
  • Where Can I Find My Motivation?
    Jul 27 2021

    A question we get asked time and time again by entrepreneurs is “How do I find my motivation?”

    In the next 90 seconds we’ll tell you exactly what you need to do to be motivated!

    Motivation comes from 2 things:

    • You have to have a “why”, a strong purpose which drives you to want to achieve something. In other words, this is your driving force
    • You need momentum. Momentum comes from doing tasks and activities that get you towards your goal. The more momentum you do, the stronger the motivation

    Start by creating a list of activities you have to do and get into the routine of daily momentum which builds the inner motivation.

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  • How Do You Get Better Results from EVERYTHING?
    Jul 26 2021

    How do you get better results?

    In the next 90 seconds we’ll reveal a simple but effective tip.

    When was the last time something went wrong and you caught yourself saying “Why does this always happen to me?”

    Next time, try something such as “Interesting, how can I make sure that doesn’t happen next time?” Or even “What could I have done differently to have ensured I got the results I wanted?”

    The secret formula: when something doesn’t get right, rephrase the question you’re asking in a positive way; you’ll get a better answer, you’ll move towards your goal, and you’ll end up being a much more positive person!

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  • How to Create a Queue of Loyal Customers
    Jul 23 2021

    Why would a complete stranger confidently do business with you?

    And we’re not talking about advertising cheap prices!

    Listen to this episode of the 90-Second Business Secrets to find out!

    The recipe is simple: you must become an authority figure. Make yourself seen as the go-to person, the person of knowledge who is respected that gives advice, help and tips.

    It will make a huge difference in the “know like trust” concept that has to be in place for people who want to do business with you.

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  • Describe Your Business to an Alien!
    Jul 22 2021

    What is the quickest and simplest way to explain your business to someone who has no idea what you do?

    A lot of people find it hard to explain their business in a way that is easy to understand. Between jargon, buzz-words and vague technical descriptions, it is easy to get lost.

    Now think about the impact on your sales if you can’t describe your company, product or service in a simple way!

    In the next 90 seconds we’ll give you a secret 3-simple-word formula to explain your business effectively (and reap the benefits!)

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  • What is Marketing?
    Jul 21 2021

    How would you define what marketing is?

    In the next 90 seconds we’ll give you our definition, and it’s not what you expect!

    Marketing is everything! Everything you do should be considered a marketing activity to help people want to do business with you.

    Take some time today to take a step back, look at everything you do and see how you can improve your marketing.

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  • The First Thing You Should Do Every Day!
    Jul 20 2021

    What’s the first thing you should do every day?

    Tip: It’s NOT to reach for your phone and check social media!

    You will be familiar with the concept if you have read “Eat That Frog!” by Brian Tracy: do the worst thing first. Put it on your list, put it in the diary and get it done. Psychologically it will make a massive difference to the success of your day.

    Try it, you’ll see an improvement in your productivity and a major difference in your well-being!

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  • There is a Better Time to Talk to People. When is it?
    Jul 19 2021

    Is there such a thing as a better time to be talking to somebody?

    In the next 90 seconds we’ll show you when to get the best out of people!

    If you want to get the best out of people, pick a time when they are happy and relaxed. They will be more open to have a conversation and respond with positivity; and consequently more likely to say yes.

    Extra Tip: Never pick the afternoon slump straight after lunch!

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  • Your Next Employee Needs an Attitude
    Jul 16 2021

    Thinking of hiring someone new in your business?

    What skills should you hire for?

    Let’s be controversial here: Unless you hire for a very particular position (such as brain surgeon, engineer etc.), you shouldn’t worry about skills; it’s all about the attitude.

    In the next 90 seconds we’ll discuss our motto which is: Always hire for attitude and teach skills!

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