos
    55 m
  • What’s Wrong With You People? —The Episode—
    Jul 20 2021

    This is that episode where we answer R.C. Sproul’s famous question:

    “What’s wrong with you people?”

    First, we’ll give three facepalm worthy examples of what’s wrong with you people, and then we’ll dig into the Scripture to see what is most deeply and fundamentally wrong with humanity. Enjoy!

    Visit 5 Solas Studios at: 5solasstudios.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 31 m
  • An Exposition of Romans 13
    Jul 14 2021

    Perhaps the most important theological issues of our day are: God and civil governments & the relationship between church and state. In light of these pressing issues, it is imperative that we properly understand Romans 13.

    In this episode, we’ll have an exposition of Romans 13, and we’ll examine the two primary positions concerning this text, namely, that:

    1. Romans 13 teaches Christians to yield unlimited obedience to the civil governments right up to the point where we are told to deny Christ or stop preaching the gospel.


    2. Romans 13 teaches Christians to submit to a just civil government that is operating according to a biblical standard. In this view: Our obedience to the civil government is limited because God has only given limited authority to civil governments.

    We hope that you and your local church will be blessed by this exposition of Romans 13:1-7.  

    Visit 5 Solas Studios at: 5solasstudios.com

    Más Menos
    1 h y 39 m