
  • Book III, Chapter X: Containing a letter of a very curious kind.
    15 m
  • Book IV, Chapter V: Containing an eulogium upon innocence, and other grave matters.
    17 m
  • Book IV, Chapter VI: In which may appear that violenec is sometimes done to the name of love.
    13 m
  • Book IV, Chapter VIII: Containing various matters.
    8 m
  • Book III, Chapter XII: In which Mr. Booth concludes his story.
    19 m
  • Book II, Chapter IX: Containing a scene of a different kind from any of the preceding.
    10 m
  • Book II, Chapter IV: The story of Mr. Booth continued.
    7 m
  • Book I, Chapter VII: In which Miss Matthews begins her history.
    11 m