
  • The Lion, The Elephant, The Rooster, The Eagle, and The Antique Car Horn
    Dec 21 2023

    Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

    We are so excited to have you all here to help us close out Season 2.

    Today Brownie gets the conversation going by asking the group a huge question about art. What piece of art (paintings, sculptures, music, film, etc.) would you like to say you created and would your choice be based on the fame you’d gain from becoming the creator or would your choice be based on the love you have for that one piece of art? Get ready for a fun chat about creativity, fame, ego, telephone poles, and toilets. Who knows, Godzilla’s buddies might even stop by to say hello.

    We've got a lot of pitches for you today so,  going alphabetically, Bryce, Raven, Brownie, Jake and Lizette step up to the mound for a series of Lightning Pitches! (cue sound effect). Or, since they all love continuing to riff and brainstorm, perhaps denoting them as “Lightning” Pitches is more accurate (please note bunny ears). We hope you’re ready for a whole slew of unique, silly, and thoughtful ideas from each member of ATAP.

    Lastly, UPDATES? Probably not. Well, maybe we’ll get some in Season 3! Probably not.

    BIG LOVE AND THANKS to Dave Blake JR, Liam Gareau, Maura Kanter and Chloé Lexia Worthington for stopping by the podcast this season. Please check out our previous episodes with our incredible guest pitchers for some great ideas and tons of laughs.

    Thank you all so much for listening. We love making this podcast and we truly hope it brings some joy to the world. Please spread the word to your friends and, heck, even your enemies.  Why not, everyone could use a good laugh.

    Please like and subscribe to all our social media accounts and everywhere you can get that sweet, sweet podcast action.

    We’re grateful for all feedback so please feel free to write us a review wherever you can and/or contact us with any thoughts, critiques, and ideas you’d like to share at aintthatapitchpod@gmail.com 



    PS... since it's that time of year everyone at ATAP would like to wish you and yours a Happy Holidays and Merry Pitchmas! Have fun, be good, and stay safe! We'll see you all in the New Year! Probably.

    Más Menos
    1 h
  • Something That Purely Exists in My Brain and It’s a Beautiful Thing
    Dec 12 2023

    Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

    Today we welcome Maura Kanter and Chloé Lexia Worthington as our guest pitchers. They have their own podcast HISTORICALLY BADASS BROADS where a historian and her friend discuss previously forgotten, maligned or ignored women from history. The group begins by discussing women they each would like to meet and learn from, ranging from celebrities who hope that they’re not normal to more well known historical figures.

    Chloé goes first with a fun and motivating design feature she’d like to pitch to app designers and the makers of iPhones. Do you need even more notices from your phone telling you to get your life together? Would you like more rewards for successfully using apps on your phone? Well, Chloé definitely does and she’s hoping the rest of the world is ready for such a change.

    Maura then, unable to choose just one idea, goes for a triple! First, she pitches a fast pass line for general walking around the world. If you’re a fast walker you’re going to love this idea just as quick. And if you’re a dilly dallier, meanderer and/or nonlinear walker, you’ve been warned! For her second pitch Maura pitches a service or app that connects all your communication devices for the sole purpose of keeping everyone updated on the information shared through group messages. Are you tired of having to deal with failures in communication? Do you spend more time than you’d like answering something that you’ve already addressed in an email or text? If you’re forced to have to deal with these horrors, then you’re gonna love this idea, too. Finally, Maura has a pitch for an app/service aimed to help keep consumers informed regarding businesses and the causes they support. Before you head into a store would you like to know where their profits go and what ideals they uphold? In Maura’s world, everyone is kept up to date on everything all the time and it’s a world ATAP fully loves and supports, but we know it’ll never happen.

    Thank you so much to Chloé and Maura for everything! We had an incredibly fun time with you both. Please check out their podcast HISTORICALLY BADASS BROADS wherever fine podcasts are sold.

    And if you’d like to say hello, give us a critique or share a pitch of your own please contact us a ainthatapithcpod@gmail.com

    Thank you all so much.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 23 m
    Dec 4 2023

    Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

    Today we welcome Liam Gareau as our guest pitcher. Liam is the host of Tell Me Everything, the podcast where he and his guests get to know each other through discussing aspects of pop culture that mean the most to them. Are there movies you've seen that you can't stop talking about? Are there songs you've listened to that you've felt transformed by? Borrowing a page from Liam’s podcast, we get things started today with an exciting chat about the films, historical moments in time and occasional slaps shared between celebrities that mean the most to us here at ATAP.

    Liam then hits a massive home run with his first pitch for a grocery store designed specifically for single people only. The working title for a super market that supplies unattached patrons with a more feasible and manageable supply of sustenance and goods is currently Singles, while some think we should throw caution to the wind and go with Singlez (note the super cool use of the letter Z). Either way,  we all quickly fall in love with Liam (some quicker than others) while having an absolute blast brainstorming this awesome idea.

    "If you don’t find love, we hope you find Singlez!"

    Updates, a few shout-outs to Dr. Pissstain and MORE help round out this fun filled episode. PS… Lizette uses her jackhammer a few times during the show. Sorry ‘bout that.

    Special thanks to Liam Gareau for his time, great ideas and all the laughs. We most definitely can't wait to have you back on ATAP soon. Also, please be sure to check out his podcast Tell Me Everything everywhere you get your hot podcast action.

    To air any grievances, share an idea of your own or to simply say hello please contact us at aintthatapitchpod@gmail.com

    Thank you so much.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 17 m
  • The Margaery-Peanut-Butter-Joyride Genre
    Nov 27 2023

    Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

    Lizette starts things off today by asking the group when they all feel most like their true selves. In what circumstances does it feel like the outside presentation of yourself is most in line with how you feel on the inside? How do you know when you are being you?

    Jake then pitches a way to reshape the Manic-Pixie-Dream-Girl genre. How could it be flipped on its head and presented from a unique and fresh point of view? What movies have been made that already fulfill these perspectives? More importantly, what the heck even is the Manic-Pixie-Dream-Girl genre? Please join us for all the answers and more.

    We wrap it all up with another round of updates along with a healthy, important reminder that Matt Gaetz ain’t cool.

    Please check us out on Facebook and Instagram. And feel free to contact us anytime at aintthatapitchpod@gmail.com

    Thank you all so much.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • A Casual Symposium on Consciousness (with Tacos)
    Nov 20 2023

    Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

    Bryce gets things started today by sharing a meaningful moment he experienced with a stranger at a museum, which leads to him asking: if someone took a candid picture of you admiring, contemplating and/or interacting with something that you love, what would that thing be? After listening in, be sure to check out our answers on our Instagram!

    Jake then pitches an idea he has centered around the infinite possible storylines that could be created through the world of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Fakes, particularly in a creative way that could be therapeutic and beneficial for mental health. What if you could live a whole other life through a whole other “you"? What if you could have one more moment with a life-like recreation of someone you've lost?  Is any of this even a good idea or is it all just going to bring about the end of humanity sooner? Well, we've got our fingers, toes and eyes crossed in the hopes that it doesn't.

    Lastly… UPDATES! Get ready to hear all about everything we are still not doing.

    Please feel free to drop us line, tell us how we are doing or send us a pitch you may have at aintthatapitchpod@gmail.com

    Thank you all so much.


    Más Menos
    1 h y 3 m
  • It’s Too Cold Out Today to Go Networking
    Nov 13 2023

    Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

    Raven gets things started today by asking the gang if they enjoy the sound of their own voices. Probably something some of them should have considered before starting a podcast, huh?

    Brownie then sets up for three very unique pitches.  First, a “lit” idea that, if it ever became a reality, could make a lot of scents. Second, Brownie sets his goals “high” with a business venture between him, Pearl Jam and Mary Jane. Lastly, curious as to why ATAP doesn't just make a name for themselves, Brownie asks the group why they don’t just make a name for themselves. Maybe one day they'll figure it out, but probably not today.

    Lizette and Bryce's dog Roxy then wrap everything up with an inspirational quote from Sylvia Plath.

    Please check us out on Facebook and Instagram. And if you feel like saying hello, telling us how we are doing and/or sharing a pitch of your own with us, please drop us a line at aintthatapitchpod@gmail.com

    Thank you so much everyone.


    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Honk? Hunk? Huhwhat?
    Nov 6 2023

    Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

    As promised from our last episode, Brownie starts everything off today with an inspirational, often misinterpreted quote from our dreamy friend Cobb.

    Then, with a little help from Tony Hawk, Raven gets the group chatting about their individual experiences with encouragement, self-doubt and confidence. Where do these beliefs come from, nature or nurture? Do you always believe in yourself or does doubt always get the best of you?

    Lizette then sets up for two pitches. Going heavy first, Lizette floats a barely baked idea related to the experience of being technically a part of two worlds and feeling like you may not belong in either. The group discusses possible avenues to explore in order to share and reflect on the hidden ways we’re all intersectional beings.

    Next, have you ever been on a date with someone you have nothing in common with? Well, hoping to offer some help through her second pitch, Lizette has an idea for a dating app that is specifically centered around and linked to people’s entertainment interests (i.e. movie and concert ticket purchases) in order to benefit and strengthen the connections people are making out there in the dating world. So hey, Ticketmaster, give ATAP a call so we can start talking business.

    Lastly, Lizette surprises us with a third pitch for a Batman idea, but the surprise is on her as the idea already exists. Lizette fires back with an exciting update on her Prom idea. Closing everything out, Bryce shares an inspirational quote from Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt.

    Please be sure to check us out on Facebook and Instagram. And if you want to say hello, give us a critique of the show or if you have a pitch of your own that you’d like to share, please email us at aintthatapitchpod@gmail.com.

    Thank you all so much.


    Más Menos
    41 m
  • The Birth of The Hard Stamp
    Oct 30 2023

    Welcome to Ain’t That a Pitch!

    Ok, you've been invited to a costume party, but you’re feeling reluctantly obligated to participate. What if you don’t wanna dress up? Or even attend? Has this ever happened to you? Please “John” us as we discuss what to do a situation like this.

    Next up, Brownie presents a new segment designed to define made up words and ideas such as The Fringlethorpe Method. Please be sure to share it with the world.

    Bryce’s first pitch is an idea for new design features that will reimagine one of his favorite safety devices in the whole world: automobile brake lights. Is the world ready for such radical and creative changes or will Bryce’s idea be given… THE HARD STAMP?!?!

    For his second pitch. Bryce asks for help brainstorming a video idea he has for transforming the everyday world around us into a magical place full of wizards, heroes and elemental sorcery.

    Bringing it all to a close, Brownie inspires us all to believe in second chances with a “quote” meant to leave you all wanting to come back for more ATAP.

    Please check out on Facebook and Instagram. Also, if you feel like saying hello or anything at all, please feel free to contact us at aintthatapitchpod@gmail.com

    Thank you all.


    Más Menos
    45 m