
  • Should You Fake It Until You Make It?
    Jul 11 2024
    Should you fake it until you make it? There is a lot of advice telling us that if we don't feel confident then we should fake it and somehow that will make us feel confident. Trouble it, that's not true. In this episode I talk about real confidence vs fake confidence, how you can't hide your lack of confidence and what to do to develop real self confidence, the longer and effective way, the slightly harder but quicker way. I've done both and they both work.
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    21 m
  • I Tried The 100% Model But It Caused More Emotional Pain
    Jul 4 2024
    The 100% model is a way of living as if we 'should' be perfect, and is harder for those of us who read self help books and swear by the teachings in them. What the books don't tell you is that you can experience more emotional pain when trying to live up the the self help book ideal. So in this episode I talk about my attitude, why it wasn't working for me, what I had to do, and where I am now. So if you're struggling to feel good no matter how much you 'work' on yourself then this podcast will give you some insights. Got questions- Contact me at my site- Make Me Fearless.com
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    19 m
  • Am I Wrong For Not Listening?
    Jun 27 2024
    If more than 3 people told you the same or similar thing about what they think you should do, and you've not asked for this advice, would you be wrong for not listening? In this podcast episode I give my thoughts on my dilemma, should I listen or not? My fears, to be dependent on others, but should I forgo what's most important to me when so many think I 'should' change what I am doing? Let me know what you think.
    Más Menos
    21 m
  • Thinning Hair, Sags, Bags, and Can I Really Be Happy?
    Jun 20 2024
    Thinning hair, sags and bags of aging, is annoying, irritating and making me unhappy. Well that's what I believe anyway. So with all that is happening as I age, can I really still be happy? In this episode I get personal and talk about topics that most women would not want to reveal, but it begged the question is it possible for me to be happy. So as is me I took myself through my processing and the answer that came back really surprised me, and that's where I need your help. Listen and reach out to me, and tell me what my next steps should be because truly in this instance I do not know. Looking forward to hearing your replies.
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    20 m
  • Barka Etarfass- How Self Love Makes You Confident
    Jun 13 2024
    Barka Ettarfass is a self love coach, adventurer and uncomfortable staying in her comfort zone. In this interview I ask, how does she upsticks move to another country and create her life to suit when so many of us want change but we are stuck or scared and so stay within our comfort zone. Her main message is be yourself and love yourself no matter what the world says. Do this and magical changes happen. Find out more about Barka and her self love coaching here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barka-e/
    Más Menos
    34 m
  • Natalie Lopez- Inside The Mind Of A Goal Success Coach- Interview
    Jun 6 2024
    In this very interesting interview with Natalie Lopez, I dive into the mind of a goal success coach. Natalie reveals her strong mindset that gets her to take action where most of us would shy away. Listen out for the questions she asks herself as this is the clue to her success. You can find out more about Natalie in the links below https://www.lifecoachjourney.info/ Instagram and Tiktok @goal_crusher_natalie
    Más Menos
    40 m
  • I still Compare Myself And it Feels Bad- But Why
    May 30 2024
    Elaine Blidgeon hosts a podcast exploring the challenge of comparing oneself to others, which can lead to inadequacy and stress. She questions the possibility and benefits of completely halting comparison. Despite acknowledging that comparison can fuel ambition, it also triggers negative emotions. Elaine draws from her experiences with curb envy, demonstrating how external influences affect goals and motivation. She suggests reviewing goals driven by comparisons ("curb envy goals") to discern their true value and avoid pursuing unfulfilling objectives. By comprehending these triggers, individuals can take charge of their mindset for a more purposeful life journey through her Mind Controlled Life podcast. Chapter 1: The Impact of Comparison (00:22 - 03:00) Discussion on the effects of comparison on mindset and motivation. Internal struggle with comparison and its relation to ambition. Questioning the possibility and necessity of stopping comparison. Chapter 2: Motivation Strategies (08:02 - 09:03) Exploring motivation techniques focusing on avoiding pain. Internal quandary on maintaining drive and determination. Chapter 3: Stress and Comparison (09:46 - 11:53) Stress triggers related to comparison in work scenarios. Recognizing the negative impact of comparison on stress levels. Chapter 4: Setting and Achieving Goals (13:11 - 16:21) Reflecting on setting and achieving goals. Understanding the underlying triggers for unmet goals and procrastination. Chapter 5: Mindset Control and Goal Alignment (19:14 - 20:30) Importance of identifying triggers for goals. Emphasizing the need for aligning goals with personal motivations for sustained motivation and control over mindset. Elaine Blidgeon Find a way to make what you're doing enough (03:59) Accept that comparing yourself and being driven is okay (13:11) Evaluate goals triggered by "curb envy" and determine if they are still desired without the trigger (19:48)
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    21 m
  • When Different Is Unacceptable
    May 23 2024
    How different do you have to be to trigger 'you're not okay' in other people? In this episode I explore when being me, being 'too different' triggered such a reaction. That reaction has little to do with my race, sex, height, weight or anything like that, it's just a personality thing. And it will be the same for you, there will be people who criticise, complain and condemn you for being different - question is, how do we cope with that reality? Listen to how I frame things. Any questions or queries about how I can help you live a mind controlled life, then reach out to me -elaine@elaineblidgeon.com
    Más Menos
    21 m