
  • #4: Take a Bunch!
    Jul 31 2024

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    This week, I assume I'm going through withdrawal, because it's been fucking difficult to come up with fucking ANYTHING -Until I begin spilling the liquid diet from betwixt my lips. Very standard procedure self-doubt.

    Plentiful is the oddballs that encompass who I am. Fairly poetic, that. As all of that sort of rubbish is subjective. Made ME cry. And as a man of 2024, I feel embraced by the integrity to funnel out some of the vitamins and minerals that were once proud to line themselves within my digestive tract, into the form of _____ energy. You're... welcome.

    However, I'm gracious/ungracious-ly accepting of any feedback whatsoever, that isn't standardised practices of mundanity, as we are all accustomed to. So, any shite-talking is welcomed, under the surely innaccurate banner of, "Fan Mail". Unlike the comedy show I turned up to be very accurately tarred with the derogatory term of, "wanker", at - I'll most-likely be able to let it go. Like greasy dust in the wind. Or dust in the wind, that tastes vaguely of salt. Quite a guilty treat of mine.

    And, if any of this isn't to your liking, or, to your liking, then I'd like to cordially invite you to quench your thirst for yet another demanding internet personality's attention, and engage with me. No pressure. Just be my fanciful fiancé, and bathe in a seemingly empty pool of engagement. IF YOU LIKE.

    Share this, if'ins that's something you'd be willing to do. You have my explicit blessing. All in good, if not entirely perplexing fun.

    Have a lovely day. Slán.

    "I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

    Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

    Then, and, only then.

    Be a Fan.

    I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
    However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

    {Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • #3: As to whatever, THIS, is... Music may be co-operated, and, BANNED.
    Jul 23 2024

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    These are for these moments when you cannot wriggle free from the comfort of English voices.
    Why the fuck did he bring out something to be pre-ordained to be censored

    Life breeds something of us Gen-Z's. Mostly not coming out to the masses. #Not in a gay way...


    But if it were, I'd want it to be overtly thought-about here!

    "I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

    Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

    Then, and, only then.

    Be a Fan.

    I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
    However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

    {Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

    Más Menos
    1 h y 30 m
  • #2: Give yourself ONE from me
    Jul 16 2024

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    I did say, "ONE". Don't get greedy, now.

    After a month-long hiatus, (due to deciding to relinquish any semblance of life in favour of smoking bud), WE. ARE. BACK.

    In all honesty, less schizophrenic than before, but, still equally doting to the idea (spawned from great rappers) that schizophrenia is a positive, or at-the-very-least, an interesting element to someone's personality.

    I thought I wouldn't talk again, and I was resided to a place within the depth of childhood, where I felt talking was useless, or unnecessary. However... no. I've satiated my social-anxiety, by showing up on-form. Thus, curing my Autism and simultaneous Mutism. (What use would mutism be, for an Autist, who thrives upon the spouting of utter bullshite, bollocks, and gob-shitery...? And contrarily to the amount of respect others have for politicians... What use would my therapy be, if I was self-satisfied at home. Smoking pots. Feeling braindead...). ANYWAY, enough depressing fucking rhetoric. Hope you enjoy this.


    OBLIGATE YOURSELF TO ENJOY. Especially if you've been dreaming like I have... Much like women in the 90s who were more uptight as a standard of being downtrodden by misogyny (didn't even know how to spell that word just-then, so... Olly Woods: Friend of Women. You're welcome, you ungrateful bitches.), I didn't reach orgasm/could not concentrate hard-enough to... "completion". And, I'm a bit of a completionist, so... That was a damn-shame. Also, I'm gay-now. All confirmed by Reddit, Quora, and some other terrible website that should barely be trusted.

    Hope all of you who feed my childhood symptomatic neglect are doing well.

    Love you. And you're also gay-now, if you enjoyed reading that. AM NOT - DOUBLE PERSONAL PADLOCK JINX. Now you HAVE TO, be gay-now. Sore luck and etc., Pal.

    "I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

    Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

    Then, and, only then.

    Be a Fan.

    I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
    However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

    {Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

    Más Menos
    1 h y 16 m
  • #20: Set of Bollocks//#1; actually. Bingefest '24.
    Jun 18 2024

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    But, honestly: Bollocks and bullshite to
    you all.

    I've understood where in which I fell to the path of the grey, but, in large to me having Social-Deaths/Living within my meansmentum/"Ah, I suppose it isn't All Bad.", I suppose it's been something to ponder, and whatever withering sentiments people have to propel who you are anywhere that you haven't solidified for your own means.

    Or. Politely: Get fhhuuuuuHhcked, is an echo to life that has sailed through everybody's days, and sentiments, I'm sure. Harder to tempt in a (Fuck)Love-er. Harder to see where people are at, if they're feeling unweathered by tainting whoever, and whomever, they please, (supposedly). Perhaps, and within-0-respecting-ways, I'm poetically speaking through the level of alcohol in my system.

    Life occurs within a fucking bored glass of tonic, and then people/Folks, add their sprinkley fucking cunt gin intio a bit of fucking glassware, and ANYBODY IN THEIR RIGHT MIND, is supposed to gel with people, that, at a distance... I expect I would HATE to spend any amount of time-with.

    Add it up. But,
    get fucked.

    Over it, over and up with being an Average-Good Cardio-Levelled-Male-of: 20-29. I'm planting my newfoundland over somebody else's tummy. Not to be too innuendo-ridden... But, act as if you'd be a good shag, then you might accept notions to get fucked more often.

    "what a bone-headed/autistic mistake",

    Perhaps I'll understand social-cues, as indeed I fucking already do, ;

    But, anyway. MORE power to you, if-anything. Bye, though.


    Sorry about, that.

    Fucking derilict building headed fuckwomps - What, mate? Didn't say a word.

    "I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

    Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

    Then, and, only then.

    Be a Fan.

    I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
    However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

    {Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • #19: Having enough Commonwealth Time to understand myself almost feels... 1st world abusive...? (No...? No sympathy...? W.a.T. ... (and an outdated vernacular.))
    Jun 10 2024

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    (")Today's Podcast covers themes of hating how the elusive way of Art-Forms seem to be pathetically captured by the insufferable grief commercialism offers to, US ALL.(")

    Aside from that, I'll just use this an opportunity to ay, that if I were getting any attention that I truly believe felt me worthwhile in pursuing, then I'd genuinely explain a lot of my woeful fucking thoughts and feelings.... But, to be honest, I've been fucked-off all-week. Not like that. I've had some wonderful moments admiring my own genitals, ETC.

    Just being comically-over-the-line...

    Autistically *Schizophrenically *ETC.

    Just... fuck off.

    Actually, have a nice time. It's been going alright, but there is no quick-fix to being self&raised neglectfully.


    "I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

    Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

    Then, and, only then.

    Be a Fan.

    I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
    However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

    {Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

    Más Menos
    1 h y 10 m
  • #18: Hammer Down and Considerately Love
    Jun 3 2024

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    Just to be CLEAR (CLARITY, however, NOT LIKE FINISH DOES FOR YOUR DISHWASHER): Please think before expecting violence solves anything... Watch, "A History of Violence", but, with no distractions, or people of different mindsets trying to jilt your viewing... The message at least is fantastic and very thoughtful as story-telling, soooo... It doesn't make you fantastic to handle life this way, but, almost: VERY BLOODY NAIVE OF ME TO EXPECT THIS MAY ALTER YOUR EXPERIENCE OF DEALING WITH PEOPLE WHO ALLOW YOU TO BE HARMED... I'm just very much under the impression, that, fire fighting fire, does only seek to destroy all of the life that we deserve to have, AS HUMAN BEINGS! WHATEVER YOUR DIFFERENCES. VERY SIMILARLY, WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS, yet sadly, we are all often conflicted by people with different values. Very much so, it's often airs that people try to control you with. Best to be kind, sincere, and thoughtful to those who seem plenty more to understand than how you are.

    Having faith in others is not a bad thing.
    And I'm not just saying that in my defence...

    It's all designed to be entertainment, but, I've always loved people trusting others with good messages to interpret, or, just listen to. Apologies if it's a difficult listen! Sincerely!

    Still... Not a good (it is good, just not AMAZING for my comedic-charisma, but, still, "good", to offer) look for all the coming-off-like-a-right-bugger style, I seem to portray... I lose friends in real-life for being misunderstood, so, perhaps it helps to be related to. GENUINELY NO-PRESSURE, hahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahhahhahahhahahahaahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahahahhapleaselaughhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha.

    I know, I flips styles. Thanks, Guys.

    "I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

    Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

    Then, and, only then.

    Be a Fan.

    I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
    However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

    {Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • #17: ChaterererORdateEmUp/JustaChatPlease
    May 29 2024

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    Was going to put a, "x", after the episode title, but wasn't sure whether that would be a step too far, these days. Please be ensured: NOBODY, is entitled to kiss me. It's just a niceity that many of us add on to text messages, when we struggle for bonds past those we know. It's a scary and Fearmongering kind of world these days.

    Perhaps you expect I get my jollies off of being an absolute tossing-pr(w)anker. I mean no-offence, but I feel this attempt at a podcast is:
    1.) Unnecessary.
    2.) Sad.
    3.) Lovely.
    4.) Complex.
    5.) Very stupid and classically-"thick", by English colloquial standards.
    6.) It's not the 90s, but nobody is my age on this phone-line... Not sure why I expected otherwise...

    9.) Just really what it says on the box: Confounding, plump, deep, wet, and pumplexing.

    I know...

    I feel it's not too out-of-my-remit to say:
    a dis one is a obsolete, BANGARRR.


    This one cost about £10 in credit, however... Don't want it reimbursing, that much is on me, but... Still. Still rather mental, indeed. ENJOY

    "I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

    Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

    Then, and, only then.

    Be a Fan.

    I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
    However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

    {Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • #16: THIS IS NOT A DRILL RAP ; am not that BHAD
    May 22 2024

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    That is genuinely a tattoo I would never be ashamed to see, as an empath. But, after dealing with suicidal thoughts scientifically, socially, compassionately, and with integrity...
    I am willing to spare my dignity. In the name of entertainment value. At least value it at an honest estimation. "As I can fecking monetise it eventually" : Shows an honest lack of integrity. Rhymes keep coming off like a defence-mechanism of an indentured mainly-identifying-as: IRISH PERSON, with plenty more, after I spit in a cup, Like Ancestry.com's Government-whore.

    "Humour does not desire wilfull ignorance. It offers it, and does not expect you to see the tragedy. We are all working at different levels as individuals. I'm personally not selfish enough to hope anybody leaves. But I outstay conditional-love when I need to." -Me.

    'Stretch out an' wait - The Smiths' ; If anybody is there to be misinterpreted by people who are not doing enough, themselves... It is Morrissey. A suicide-prevention advocate of the '80s.
    Wish The Smiths were back together...? (I hope you do. It's my podcast. Many Artists like this Artist. Most Artists struggle with their own depression.) WISH, yet it will not re-structure flawed Artistic identity and integrity of the time... For me ; The best I can hope for, is that many people understand/try to understand another wilfully isolated individual's struggle.

    Over-shares are for Mental Health Support lines... I'll use them with, or without you all. ;

    Might just outstay my welcome. Windingly dignified...? THAT WOULDN'T BE COMEDY, LET ALONE FUCKING CRICKET, YOU COCKNEY FACKS(!)

    Penis. Bollocks. Love. Strength. Integrity. Wee bit of necessary hatred...? Well I'm not dumb, dumb-founded, but I am a British Wordsmith, living in what we hope to call, "
    A progressive Society.".

    "I continue to wish for it to be proven, to me." -Me.

    "I never thought to say this originally, because I wouldn't like to lose myself in a Social-Vacuum-Esque Hellscape.

    Purely if you think I have something to be understood, or anything of value...

    Then, and, only then.

    Be a Fan.

    I'm opening up the idea of conversational ramblings. I think I'm naturally born reactionary, but instilled within silence. Don't be silent...? I'm a rational Human-Rights advocate, and I create my own kindness adverse to systems of Politics, wherever possible.
    However I'm Just not a fan of Tories. Irony, however... makes me look at Hugh Dennis differently. Like a Human. Not a Toffee. Or John Cleese. Or countless other wealthy Artists I, "couldn't possibly", relate to."

    {Poddy e-mail address coming soon.}

    Más Menos
    34 m