
  • Welcome to Adulting with Ebonie
    Dec 21 2017

    Meet Ebonie Allard and 'The Adulting with Ebonie' Podcast!

    In this first episode Ebonie explains why she is doing this podcast. Why she almost didn't do it at all, and why she's put it off for so long. You'll learn what you can expect from Ebonie and the podcast over the coming weeks.

    Welcome to the 'Adulting with Ebonie' journey!

    Más Menos
    9 m
  • The One About Bypassing & Privilege
    Dec 21 2017
    Meet Thais Sky

    Thais is a motivational speaker, author, women’s leadership coach and intersectional feminist on a heart-led mission to support the seekers, the visionaries, and the "why the heck do I feel so stuck” of the world reclaim their sense of belonging by learning how to explore, trust and express themselves unapologetically.

    Based on her own healing journey and decades of research and mentoring women worldwide, she has developed a comprehensive model that explores and offers tools/skills to heal the pervasive sense of unworthiness within women, what she calls the worthiness wound. She received a prestigious first-class degree in Management and has studied spiritual psychology, yoga, and leadership for over 10 years. Washingtonian Magazine named her as one of the top “8 bloggers to know.” The Huffington Post calls her “an inspirational woman” and she was nominated for Forbes Magazine 30 under 30 award.

    You can learn more about Thais at IamThaisSky.com and just about everywhere on social media, because #millennial at @IamThaisSky.

    Fav quotes from this episode:

    “Who you are in the world matters”

    “We bring our ego’s wherever we go!”

    In this episode we talk about:

    • We talk about what really important ‘adulting skill’ having siblings teaches you, and what happens if you don’t have siblings to learn this from.
    • What being a good human is really about.
    • Which C word is actually a superpower when it comes to radical responsibility.
    • Where the spiritual community has got it wrong.
    • How our biology is running the show.
    • The truth about what happen when you dive into your wounds and look at what’s not working.
    • Why saying “I don’t see colour” is causing more separation rather than less.
    • What LOVE really is.
    • The difference between Truth and truth or truths and beliefs.

    Plus, hear Thais’ and I give you our “I am an adult but…” confessions.

    Más Menos
    19 m
  • The One Asking The Question: "Should I Start This Business?"
    Dec 21 2017
    Meet Kelly Challis

    Kelly won a competition to get a free mini coaching session with Ebonie, she’s a mum, she’s been working in education as a teacher for 15 years and having recently left her full time job, she now has a new business idea, but hasn’t moved forward with it yet. She wanted to speak to Ebonie about her next steps. Kelly and Ebonie have never spoken before, but in this short session they dive in and discover what has really been holding Kelly back. Listen to discover what actions she must take to learn if her business idea will fly or not.

    Fav quotes from this episode:

    “I recognise that I’ve put their needs before my own, and even though I want to win new business, there are certain things I shouldn’t compromise on.”

    “The first hurdle here is not marketing, and it’s not branding, and its not telling the parents about it, and its not you tube videos. Its actually just these two things. ”

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The biggest challenges that she has identified which are holding her back from moving forward with her business idea with confidence
    • The big truth about the thing that is actually holding her back
    • How assumptions about the mindset of her target market have been affecting her
    • Her confessions about what she’s already said yes to that she shouldn’t have.
    • The surprising question that Kelly needs to ask her friends.
    • The challenging truth that I invited Kelly to address in her friendships.
    • The one step forward I think is more important than any of the rest of it.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • The One About Boundaries & Relationships
    Dec 28 2017
    Meet Amy Mitchell

    Amy is a systems specialist that helps entrepreneurs build roadmaps to their goals, and find and implement the perfect systems to manage all the moving parts of their businesses.

    You can learn more about Amy at www.dowhatyouwant.co and find her on instagram @amyr_mitchell.

    Fav quotes from this episode:

    “Adulting is the shift between feeling likes things happen to me & realising that I’m in control. Every choice is up to me.”

    “The better my systems are, the less responsible I have to be.”

    “Adulthood is taking care of business so that we can all play.”

    “I know a lot of 40 year old children.”

    “I thought that boundaries were selfish.”

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Victim mentality & how to transition out of it
    • How to help other people grow, too
    • How systems create joy, creativity & light are the key to staying childlike.
    • How Amy learned about boundaries and what the benefits of practicing them have been for her
    • Obligation and where the line is between kindness and victim mentality
    • A great explanation of compromise and how to recognise if it’s no longer a win:win
    • The two things you need to make boundaries work in a relationship
    • How to communicate in an adult relationship
    • The difference between rules and agreements

    Plus, hear our hilarious confessions and some really personal and vulnerable shares.

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • The One About Tantrums
    Jan 4 2018

    Meet Nadia Munla

    Nadia is a Health & Sensuality Coach who guides women to sensual nourishment and embodied power by helping them reconnect to their own body voice. She is immensely passionate about supporting women in their journey back to their embodied essence so they can feel vibrant, alive & free again.

    You can find out more about Nadia at nadiamunla.com & embodydanceclass.com

    Fav quotes from this episode:

    “Sometimes I find that the best strategy is to actually throw a tantrum”

    “There are times when we have to go “No, I actually know better.”

    “I’m an adult but, I don’t have health insurance, and I’m a health coach!!”

    “All my friends on a 1:1 basis have told me that they have a lot of guilt and shame around taxes, but no one will talk about it collectively.”

    “Yeah, this is ‘adulting’ stuff that’ll set you into a tantrum for sure!”

    In this episode we talk about:

    • How having a tantrum is actually incredibly adult (yep, really)
    • How your body is helping you move through emotions
    • How the limbic brain deals with perceived threat (like not being able to pay the rent)
    • Why the neocortex needs you to embody your emotions
    • Using meditation to access mindful living and mindful interaction & why that’s important
    • Parenting your inner child

    Plus, you lucky, lucky people get to listen to Nadia and I chat about what had been a really difficult and stressy day / week / month for both of us. You get to hear us share our imperfect, unfiltered true selves as we navigate that and talk about being an adult even when you don’t want to be.

    Más Menos
    25 m
  • The One About Body Rebellion & Listening
    Jan 11 2018

    Meet Stella Stathi

    Stella Stathi is an Eating Psychology, Eating Disorders & Body-Image specialist, coach and therapist, for high-achieving, soulful women, who want to break free from their battle with food, weight and their bodies, once and for all, from the inside out. Through her signature approach, Body Prema; The Psychospiritual Path to Radical Food & Body Freedom, Stella helps her clients discover and heal the real, inner, mental, emotional and spiritual root-causes of their difficulties, so that they can finally enjoy lasting peace and true freedom around food, and feel fully comfortable and confident in their bodies and themselves.

    Website: www.bodyprema.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/bodyprema

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/bodyprema_stellastathi

    Fav quotes from this episode:

    “If you deny that you have needs or desires, they are not going to go away!”

    “It starts with a conversation... awareness is one thing, but connecting and sharing is how to make a change”

    “Hey body, why do you not feel good?!”

    “Our relationship with our bodies is an actual relationship - it’s two sided and what you put into it, you will get back!”

    “Fuck you, I wanna eat pizza every single day!”

    “I am an adult but I still don’t know exactly how much my income and expenses are every month!”

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Women’s relationships with food and their perceived secret battles
    • Why it is important to be in touch with yourself above all else
    • How self care is not selfish!
    • Behaviours such as eating disorders and disordered thinking around food
    • How to listen and engage with your internal dialogue
    • What being an adult in your body looks like

    Plus, listen to Stella and I chat about why adulting isn’t about being the inner parent, and what it feels like when your inner child rebels. We share our thoughts on why what you think being an adult is about is wrong, and what Queens eat for dinner (*hint* it probably includes pizza)!

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • The One About Being Different, Bipolar & Fat
    Jan 18 2018

    Meet Hazel Butler

    Hazel is a freelance writer and content marketer helping fabulous female entrepreneurs build dedicated tribes of ideal clients. She's also a best-selling urban fantasy author, Huffington Post blogger, and Editor at Sci-Fi Fantasy Network. She has recently recorded a BBC short film on bipolar disorder and is a advocate for the work of both Bipolar UK and Mind charities.

    You can find out more about Hazel here:

    The Write Copy Girl's website: www.thewritecopygirl.com

    YouTube www.youtube.com/channel/UCV7uggsoEZ_0TrEQ7pp23NQ

    Facebook page: facebook.com/thewritecopygirl

    Author website: hazel-butler.com

    Twitter: twitter.com/WriteCopyGirl

    Fav quotes from this episode:

    ‘Fat girls shouldn’t do this, fat girls shouldn’t do that’

    ‘Life is not supposed to be this hard’

    'In my teens and 20s I was fearless!'

    ‘There is so much more to life than you think there is! Why on earth are you holding back?’

    'Put me to bed, turn my phone off

    Más Menos
    23 m
  • The One About Communication
    Jan 25 2018

    Meet Elloa & Nige

    Nige and Elloa Atkinson, a husband and wife team are co-authors of the groundbreaking book, Odd Man Out: Breaking The Vow of Male Silence. Amongst other pursuits, they coach individuals, couples and groups, and facilitate workshops to support men around the world to understand more about themselves and women to understand more about men. Nige and Elloa are known for their ability to shake up the status quo, their honesty and their playfulness.

    Where can people find out more about you?:








    Fav quotes from this episode:

    “You always get a chance to do it again, even if you do a huge fuck-up”

    “Being an adult is very much about taking responsibility for my thoughts and actions”

    “It’s all shit and sunshine!”

    “I really wish that I still had those plastic high heels I had when I was 5 years old”

    “I am an adult but sometimes I just want to sit and download music!”

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Communication as an exercise in learning to listen and getting under the skin of what the other person is saying
    • Conversing as an art
    • How anxiety can induce terrible 80s haircuts
    • The importance of playful and creative communication
    • The openness of dialogue and not having to be right, or clever, or perfect
    • The role of fun, playfulness and silliness in being yourself and communicating your message

    Plus join us for a whole bunch of giggles whilst chatting about feeling tongue tied on your own podcast, lost property announcements, poodles with dodgy haircuts and overcoming stage fright at TEDx!

    Más Menos
    28 m