
  • 544: Your Next Step Toward Financial Freedom with Dr. Noah St. John
    Jul 24 2024

    How much simpler would life be if we could just speak our biggest hopes and dreams into existence? Obviously, life isn’t that simple. You’ve heard me talk about affirmations over the years, but today, we’re talking about the difference between affirmations and afformations, and the difference is more than a vowel.

    Dr. Noah St. John is an author and international keynote speaker. He is also known as a breakthrough coach and the “Father of Afformations.” He’s helped over 2 million people worldwide, and his clients have added over $3 billion in sales by following his legendary methods. Today, he talks about why affirmations often fall flat and guides us through his innovative “Afformations” to help us create lasting change, whether in love, fitness, health, or business.

    We also discuss how focusing on external achievements often blocks people, especially entrepreneurs, from reaching higher levels of personal development and wealth. He shares practical steps to help anyone master their “inner game” to overcome self-doubt, attract abundance, and achieve all their wildest ambitions.

    P.S. You can receive Noah's latest book for free by visiting: 7FigureExpertBook. (Just cover S&H costs)


    • Our biggest breakthroughs often come in moments of silence
    • The smarter alternative to affirmations
    • Master your inner game to win the outer game
    • You have the power to create breakthroughs - your gurus won’t do it for you
    • The right questions lead to the right answers
    • A life dedicated to serving others often paves the way to building wealth

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • 543: How to Integrate Miracle Mornings to Transform Your Workplace with Eric Stranghoener
    Jul 17 2024

    For many people, the typical workweek can be a grind, often feeling like a never-ending cycle of long hours and repetitive tasks. But what if there was a way to transform the office into a place of inspiring energy and creativity? Where there's a will, there's a way, and that's what today's episode is all about.

    Eric Stranghoener, Partner at RubinBrown—one of the nation’s leading CPA firms—is here to explain how integrating The Miracle Morning into their corporate culture has turned the company into an extraordinary personal and professional development platform and how you can do the same for your workplace. Their first Miracle Morning "huddle" was joined by over 200 employees and has since become an integral part of dozens of employees' personal and work growth.

    You'll also hear Eric describe how The Miracle Morning goes beyond the office walls and seeps into daily life. Eric shares why it's one of his company's best decisions and reveals how you can follow their lead - to become a leader at home, work, or in your community and “Be Your Best for Others.”


    • Instead of chasing happiness, try living with a mindset of joy
    • The more we focus on others, the more we invite joy and fulfillment in our lives
    • Shift from thinking “I have to” to “I get to”
    • Happiness is a verb, and you can choose to experience it
    • Don’t let inaction hold you back from your dreams
    • Why leadership opportunities are all around us
    • The importance of work culture for an employee’s well-being and success

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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    53 m
  • 542: The Reinvention Formula with Craig Siegel
    Jul 10 2024

    Today's guest is Craig Siegel – a TEDx speaker and author of the WSJ and USA Today bestseller The Reinvention Formula. Craig will walk you through the path to reshape your life and find purpose, regardless of age or career stage. You'll learn why reinventing yourself doesn't need to involve huge, sweeping changes.

    You'll also learn how to replace those limiting beliefs you've accumulated over the years with ones that will support you on your new journey. Instead of asking "What if?" you'll soon be asking "What next?"


    • The riskiest thing you can do is play it safe
    • It’s not about being unafraid, but about moving forward even when you are
    • Every moment you delay, you pay the price of what could have been
    • Once you commit, the path forward starts to unfold
    • The world belongs to those who step up from daydreams to real action
    • Remember, beliefs don’t just reflect your reality, they shape it

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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    40 m
  • 541: Overcome Procrastination Forever (in 4 Steps)
    Jul 3 2024

    Procrastination. We’re all human, and we’re all guilty of doing it sometimes—myself included. There’s no shame in admitting it. And beating ourselves up about it is a waste of energy. The solution to overcoming it is to understand why we’re doing it in the first place.

    So today, I’m digging deep to get to the root causes of why we procrastinate and how to overcome it. I’m sharing four (4) simple steps that have consistently helped me overcome the hesitation to act, regardless of how I feel.

    Once you start including these steps in your daily routines, I promise you that taking action will begin to feel more natural. Most importantly, challenges will no longer appear as insurmountable obstacles but as opportunities to step fearlessly toward your dreams and accomplish your greatest aspirations.


    • Our biggest failures often teach us the greatest lessons
    • The obstacles in your way are usually created by you
    • The things you tell yourself over and over become your reality
    • Once you get moving, it’s easier to get going
    • You can’t rewrite the past, but you have the power to control your actions today

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    To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit HalElrod.com/iTunes.

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

    Más Menos
    41 m
  • 540: The Motivation You Need to Pursue Your Dreams
    Jun 26 2024

    I have a confession: in the last few years, I gave up on my dreams.

    Or more accurately, I stopped dreaming altogether. Somewhere in the midst of the chaos than began in 2020, the future started to feel more uncertain than ever. Maybe you can relate?

    Of course, these last few years haven't given us much more certainty.

    However, life has always been unpredictable. While we can’t know what tomorrow holds, having dreams and goals gives us a reason to get out of bed every morning.

    Here’s my promise: despite life’s uncertainties, you can take control and build momentum toward your dreams. And in today's show, I'm giving you three (3) simple steps you can take immediately following this episode to create the energy and motivation to achieve your goals.


    • Our future is shaped by our actions
    • Fulfillment comes from how you live, not what you accomplish
    • Commit to take one small step and motivation will follow
    • How persistent effort to achieve your dreams opens the door to boundless personal growth
    • Why commitment and accountability are key to personal development
    • The attempt to achieve a dream is often more significant than the outcome itself

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    To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit HalElrod.com/iTunes.

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

    Más Menos
    47 m
  • 539: 8 Steps to Take Your Challenges Head On
    Jun 19 2024

    Do you ever feel like life has gotten too complicated and find yourself longing for simpler times? I know that I do.

    However, wishing and wanting that reality were different doesn’t change anything; it just makes us feel helpless. We must find our inner strength to face life and its challenges head-on so that we can enjoy the life we have while we create the life we want.

    In today’s podcast episode, I'm sharing the 8 steps from my first book, Taking Life Head On: How to Love the Life You Have While You Create the Life of Your Dreams. You'll learn the steps I applied each day that got me through some of the roughest patches in my life and enabled me to create the life of my dreams so that you can do the same.


    • Effort + commitment = extraordinary achievements
    • To create the life of your dreams, you must love the life you have
    • Everyone’s a work in progress, including you - and that’s perfectly fine
    • People usually get what they expect, not what they wish for
    • Life is only as good or bad as you think it is
    • The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step
    • Action precedes motivation, not the other way around
    • Do the right thing, not the easy thing

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    To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit HalElrod.com/iTunes.

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • 538: How I Beat Cancer
    Jun 12 2024

    Chances are, many of you either know someone who’s fighting cancer, or perhaps you’re even facing this battle yourself right now. When I was diagnosed with terminal cancer back in 2016, the path forward was unclear. Traditional medicine and well-meaning doctors pointed me down the usual path, but something inside me said, “No, there’s got to be another way.”

    Today, I’m sharing how I found another way and beat cancer. I want to make one thing clear, a cancer diagnosis is not the end. When I was first diagnosed, I decided right then I wouldn’t be among the 80% who don’t make it. I was committed to beating this thing. You’ll learn why maintaining a positive attitude makes a huge difference, not only for you but also for your loved ones.

    Instead of blindly following the doctor’s orders, I took control of my healing journey and defeated cancer. That’s my wish for you - that you will overcome this challenge and go on to live a long, joyous life surrounded by the people you love.


    • A diagnosis is a starting point, not a verdict
    • Resistance blocks progress, acceptance opens new paths
    • There’s always something to be grateful for, even in your most difficult days
    • The foods that slowly kill you, and the ones that revitalize you
    • The two key decisions that turn the impossible into achievable
    • How I combined Western Medicine with holistic approaches
    • My strategy for finding the most effective supplements

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

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    1 h y 24 m
  • 537: Radical Responsibility and Neuro-Somatic Meditation with Fleet Maull, PhD
    Jun 5 2024

    Today’s episode will empower you to take control of your life and guide you (in real-time) through a powerful Nero-Somatic Mindfulness (NSM) meditation led by a truly remarkable human being, Fleet Maull, PhD.

    At age 74, Fleet is living his best life – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Fleet is an author, meditation teacher, entrepreneur, and the founder of the Heart Mind Institute, where he helps people maximize their potential. Today, you'll learn the strategies Fleet's refined over the last 30 years to maintain peak state and help countless people escape victim mentality.

    Fleet introduces his "Radical Responsibility Question," a simple yet profound tool to pause in stressful moments, sidestep blame, and see things with clarity and compassion. This approach will open you up to a choice between joy and suffering and put you in the driver's seat to take control of your life.

    Fleet also guides us through a practical mindfulness meditation at the end of our conversation so you can start applying what you've learned right away.


    • Taking responsibility puts you in the driver’s seat of your life
    • The key question of radical responsibility is, “What can I do right now?”
    • Understanding the difference between blame and responsibility
    • While blame can feel good momentarily, it often leads to long-term pain
    • Why meditation is much more than getting rid of thoughts
    • Fleet’s secrets to maintaining vitality and energy in his 70s

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    To subscribe, rate, and review the podcast on iTunes, visit HalElrod.com/iTunes.

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    Copyright © 2024 Miracle Morning, LP and International Literary Properties LLC

    Más Menos
    52 m