
    Aug 27 2021
    4 STEPS TO FREEDOM FROM GUILT AND SHAME How can we tell if what we’re facing is true conviction from God or condemnation from the enemy (or from our own selves)? And ultimately, how can we remove the heaviness and guilt inside that results from our bad choices? Here are four simple steps to take. Step 1: Ask God to help you clarify where the guilt and shame is coming from. We serve a good, good God who wants to help us untangle our often confusing emotions. Go to quiet place and take a few minutes to talk to God about all of it—your anger, your sadness, your guilt—through prayer and examination of various Bible passages (many people call this a quiet time, and you can learn how to have a quiet time with God here). Don’t rush this process. Just read, share your heart with Him and listen. It’s OK if you need to spend several times alone with Him before you get clear answers about what’s going on. Remember that God is on our side (always!) and wants to help you sort through all you’re feeling. He wants to give you the healing you’re seeking. Expect his help and his answer. Step 2: Separate the conviction from the condemnation. During these moments, God may show you that your feelings of guilt and shame are a complicated mix of both conviction and condemnation (this is often true for me, especially if I’ve allowed the emotions to fester for a while). That’s fine and that’s normal. Be gentle with yourself as you separate out conviction from condemnation. Sometimes I even make a list of convictions and condemnations so that I can really see on paper what’s going on. Step 3: Learn from the conviction and restate the condemnation. Remember that God can use the feelings of guilt and shame for a good purpose. What healthy things is God trying to share with you (conviction)? How is God trying to direct you back on the good path? Ask for forgiveness and for His help in living out those truths. Conversely, which emotions are flat out lies meant to destroy (condemnation)? Reword the negative, destructive thoughts into His life-affirming truths. For example, recently I'd said some pretty awful things to my husband while we were in the middle of an intense “discussion” (read: an argument). God convicted me that I’d used my words to destroy instead of build up (Proverbs 12:18) (and yes, I needed to heed that warning and ask both God and my husband for forgiveness). But I also heard terribly condemning thoughts like, “What an awful wife you are,” and “Your husband is going to leave you because you’re not good enough for him”. Those were not of God and I needed to call them out as lies. Instead I restated them as these truths: “God uses my imperfections to demonstrate to others that He lives in me,” (2 Corinthians 4:7-12) and “As a daughter of God, I am no longer identified by my mistakes but I am completely redeemed and always ‘good enough’” (John 8:1-11). Note: These aren’t “feel good” expressions but instead an affirmation of God’s truth supported by scripture. They are the thought patterns we need to cling to when condemnation strikes! Step 4: Let go of the guilt and shame, and walk on. Once God has revealed any conviction (and you’ve asked for forgiveness and help to live differently), and He’s shown you how to rework the condemnation into truth, you can walk in forgiveness and freedom! Those thoughts of guilt and shame don’t have to plague you further! God’s word says that when He sets us free, we are free indeed (Gal 5:1, Isaiah 42:6-7, Hosea 14:4, John 8:32-36)! Just like that woman caught in adultery who saw no where to turn and no way out, God is there reaching out, ready to listen and to offer you guidance to the healing you need. He's a good father that corrects his children in love, and who also shows them how to walk in that new path (and promises to be with them every step of the way). I pray that you can prayerfully follow these steps so that you can move forward.
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    36 m
    Aug 20 2021
    Repentance can feel daunting at times. There are many voices telling us different things—the Spirit inviting us to change and repent, Satan professing that repentance isn’t possible, our own minds whispering that we are not enough. How can we know which messages originate from God and which ones are Lucifer’s? distinction between shame and guilt to be very helpful in making this judgment. When examined through a gospel lens, the shame-guilt framework organizes the key doctrinal principles of divine worth, agency, and repentance into a model that helps distinguish God’s voice from Satan’s lies. “shame is the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of acceptance and belonging.”1 Guilt is “a sense of remorse and the desire to make amends.”2 Shame is character-based (“I am a bad person”), whereas guilt is action-based (“I did a bad thing”).3 Shame leads you to want to shrink, hide, and disappear.4 Guilt identifies an action that you regret, prompting you to change for the future.5 Inherent Worth Social science further elaborates that shame attacks your character, asserting that at your core you are worthless. Such lies often lead to self-loathing and condemn you to a lifetime of misery, forever believing you are unlovable and don’t belong anywhere.6 Feelings of guilt, on the other hand, do not attack your self-worth and generally do not include self-loathing. Instead, guilt reminds you that your actions are not in line with your values and identity. This realization often prompts you to change those actions and become better.7 Church doctrine is clear on how God wants us to feel. Our inherent worth as children of God means that we are never worthless, even when we have sinned.8 The Spirit’s voice will never encourage you to hate yourself, rather reminding you of your eternal worth as a child of God .
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    30 m
    Jun 11 2021
    This podcast explain in details the steps you must take to overcome low self confidence. It has to start with Radical self acceptance. If you have been asking yourself HOW CAN I OVERCOME LOW SELF CONFIDENCE? This is the podcast you must listen to . This is Alive minds Podcast, a podcast that will renew your mind, energize your spirit and constantly lead you to your creator. #howtoovercomelowselfconfidence #selflove #conquerinnercritics #moviestar.
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    32 m
    Jun 8 2021
    WHAT IS SELF CONFIDENCE? Self confidence is the believe that you can achieve whatever you set your hearts to do. Self confidence is not acquired but it is learned over time. As a mother you can also help to build the self confidence of your child. This podcast talks about the signs of low self confidence. Listen to the preview episodes of alive minds podcast "WHY PEOPLE DOESN'T LIKE ME?” This podcast mentioned self confidence or self esteem.
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    1 m
    May 17 2021
    Most of the times in our lives we tend to face series of challenges that takes away our peace, which can make us hear lots of voices that at against the will of God in. our minds. In this episode ,I am sharing with you how you can prevent all these strange voices from taking over minds and how to conquer them . #Noisyminds #alivemindspodcast #antidote #renewyourminds #mytestimony #psalms #morethanconqueror
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    25 m
    May 11 2021
    Most people have this deep and great feeling that they are not loved or wanted. They move around with this notion, with this opinion that they are worthless. If you are in this case ,just take time to listen to this podcast to the end and find out the people reason for this. Feel free to subscribe, follow this podcast and drop your comments. #Christianity #self-esteem # #alivemindspodcast #selfconfidence.
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    38 m
    May 8 2021
    Dealing with anger has been a major issue of so many people. As one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is Self - control, trusting Him to help you Deal with anger will go a long way . This podcast will open your eyes to practical ways to deal with anger. Stay Cool, Calm & Collected Second Corinthians 10:5 instructs us to take every thought captive into the obedience of Christ before it becomes a stronghold in our mind. In other words, we can choose what we are going to think and dwell on. We can continue to fuel our angry emotions with wrong thoughts...or we can take a stand and, with God’s help, refuse to allow the situation to get out of control. So, when you feel yourself getting upset, the sooner you say “No!” to those thoughts and feelings, the better. Instead of letting the anger control you, you can pray something like: “God, please help me. I know being upset is not going to get me anywhere. This person hurt my feelings and that was wrong, but I’m not going to act on this. With Your grace and strength, I’m going to control myself, and I’m going to trust You to take care of the situation.” I want to encourage you to forgive those who have hurt you. Let go of any angry feelings you’re holding on to and place those situations in God’s hands. We can trust Him to be our Vindicator. God is bigger than our feelings and He has given us self-control so we can walk in peace and experience His perfect love when we need it the most.
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    33 m
    May 7 2021
    This podcast talks about the physical and spiritual consequences of anger. There are many consequences of anger but this podcast was able to address some very vital consequences of Anger. Be sure to drop a voice note, or your comments.
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    43 m