
  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle - KEVIN DAY - US Navy Witness to Nimitz UAPs and Tic-Tac
    Jul 24 2024
    Kevin M. Day is a 21-year Navy veteran. Serving his entire career in San Diego and Hawaii, he completed 8 Western Pacific Deployments and visited many of the countries that touch the sea between the West Coast of the United States and the Middle East. Retired from active duty in November 2007, he works as a Systems Engineer from his home in Phoenix, Arizona. He is pursuing in Master of Science degree in Systems Engineering and writes short stories in his spare time. His book is Sailor’s Anthology with is a fictionalized account of the NIMITZ TIC TAC UFO encounter that happened in November 2004 off the coast of San Diego. In 2008 when he wrote the story, many involved were still in active duty. He chose to fictionalize the historical record in the effort to protect the identities of those still serving. When he tried to tell others his story, he could tell that nobody really believed him or they believed there had to be a more prosaic explanation. Not knowing what else to do, he wrote the short stories and self-published them in the Library of Congress to hide in plain sight what has now become contemporaneous evidence of the actual event. He hoped that if the TIC TAC encounter became public knowledge, his book might serve as evidence now. The plan worked. He says that you can now hold a piece of history.

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  • A Different Perspective With Kevin Randle - The 2024 Roswell Festival
    Jul 20 2024
    Kevin D. Randle has, for more than thirty-five years, studied the UFO phenomena in all its various incarnations. Training by the Army as a helicopter pilot, intelligence officer and military policeman, and by the Air Force as both an intelligence officer and a public affairs officer, has provided Randle with a keen insight into the operations and protocols of the military, their investigations into UFOs, and into a phenomenon that has puzzled people for more than a century. Randle's educational background is as diverse as his military experience. As an undergraduate at the University of Iowa, he studied anthropology. Graduate work included journalism, psychology and military science at the University of Iowa, California Coast University and the American Military University. He has both master and doctoral degrees in psychology and a second master degree in the Art of Military Science. During his investigations, Randle has traveled the United States to interview hundreds of witnesses who were involved in everything from the Roswell, New Mexico crash of 1947, to the repeated radar sightings of UFOs over Washington, D.C. in 1952, to the latest of the abduction cases. Randle was first writer to review the declassified Project Blue Book files while they were still housed at Maxwell Air Force Base and before they were redacted, among the first to report on animal mutilations and among the first to report on alien abductions. He also was the first to report the alien home invasions and among the first to suggest humans working with the aliens. Randle has written extensively on UFOs beginning in 1973 with articles in various national magazines. He had published many books about UFOs starting with The UFO Casebook in 1989 and continuing with Crash in 2010. Randle was away from his UFO studies while recalled to active duty with the Army in Iraq from 2003 to 2004. He recently retired from the Iowa Army National Guard as a lieutenant colonel. - www.KevinRandle.blogspot.com

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Interviews - DAVID MARLER - National UFO Historical Records Center
    Jun 27 2024
    David has had a lifelong interest in the subject of UFOs. He joined The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in 1990 as a Field Investigator Trainee. Since then, he has served as Field Investigator, State Section Director, as well as Illinois State Director. David is currently an independent UFO researcher.

    During his tenure with MUFON, he had conducted numerous investigations into alleged UFO sightings and related experiences. He has discussed the subject of UFOs on numerous radio and television news programs. He has also lectured on the subject to various school and adult audiences over the years.

    He is also the Executive Director of the National UFO Historical Records Center, which is a collection of material, reports and a repository for data from around the world. Dozens of UFO researchers have donated their files to the Center.

    David received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (SIUE). He received his Certification in Hypnotherapy from Mottin and Johnson Institute of Hypnosis in St. Louis, Missouri.

    David is a Registered Polysomnographic Technician (RPSGT) and assisted in diagnosing and treating patients that suffered from various sleep disorders for several years at a major St. Louis-based medical facility. He has worked within the medical field for over twenty years. His book is Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation. He might by the world’s foremost authority on triangular-shaped UFOs.

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  • A Different Perspective with LT. COL. KEVIN, PhD (Ret): The Current State of UFOlogy
    Jun 21 2024
    Kevin Randle was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming, grew up in Denver, Colorado and entered the Army in Texas. He learned to fly helicopters, had a tour in Vietnam as a helicopter pilot and then left active duty for college. He attended the University of Iowa and upon graduation was commissioned into the Air Force Reserve. Randle spent most of his Air Force career as an intelligence officer. In 1986, he was released into the inactive reserve. Randle became interested in UFOs as a teenager and continued his studies after joining the Army. He served as a field investigator for APRO, was one of the first to investigate cattle mutilations and was the first to report an alien abduction from inside a home. His most important work has been in the Roswell UFO crash case. With Don Schmitt he wrote UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL and THE TRUTH ABOUT THE UFO CRASH AT ROSWELL. He has also written THE ROSWELL ENCYCLOPEDIA. His other UFO books included PROJECT BLUEBOOK EXPOSED, A HISTORY OF UFO CRASHES, SCIENTIFIC UFOLOGY and THE ABDUCTION ENIGMA. Randle has appeared on numerous TV programs, in many documentaries, and even appeared briefly, if you knew where to look in the Showtime original movie, ROSWELL.

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Interviews - DAVID RUDIAK - Decoding the Ramey Memo
    Jun 15 2024
    David Rudiak has a bachelor's in physics and a doctor of optometry from the University of California, Berkeley plus graduate training in biophysics and neurophysiology. He has done scientific research and published papers on brain wave recording to visual stimuli and stimulation of the brain with magnetic stimulators.
    In Ufology, his main area of expertise is the alleged Roswell saucer crash of 1947, which he has been studying since1994. He is perhaps best known for his work on reading the telex photographed in Gen. Roger Ramey's hand as Ramey tried to debunk the Roswell crash as a weather balloon. Ramey's memo mentions "THE VICTIMS OF THE WRECK" and dealing with something "IN THE ‘DISC’" (perhaps “CADAVERS”), words and phrases which he and others consider to be smoking gun proof that a saucer crash really happened and bodies were recovered.

    He has been a speaker at the Aztec UFO conference in 2005, discussing the Ramey memo, the Ozark UFO conference in 2003 on the memo and in 2007 discussing his analysis of the 1994 Nellis military UFO video, the 2009 and 2012 Roswell UFO conferences again discussing the memo and how the military ran a debunkery campaign in 1947 against Roswell and the flying saucer wave. He has been interviewed for various UFO/Roswell TV documentaries.

    He has also done extensive research on the Socorro/Lonnie Zamora UFO sighting of 1964, proving, e.g., that it couldn’t have been any sort of balloon because historical wind data make it impossible. He has also extensively researched the 1950 McMinville, Oregon/Paul Trent photos, disproving claims that it was a “truck mirror” suspended from overhead power lines. In contrast, his analysis of another famous UFO photo case, Rex Heflin/Santa Ana, CA from 1965, showed that shadow and camera position evidence strongly pointed to a hoax. (unpublished)

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Interviews - DON ECKER - State of Ufology/Kal Korff Lawsuit
    Jun 6 2024
    Don Ecker is a writer/researcher/commentator currently living in the Los Angeles area. Serving as the former Director of Research and Media Liaison for UFO Magazine for 20 years, Ecker is an internationally renowned investigator of the UFO phenomenon. A former law enforcement officer and criminal investigator with over 10 years-experience, he brought legitimacy to a field that has for years suffered being painted with a fringe brush. He has written numerous articles for the definitive UFO publication, UFO Magazine, as well as articles for international publications, the United Kingdom's Fortean Times, Omni, the Compuserve System, and the ParaNet Computer Data Base. His novel, Past Sins is available on Amazon.com. It's the tense height of the Cold War when the CIA discovers and wants to utilize a new, ultra-lethal weapon--a vicious vampire the Agency arrogantly assumes it can contain and control. But they forget one important thing: You can never dance with the Devil unless he calls the tune! Now, at the dawn of the 21st Century, the thing has escaped, and the real nightmare has only just begun.

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Interviews - EARL GREY ANDERSEN - Current State of UFO
    May 23 2024
    Earl Grey Anderson is MUFON’s State Director of Southern California, a STAR Team member, and an executive member of MUFON’s The Experiencer Resource Team. Earl has hosted MUFON’s ‘Experiencer Workshops’ at the last two MUFON Symposia, and will be hosting 3 different events at the 2024 MUFON Symposium in Dallas/Fort Worth Texas.

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  • A Different Perspective with Kevin Randle Interviews - RYAN S. WOOD - Majic Eyes Only
    May 16 2024
    Born in Maryland in 1955, Ryan S. Wood first became interested in UFOs when his father, Dr. Robert Wood, was engaged in deciphering the physics of UFOs while managing a research project on anti-gravity for McDonnell Douglas. In 1978, he graduated from Cal Poly San Lous Obispo with degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science.

    Ryan is now regarded as a leading authority on the Top Secret classified Majestic-12 intelligence documents and the 1941 Cape Girardeau, Missouri UFO Crash among others. He is the author of Majic Eyes Only in a recently updated version.

    A frequent lecturer on the UFO subject, Ryan has taught college courses and made numerous presentations about UFOs to civic organizations and at ufology conferences. He has organized seven worldwide UFO crash retrieval symposia and once presented a UFO lecture to a class on National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School that formed the basis of the final exam.

    He has appeared on many documentaries, and radio shows. He continues to manage the content of www.majesticdocuments.com and along with his father was the executive producer of a television documentary on the authenticity of the Majestic-12 documents called The Secret.

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