
  • 18-Ascribing Miracles Falsely-Issue 19-21
    45 m
  • 17-False Ascriptions-Issue 17-18
    47 m
  • 16-Extremism with the Scholars and the Righteous-Issue 13-16
    49 m
  • 15-Misusage of Logic and Reasoning-Issue 11-12
    42 m
  • 14-Following the Currupt People of Knowledge and Worshippers-Issue 9-10
    50 m
  • 13-Power in Politics and Worldly Knowledge is not a Proof
    45 m
  • 12-Considering the Majority as a Proof and Evidence
    46 m
  • 11-Blind Following is a Great Fundamental of the Days of Ignorance
    49 m