
  • Retail Opportunities that Mass Market Brands Might Be Overlooking
    May 19 2024

    Retail sales continue to outperform expectations - in both the US and in key European markets. Yet analysts are still waiting for that slowdown that was supposed to be driven first by inflation - and then by higher interest rates.

    Yet, consumers are proving resilient - but for how long?

    Long term a lot is likely to come down to the retailers themselves.

    Those with the right products - and the right retail formats are likely to keep growing sales.

    So the question is which retailers are set to be the winners?

    Today we are joined by leading retail consultant, Walter Holbrook who shares his view of what’s driving success at retail - and who’s likely to be the next retail success stories.

    Walter will be sharing:

    - Key differences in purchasing behavior amongst the professional class, millennials, and Gen Z, and how retailers are catering to each demographic.

    - How older fast fashion brands are responding to the shifting preferences of price-conscious Gen Z - and the threat of newer market entrants.

    - How retailers like Costco redefining the apparel market and presenting challenges to traditional retail channels.


    Connect with Walter Holbrook: https://www.linkedin.com/in/waltholbrook/

    Learn more about The Current Situation in Sourcing: https://insidefashionlive.net/the-current-situation-in-sourcing

    Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm

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    33 m
  • New HR Tech that's Reducing Documentation and Processing Problems
    Apr 21 2024

    It seems we live an age of documentation. There are increasing levels of regulations around everything - and the supporting documentation around those regulations keeps getting more complex.

    Paper work that used to be handled by one or two people now requires a department with a hierarchy of staff - just to understand the regulations - let alone do all of the necessary documentation.

    This is becoming a serious challenge for HR departments in a world where company staffing can include not only full time and part time employees, but also contractors, free lancers, service providers and many other terms of engagement that each requires specialized contracts and payment management.

    And that’s led to the development of innovative HR tech that promises to automate this burdensome but necessary process.

    Today we’re joined by Timmothy Partasevitch, Co-Founder and CMO of Juggl, an HR tech company that specializes helping companies manage global teams - from contracts and payroll, to benefits, document management and on boarding.

    In this podcast, Timmothy will be talking about

    How HR tech is helping companies maintain better relationships with their global team members.

    Why digitizing the entire HR process is critical for saving time and avoiding costly mistakes.

    How HR tech is now scalable, putting it reach of small and medium size businesses, as well as enterprises.

    Another critical part of running a successful global business is understanding what’s happening in your international supply chain.

    The last thing anyone wants is to be blindsided by an issue they didn’t see coming.

    Or miss an opportunity to drive cost savings or reduce lead times.

    When global sourcing directors want a sharp view of their Asian supply chains they turn to the Current Situation in Sourcing.

    It’s a 6-page quarterly snapshot that highlights essential shifts, alerts, and opportunities along with actual feedback about how other sourcing executives are reacting to the market.


    Connect with Timmothy Partasevitch on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tim-partasevitch/

    Learn more about Juggl hr tech: https://juggl.co

    Learn about The Current Situation in Sourcing: https://insidefashionlive.net/the-current-situation-in-sourcing

    Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm

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    36 m
  • How AI is Revolutionizing Healthcare
    Apr 14 2024

    Telehealth got a serious toehold into healthcare during the pandemic. Now it looks set to be a massive disrupter to the healthcare industry, powered by greater digitization and the use of AI.

    If it comes to its full potential, more people will be able to get better healthcare - at more affordable prices.

    The opportunity here is so massive that Amazon has been betting heavily on digitized health care with its One Medical service.

    But there is more to it than digitization. A lot more.

    Today we are joined by Shanil Ebrahim, Life Science and Healthcare Leader at Deloitte Canada. He’s had hands on experience in the healthcare sector as a Clinical Epidemiologist, as well as an assistant professor at McMaster University and a researcher at Stanford University.

    Today Shanil will be discussing …

    • How artificial intelligence is reshaping the landscape of patient care.
    • How payers and providers are changing their models to focus more on value and patient outcomes.
    • Whether technology can genuinely enhance patient experience and outcomes, without depersonalizing care.


    Connect with Shanil Ebrahim: linkedin.com/in/shanil-ebrahim-75914a7a

    Asianet Consultants website: https://asianetconsultants.com

    A Seat at The Table podcast course: https://seat.fm/podcastcourse

    Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm

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    28 m
  • Why Organizations Now Need Generalists
    Mar 25 2024

    After decades of being counseled to become specialists - to find our niche - to be known as an expert in a specific field - it seems now the pendulum might be shifting in the opposite direction.

    Are we at the cusp of a new era that favors generalists?

    And if so, why the change?

    And just as importantly, we do we need to do to get ahead of the curve?

    Today we are joined by Ed Fidoe, founder and CEO of the London Interdisciplinary School, which offers an innovative, interdisciplinary curriculum focused on tackling complex global issues.

    He believes that the future of work demands leaders who can navigate a complex, interconnected world, where traditional leadership is often blind to its own limitations due to over-reliance on specialised knowledge.

    In this episode Ed will explore why leaders need to embrace interdisciplinary thinking to anticipate and adapt to the next big shifts.

    He’ll be discussing:

    - Why organizations now need generalists, particularly in leadership roles.

    - Balancing the benefits of breadth of knowledge with the advantages of depth of knowledge.

    - The new role of libraries in supporting less siloed education.


    Connect with Ed Fidoe on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ed-fidoe/

    London Interdisciplinary School website: https://www.lis.ac.uk/

    Asianet Consultants website: https://asianetconsultants.com

    Podcast Course: https://seat.fm/podcastcourse

    Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm

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    32 m
  • The Current Outlook for Cotton Prices
    Mar 16 2024

    One of the biggest supply chain concerns right now is materials costs.

    While most stakeholders would like to see costs go down, everyone would at least like some clarity on what prices might be like - especially for cotton, which plays a key role in the apparel supply chain.

    While nobody has that proverbial crystal ball that can see the future, there are people who have the kind of first hand market knowledge that helps them to make more accurate predictions.

    Today we are joined by Dr. O.A. Cleveland, professor emeritus, Agricultural Economics at Mississippi State University in the United States.

    Dr. Cleveland has over 50 years of experience in commodities as an analyst, professor and advisor and consultant to some of the world’s biggest cotton organizations.

    His achievements are far too many to list here. However, if you are looking to get a sharp view of what’s happening with cotton prices - and more importantly - what pricing could look like going forward, there’s no better person to ask than Dr. Cleveland.

    In this podcast he will be giving a realistic look at:

    - The outlook for world cotton consumption
    - Where we can expect current cotton to trend
    - Trends for 2025 cotton prices


    Dr. O.A. Cleveland: https://www.cottongrower.com/author/dr-o-a-cleveland/

    Asianet Consultants: https://asianetconsultants.com

    How to become a Podcast Guest (course): https://seat.fm/podcastcourse

    Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm

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    23 m
  • The Next Big Thing in Sustainable Housing
    Mar 4 2024

    After decades of wanting bigger and more, people have been starting to recognize the benefits of downsizing.

    It’s not just about buying less stuff or finally clearing out the closets, garage or basement. Over the past decade there has been a clear and growing trend towards to choosing smaller houses - much smaller.

    The most recent iteration of this development has been the growing popularity of Accessory Dwelling Units or ADUs as they are called.

    It’s a new take on a historic way that people created housing for family members who wanted to live together - but not under the same roof.

    It’s a perfect solution that lets people tackle a range of issues including the high cost of purchasing a new home and the isolation of living alone.

    But what exactly is an ADU, you might ask? We’re going to be talking about that in today’s podcast.

    Today we are joined by Sheri Koones, a leading authority on the smaller home movement and the author of 12 books covering all aspects of this topic.

    In her newest book, “ADUs : The Perfect Housing Solution” she provides a comprehensive view of how turn these small dwellings into luxury home environments.

    In this podcast Sheri will be discussing:

    - Why the rising popularity of ADUs is a sign of bigger trend towards a desire for more community.

    - How people are turning smaller houses into fabulous, luxury homes.

    - How new small homes are being purpose built to support each occupant’s lifestyle.


    "ADUs: The Perfect Housing Solution": https://www.amazon.com/ADUs-Perfect-Solution-Sheri-Koones/dp/1423665252

    Learn How to Land Guest Spots on Podcasts (course): seat.fm/podcastcourse

    Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm

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    34 m
  • The Retail Leaders Roadmap: Practical Steps to Power Up Your Career
    Feb 26 2024

    I just sat down with Brian Librach to discuss his new book "The Retail Leaders Roadmap" and the conversation was powerful!

    A lot to unpack!

    Some of the key insights you're going to get from Brian include:

    1. The five practices of building character, and their significance in career development.

    2. Strategies for career advancement within a retail environment, including the importance of aligning with leadership and seeking feedback from mentors.

    3. The crucial role of prioritization in organizational success and how training employees on prioritization can enhance decision quality and profitability.

    4. The potential impact of AI on freeing up time from mundane tasks and its implications for career development.

    5. Insights into Brian Librach's new book, "The Retail Leaders Roadmap," and his approach to reinvigorating stagnant career paths in the retail industry.

    This is definitely a must-listen to episode for anyone who works in retail - and is looking to advance their careers.


    Connect with Brian Librach




    Order "The Retail Leaders Roadmap" book

    Learn more about Asianet Consultants:


    Learn more about How You Can Be a Podcast Guest


    Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm

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    30 m
  • Using Holistic Branding to Stand Out in a Noisy Market
    Feb 18 2024

    Competition is fierce these days.

    The solution, according to marketing experts, is to create a ‘brand story’ for your company or your product.

    Sounds simple. Until you actually try to do it.

    And then, well, suddenly you feel like a stranger in a strange land.

    Staring at blank piece of paper or screen - or brainstorming with colleagues only to come up with something that by anyone’s assessment is pretty generic. Not exactly what you were hoping for.

    Today we’re talking with Deevo Tindall, a holistic branding strategist and founder of Fusion Creative, which he launched after 15 years of working in a corporate career.

    In this podcast Deevo will be discussing:

    - What is ‘holistic branding’ and how it can help differentiate your business.

    - How companies can begin to create their own brand story.

    - What companies are getting wrong about content creation.

    - How to stand out in a very ‘noisy’ market.


    Asianet Consultants: asianetconsultants.com

    How to Land Guest Spots on Podcasts: seat.fm/podcastcourse

    Connect with Deevo Tindall: www.fusioncreativebranding.com

    Follow Deevo on Social Media: @FusionPhotog

    Visit A Seat at The Table's website at https://seat.fm

    Más Menos
    32 m