
  • 037: Contemplation of the Ladies' Edible Underwear Sale
    Jul 30 2024
    We do our best to figure out where this stupid comic strip all allegedly takes place, but we get distracted. I mean, it's sort of what we do, right? Along the way, Juliette climbs over a couch that looks like a hot dog bun, Uncle Ethel becomes Auntie Ethel for no obvious reason, Edda does gymnastics in a subway, Edda and Amos fuck on a busy city street. Guys, the wheels really come off the wagon this episode. In short, we don't really get to the bottom of where this dumb strip actually takes place. But we do talk about Circus Dick Syndrome and the FM radio stations we grew up with. So, that's something I guess. The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode: You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here (https://x.com/9chickweedRAGE/status/1818052122451263589), or on Instagram by clicking here (https://www.instagram.com/p/C-Bgzm6Sgzb/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). This geographically puzzling episode includes: Paddington 2 Babe Hugh Grant London Sting James Brown Gymnastics in the subway Fucking on a New York city street Edible underwear Aarkvard Seminary School "Fuck it, we'll do it live (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXZj4Wy58Pk)!" Circus Dick Syndrome Drinking plain water KY-102 Q104 Modern rock Aerosol cheese Cheez Whiz A-1 Steak Sauce Sure Deoderant Figurines Enjoli Talk to Us! Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE (https://twitter.com/9chickweedRAGE). And we're on Instagram: @9ChickweedRage (https://www.instagram.com/9chickweedrage/).
    Más Menos
    1 h y 42 m
  • 036: I've Never Seen So Many Binoculars
    Jul 2 2024
    Somehow, we limit ourselves to only five strips this episode. Seems impossible, but we actually did it. Brooke (Dillman) found a short run on one topic that, while only five-strips in length, carried all the fury-inducing content of a dozen or more ordinary strips. The journey begins with Ginger (Xiulan's friend whom we met at Xiulan's wedding to Hugh) and Gerald (the guy from the wedding she's now apparently involved with), who is apparently her boss. She seduces him on his own desk and Xiulan walks in on them, informing them that all of the people in the building next door are watching them with binoculars. Neither of them has so much as unbuttoned one button, so they're as covered up as can be, but somehow this behavior is enough to encourage dozens of people to get their binoculars out of their desks (naturally, I suppose?) so they can watch them. Everything gets kicked up a notch when Edda and Amos try to introduce Fleurrie and Sven to Xiulan and Hugh. The simple introduction of couples results immediately in Fleurrie and Xiulan simultaneously sticking their tongues out at each other. Fleurrie adds, while she does so, "Mine's bigger," referring obviously to the size of her husband. Sven then asks Fleurrie about what he thought he heard her say, which was "mine's's bigger," which of course makes no sense and no one would ever say. Fleurrie assures him it was only a typo and the editor caught it. Sven is stunned to discover they have an editor (as are we), so stunned in fact that his eyes point in two different directions. Xiulan then sends a question to Uncle Ethel (Thorax), asking for clarification the apostrophe's in the word "mine's's" which she claims to have heard used recently. But of course no one said "mine's's" around her at all. She types her question to Uncle Ethel on her computer and he responds immediately from his manual typewriter, sending back a single character, which is either a comma or an apostrophe. Neither would work as a punchline, of course, and neither really makes any sense. But that's par for the course in a run of strips where two people talk about a contraction that literally no one said. I mean, what the fuck? The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode: You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here (https://x.com/9chickweedRAGE/status/1807883380593512962), or on Instagram by clicking here (https://www.instagram.com/p/C85RK2DyoHG/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link). This episode, which is bigger than mine's's, includes: The NEETs (https://fortune.com/2024/06/21/gen-z-neets-not-in-employment-education-or-training/) of the younger generation Yodel the cat Yodeling Whales aren't fish Brisket the dog The Green Egg (https://biggreenegg.com/why-buy-a-big-green-egg/?id=google18&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BigGreenEggBrand&utm_content=436967191188&utm_term=the%20green%20egg&utm_term=the%20green%20egg&utm_campaign=Big+Green+Egg+Brand+-+Sierra+Select+Cluster&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=3353618191&hsa_cam=10107530771&hsa_grp=107069594528&hsa_ad=436967191188&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-2078791122&hsa_kw=the%20green%20egg&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhcyqPoImZ3V8ki3MCHqSD482c7ClAgljhA5nPFfSwG4ebHo-hS2Wb5xoC5I4QAvD_BwE) Are banks companies? Dorothy Parker Bill spikes Little House on the Prairie Lashings Wimpy will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68eue5cpbsE) today Rat mites Double entendres Binoculars Voyeurism Talk to Us! Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE (https://twitter.com/9chickweedRAGE). And we're on Instagram: @9ChickweedRage (https://www.instagram.com/9chickweedrage/).
    Más Menos
    1 h y 30 m
  • 035: 45 Tablespoons Northeast of Surly
    Jun 6 2024
    As it turns out, Juliette is a professor. But she's more than that, she's also a total asshole. She treats the new Visiting Assistant Professor -- or Vizassprof -- horribly, all for our entertainment! Because what's more fun than evergreen jokes about the upper echelons of academia? Nothing, if you ask ol' Brooke Mac-El-Dee. Here we get a solid ten-strip run of nothing but professorial hilarity, as a Vizassprof named Britneigh (spelled that way for literally no reason), comes to Juliette for advice? We can only guess that's what originally compelled her. Of course, Juliette is immediately a cunt to her, but then also has no physical boundaries with her and definitely crosses some professional lines. She touches her chin lightly, she grabs her by the shoulder and pulls her super close, she hugs her unexpectedly, and then brings up ear nibbling out of nowhere. Were this a male-female dynamic, no one would doubt that the professor was trying to viz this prof's ass. Zing! Good one, Jeff & Brooke! Mr. Mac-El-Dee has a lot, we mean A LOT, of thoughts about the underwear worn by female professors. But of course it's hard to tell whether his understanding of women's underthings is any more advanced than the understanding of a nine-year-old boy. After all, he uses the phrase "two-piece tiger thong," which is, in itself, nonsensical. But that's just par for the course here, guys. Just more of his typical bullshit. The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode: You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here (https://x.com/9chickweedRAGE/status/1798521840144707874), or on Instagram by clicking here (https://www.instagram.com/p/C72uylPPawp/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). This two-piece thonged episode includes: High school reunion Glass straws Diet Coke Sneezing Chicken N Pickle (https://chickennpickle.com/) Running in hot weather "Pegging the red" "Rocket Man" by Elton John France / Speaking French Turtlenecks! The end of 2001: A Space Odyssey (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGQ6B0RNSG4) Septic tanks Underwire bras Crab-claw hands Red Lobster Smocks Automats McEldowney ellipsis Jungle Animal Underwear Turtlenecks Kung Fu (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7YDcLP2DeY) starring David Carradine Talk to Us! Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE (https://twitter.com/9chickweedRAGE). And we're on Instagram: @9ChickweedRage (https://www.instagram.com/9chickweedrage/).
    Más Menos
    1 h y 30 m
  • 034: The Wormhole Is a Franchise
    Mar 2 2024
    For some reason, Edda or Amos (here sometimes referred to as Edna and Otis) has gone through a wormhole and now Polly and Lolly are older. How much older? Well, we think The Master intended them to be some specific age (probably because he couldn't wait for them to reach the age of consent, because he is a monster), but the way they are drawn from strip to strip makes it impossible to tell what age that is. Are they supposed to be in their early 20s? Mid-40's? 30s? Also, is there a reason (other than poor execution of course) that they both now have black hair which is going gray? So very fucking weird. There seems to be no reason for Polly and Lolly to have "time traveled" from an "alternative reality" other than to come raid Edda's closet for dresses. (EDITOR'S NOTE: it's ALWAYS alternate reality, no one has ever said alternative reality...until now.) Of course, daughters wearing their mom's clothes is a regular thing in this strip and it ALWAYS makes the mom mad. For some fucking reason. There is so much creepiness and grossness here that it was upsetting for us, including (but not limited to) the strip about Polly and Lolly as children talking about how they enjoy watching their parents dream about having sex. So, yeah, totally normal shit going on here, guys. Look, on this episode, it probably seems like we're just jumping into the middle of an ongoing story while ignoring the necessary prelude. And in a way we are. But here's the thing: We go back and do the research and Ol' Bee Mac-El-Dee plopped us down here with no real explanation. Because he's Just. That. Good. There's a sequence a couple of weeks before this where Edda is launched off a swing into space, but that's as close to a logical explanation as you're ever going to get in this god-forsaken comic. The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode: You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here (https://x.com/9chickweedRAGE/status/1763657388417339809?s=20), or on Instagram by clicking here (https://www.instagram.com/p/C3_Amuyv-Zr/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). This episode, which exists in an alternative reality, includes: Running in Griffith Park The Perfect Crime Time-Jumping Edna & Otis Twins Prematurely graying Coors Light "...and twins (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjaNL3J5Qik)" commercial Victorian Wasp Waist (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasp_waist) The Ol' Ben Franklin Weird hands/crab claws The Ring girl (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPtP_dfZXxc) Beaver shots Singin' in the Rain Boris Pasternak (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Pasternak) Alternate realities Little Lord Fauntleroy (https://www.amazon.com/Little-Lord-Fauntleroy-Ricky-Schroder/dp/B00000F4P6) Playing jacks Improper interrobang usage Mannequin legs Stilts Talk to Us! Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE (https://twitter.com/9chickweedRAGE). And we're on Instagram: @9ChickweedRage (https://www.instagram.com/9chickweedrage/).
    Más Menos
    1 h y 36 m
  • 033: I'm Surveying You For Alternative Kiss Sites
    Jan 29 2024
    What better way to start the new year than to take a look at the first Chickweed Lanes of 2024? Well, I guess it might be better to NOT look at them at all. But that's really not on the table for us, now, is it? Please excuse Jeff sounding like he's broadcasting from inside a tin can. He was literally inside a tin can. Once again, get ready to enjoy some smooth jazz segues, because the technical problems again befall us. But we soldier on and find ourselves back in the world of ear-kissing and the familiar restaurant booths with seat-backs of varying heights (and nothing on the tables of course). Xiulan insists that her husband Hugh kiss Edda's ear, which he does without hesitation. Polly and Lolly practice piano, which for some fucking reason bothers Edda. There's more about kissing ears, then Amos decides to kiss Edda's neck, which is so very difficult what with all of the fucking turtlenecks everywhere. Then we end our episode with more Polly and Lolly. It's shocking (or is it?) that a random sampling of the first 8 strips from 2024 give us all of the things that are so tiresome and annoying about the strip. That, we suppose, is the genius of Brooke Mac-El-Dee. The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode: You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here (https://x.com/9chickweedRAGE/status/1751963970750325138?s=20), or on Instagram by clicking here (https://www.instagram.com/p/C2r74dyL7EK/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). This fully turtlenecked episode includes: Jazz! Lalo Schifrin Champagne Turtlenecks! Greedo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2cajwgDyLM) from Star Wars Rectum? Hell, it killed 'em both! McEldowney Ellipsis Ear kissing Even more turtlenecks! Piano practice So many turtlenecks! Kissing your Ben Franklin The jazz flute (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c_ufaxeSTs) from Anchorman Full William Frawley Connect Four (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0rFtlKZk30) Winnie the Pooh Attack of the 50-Foot Woman Talk to Us! Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE (https://twitter.com/9chickweedRAGE). And we're on Instagram: @9ChickweedRage (https://www.instagram.com/9chickweedrage/).
    Más Menos
    1 h y 14 m
  • 032: You Sneezed All Over Julius Caesar Dithers
    Dec 28 2023
    After becoming convinced that Brooke Mac-El-Dee himself is listening to this podcast, we take a deep dive into his poor history with the ellipsis (and other punctuation). You see, in one strip, he makes a point of "educating" everyone about the use of an ellipsis. According to The Master, it is only used to indicated omitted words. And that is not only not true, it is also not how he has EVER used the ellipsis in his own work. In fact, we're not sure he has used it that way even once. So we go back through the strips we've already discussed and actually count the periods. (So many periods.) We also talk about a handful of strips where he "has fun" with punctuation with "hilarious" results. All in all, a fitting way to end the year. The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode: You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here (https://x.com/9chickweedRAGE/status/1740402215402283477?s=20), or on Instagram by clicking here (https://www.instagram.com/p/C1Zx41jrT4n/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). This ..... episode includes: Sneezing Diet Cokes Christmas Back trouble riding a Segway spot-eyed cats semi-colon misuse Ross & Rachel Sam & Diane Katniss & Peeta motorboating Eddie Izzard talks about Englebert Humperdinck (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjaRR4ofudA) Underwood Farms Goat habitrail Goat poop Welcome Back, Kotter Peanuts Comma splice Kilroy Was Here Tiger Beat Leif Garrett Shaun Cassidy William Frawley's pants (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtmC2I8K6mo) Mowgli from The Jungle Book The Dark Crystal Talk to Us! Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE (https://twitter.com/9chickweedRAGE). And we're on Instagram: @9ChickweedRage (https://www.instagram.com/9chickweedrage/).
    Más Menos
    1 h y 45 m
  • 031: Like Hookers Short on Crazy Money
    Nov 20 2023
    It's the big day for Xiulan Ha'Penny Yuan and Hugh Portwhistle Godalming. For some reason, Xiulan has chosen Edda to be one of her two bridesmaids, because of course and why not? Look, Edda is a small part of a wedding that isn't her wedding, so naturally she's furious that someone else is getting all the attention. She has a plan to not only "go commando" underneath her cheongsam, but to "slink up the aisle like hookers short on crazy money." She thinks this would be a fun and funny thing to do at someone else's wedding. And I guess we are supposed to be charmed by this. Oh, that Edda! Typical Edda! What's not to love about her? Seth warns her and Ginger, Xiulan's friend and the other bridesmaid, not to do what they're planning, and Edda gets very mad about it. Xiulan yells at the two of them on the way down the aisle. Edda then sticks her tongue out at Seth, again, on the way down the aisle. Once at the altar, Hugh makes exclaiming "cor lumme" when he sees Xiulan. She makes fun of him for that. At the altar. But then tells him that she and her bridesmaids (who are sitting in the pews now?) are all going commando. They talk about this for a while. At the altar. Instead of getting the wedding going. The priest interrupts and then reveals he has also gone commando. We discover that other people have gone commando too. Then for some reason the priest gets mad about it. The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode: You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here (https://x.com/9chickweedRAGE/status/1726452275160519165?s=20) or on Instagram by clicking here (https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz2o8NkL4rm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link). This completely underwear-free episode includes: wing-tip collars pet collars "I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" by Britney Spears (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlV7RhT6zHs) Dutch angles! Cheongsams Very bad hand drawings The McEldowney Ellipsis! Going commando Pheromones Pig Latin Ealing Comedies The Church of England Cockney Slang Adam Godley Astronomical ellipsis usage! Reading glasses Marty Feldman Bing Crosby Talk to Us! Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE (https://twitter.com/9chickweedRAGE). And we're on Instagram: @9ChickweedRage (https://www.instagram.com/9chickweedrage/).
    Más Menos
    1 h y 42 m
  • 030: Me Not So Hot With Scream
    Oct 30 2023
    Despite repeated mysterious technical difficulties, Brooke and Jeff persevered to bring you the 30th installment of this very important podcast. Was it worth all of the trouble? Of course the answer is no, probably not. But we begin with the aftermath of a date between Gil and Janice, the Nicolette Cignet photographer and Edda's friend and rival from the dance company we met way back in Episode 24: They Wanted You to Model Because of Sitzfleisch Allure (https://www.9chickweedrage.com/024). Gil is getting advice from Seth and Mark and tells them that he did not in fact bone Janice at the end of the date (which was their expectation), but instead kissed her on the left corner of her mouth. This move, according to Mark, is akin to "lighting a sensual fuse." Edda doesn't believe it, but Amos tries it and transports them to a series of famous romantic movies. First La Dolce Vita, then From Here to Eternity, Casablanca, It Happened One Night (which Jeff mistakenly places in 1939 instead of 1934, sorry!), before veering to North By Northwest and settling into the Tarzan canon. There are so many Tarzan strips, guys. It's all very, very stupid. But we soldiered on through multiple glitches and made it happen. Just for you! Also, Jeff tries really hard to explain Schrödinger's Cat to make a metaphorical point, only to fail in his explanation and then to fail to remember exactly why he was trying to make the point in the first place. The Chickweed strips we discuss this episode: You can find all of the strips either on Twitter by clicking here (https://x.com/9chickweedRAGE/status/1718430506940059796?s=20) or on Instagram by clicking here (https://www.instagram.com/p/Cy9o0MipPU7/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). This kiss-induced dream episode includes: KU vs. MU Mullets Coup d'etat Bartleby the Scrivener Fletch talks about the filth and gunk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjJYNZirQCU) Nicolette Sheridan/Nicolette Cignet Kevin Smith George Santos and Steve Bannon Form-fitting turtleneck mini-dress DTF Turtlenecks Ellipses! Ezio Pinza singing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktvnNhwBaeY) "Some Enchanted Evening" from Some Enchanted Evening Records on 78 The Library of Congress Ball-cupping Beavers The Trevi Fountain (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIz-BgNYN20) from La Dolce Vita Gumby Form-Fitting Neck-Brace Turtleneck From Here to Eternity Casablanca It Happened One Night North By Northwest Tarzan Obstetrics Laurel & Hardy Schrödinger's Cat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat) explained so much better than Jeff tried to Talk to Us! Having trouble understanding what's going on in a 9 Chickweed Lane strip you just read? Send it our way! We'll take a shot at interpreting it for you! Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? We're on Twitter: @9ChickweedRAGE (https://twitter.com/9chickweedRAGE)
    Más Menos
    1 h y 40 m