
  • 18. Communicable Attributes: What Is the Will of God?
    Jul 24 2024

    How expansive is the will of God? Is it God's will that you should be successful in your upcoming business venture? If you're not successful, does that mean you somehow acted against God's will?

    In this episode, we explore how the Bible talks about God's will, what parts of human activity, if any, are governed by God's will, and some subtle distinctions in the different aspects of God's will.

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    1 h
  • 17. Communicable Attributes: Our God Is a Jealous God?
    Jul 18 2024

    Have you ever felt jealous? I know I have. While that feeling may often result from a corrupted way of viewing our friends and relationships, that sense of jealousy is something God feels too. He is jealous for us. In particular, he does not want us to adore or worship any god other than him. He demands that he be the sole object of our worship.

    And what about those times when we do put something else in God's place? How does God respond to that? Well, as uncomfortable as it may be, the Bible indicates that because these things always result in a perpetuation of sin, he hates them and is wrathful against them.

    The good news? Jesus dove in front of that bullet to save us. While we should have rightly been the objects of God's wrath, Jesus took all of that wrath on himself. That is what makes the story of Jesus' death and resurrection so compelling: we do not have to believe in a God who doesn't care about the evil of sin. We believe in a God who rightly hates sin but who loves us enough to save us, even at tremendous cost!

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    48 m
  • 16. Communicable Attributes: A God of Peace and Justice
    Jul 10 2024

    We can all easily recognize that not all is as it should be in the world. Chaos and evil abound where there should be peace and justice. The good news is that we serve the God who brings that peace to Earth!

    He does not always administer his justice immediately because he is patiently providing us with opportunities to repent of our wrongdoing and turn to him, but eventually, in the end, he will make everything right, and peace will rule on Earth!

    Knowing this, we can freely forgive those who wrong us because we know that God will make those wrongs right.

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    53 m
  • 15. Communicable Attributes: Holy, Holy, Holy!
    Jul 4 2024

    Life can seem pretty humdrum at times. Between rushing to eat lunch on a quick break, getting stuck in traffic on your way to work, or changing dirty diapers for the ten-thousandth time, it may seem like there's nothing truly transcendent. However, the authors of the Bible made it clear that when they encountered God, they were face-to-face with someone whose nature was truly "other" from their experience of everyday life. This is God's holiness.

    What's more: God loves you too much to leave you how you are. If you love him, then he plans to make you holy too!

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    34 m
  • 14. Communicable Attributes: Your Merciful God is Patient
    Jun 25 2024

    God's goodness is seen in a multitude of ways. He gives of himself to the benefit of others (love), but he also is kind to us when we are in distress (mercy), forgiving of us even when we repeatedly offend him (grace), and he endures those offenses as he waits for us to repent and run back to him (patience).

    You couldn't invent a better God: how wonderful that our loving God is good in every way!

    Más Menos
    32 m
  • Bonus 3. The Mark of the Beast and 666
    Jun 10 2024

    Is it possible that you've already gotten the mark of the beast but didn't realize it at the time? Is the mark social security? Is it credit cards? What about some kind of vaccine?! The answer to all of these is "probably not," but then what on earth really is the mark of the beast? To answer that, we have to dig into some good hermeneutics for apocalyptic literature.

    Strap on your seatbelts, we're talking about Revelation and it can get a bit weird.

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    19 m
  • Bonus 2. Does God Regret Bad Decisions?
    May 30 2024

    Is it possible for God to regret a decision he made? Genesis 6:6 says, "The LORD regretted that he had made human beings," and in 1 Samuel 15:11, the LORD says, "I regret that I have made Saul king." What is the right way to understand these passages? Did God not know that these things would go so badly?

    Some theologians think these passages indicate that God doesn't know the future. Spoiler alert: they're wrong!

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Bonus 1. Baptism: When, Why, How?
    May 21 2024

    Jordan is joined by his lovely wife, Sarah, for a discussion of their differing views and backgrounds on baptism.

    Más Menos
    40 m