
  • Amir Atieh - Secular Israeli to Messianic Teacher
    Jul 6 2024

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    I’m speaking with Amir Atieh of Natanael Ministries in Western Australia today. Amir was born to Israeli parents and grew up in Ramale, not too far from Tel Aviv. His life and growing up years were filled with abuse and pain on many levels. Amir grew up among secular Israelis, Christians, and Arabs, never knowing his true heritage until, one day, he learned the truth about the promised Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures.

    I had the opportunity to talk with Amir about his life's journey from a secular Israeli to a prominent and growing Messianic Voice of Truth based in Perth, Western Australia.

    Join me for a chat about Amir Atieh (Arabic for a "giver")
    , his testimony, and his transformation from a secular Israeli to a Messianic Teacher. Visit his website: https://www.nathanael-ministries.com/

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  • Shavuot (Feast of Weeks/Pentecost): The End Times and the Theme of the Last Day Resurrection (the "rapture") - PART 2
    Jun 22 2024

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    I shall continue with where I left off in PART 1 of this two-part program on Shavuot or Pentecost. Shavu’ot, in the Bible, presents itself as an annual festival about biblical restoration, renewal, and completion.

    Today, I will return to my focus on the link between the Festival of Shavuot and what many often refer to as a concept called the "rapture." Said differently, this idea can be better understood as to what Yeshua refers to as the resurrection of the Last Day, in Hebrew, the "Techiat HaMatim."

    Essentially, Shavuot or Pentecost is likely the Day and Hour that no one has yet experientially known...ever! Because it is yet a future event that we are all waiting for. This is what Hebrews 11:39-40 is referring to. It is the same event that Yeshua refers to in Matthew 24:33 and John 6:40 - the end and the door of summer. It's the same idea that Paul talks about as the "door of hope" in Romans 8:23-25.

    Join me today for the program, "Shavuot (Feast of Weeks/Pentecost) End Times and the Theme of the Last Day Resurrection - PART 2.

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    50 m
  • Shavuot (Feast of Weeks/Pentecost): The End Times and the Theme of the Last Day Resurrection (the "rapture") - PART 1
    Jun 13 2024

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    Let’s talk about the annual celebration of the Festival of Weeks or what Yehovah refers to in Scripture as Shavu’ot or in Greek – “Pentecost.” Shavu’ot, in the Bible, presents itself as an annual festival about biblical restoration, renewal, and completion.

    A harvesting of souls performed as an ingathering and separating of wheat from tares (Matthew 13:30).

    A restoration to repair Adam’s treasonable transaction with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good but Evil in Genesis 3:6 and then passing that corruption down to all of us.

    A calling to freely become an ally and associate of King Messiah’s government administration on earth, as it is also in Shalem, the Kingdom of Heaven (Genesis 14:18 and 1 Corinthians 6:3)

    A rebuilding of Yehovah’s Government of Heaven on earth, as it is in heaven (Acts 15:16 based on Amos 9:11).

    An end of salvation through the door of summer and the start of a new component of eternal life through the door of hope (Romans 8:25 and Matthew 24:33)

    A bodily transformation through a promised resurrection on the Last Day (John 6:40 and Romans 8:23)

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    May 25 2024

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    In this program, we will speak about Exodus 19:5-6, the Melchizedek link to the New Covenant Book of Hebrews chapters 6-8, and the exchange of the Levitical law for the higher and more superior Melchizedek law of the King/Priest Messiah. We will also look into the naming and birth of Yochanan or John the Baptist in Luke Chapter 1 as well as the significance of the ministry of John or Yochanan "the Baptist" and his immersion of Yeshua in the Jordan in Matthew 3:13 and how it relates to the ministry of Elijah in Malachi Chapters 3-4, who was a prophet divinely appointed to announce the restoration of all things before the coming of Messiah who must restore the fallen tent or Tabernacle of the House of David.

    Our discussion will also examine the context of Matthew 15:24-25 as it speaks about a Canaanite Woman and the bread that falls from the Master's Table. Further, we will also look into Galatians 3:19, which concerns a reference to the law of the Levitical Priesthood and how this speaks about the Melchizedek priesthood calling in light of the Spirit and Power of Elijah.

    Among the many religious issues of the Jewish people during the late Second Temple Period, a major point of conflict was about the festival and civil calendars of Judaism. Understanding this brings a further disclosure about the Priestly House of Tzadok in light of the 1947 discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in the nearby caves of the Qumran area in the State of Israel.

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  • SIGNS OF THE TIMES (PART 1): The Authority of the Ezekiel 44:24 Zadokite Priesthood and the Biblical Calendar of Exodus 12:2
    May 11 2024

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    The Second Temple Period of Judaism was a unique time in the history of the Jewish People. Among the many religious issues of the Jewish people at that time, one major point of conflict was that of the calendar. You wouldn’t think that this would be such a major issue, however, we know this to be true historically, thanks in part to the 1947 discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    On my program today, we will hear from Eddie Chumney of Hebraic Heritage Ministries. Eddie has dedicated a lot of research time to sorting out Judaism’s calendar issues of the past two millennia and how they touch us now, particularly as it relates to the Jewish Messianic Movement that we know today.

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  • Behold The Shroud! Continued, PART 2. Interview with Barrie Schwortz, the 1978 Science Team Documenting Photographer
    Apr 27 2024

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    This is PART 2 of my interview with Barrie Schwortz, the Official Documenting Photographer for the 1978 Shroud of Turin Science Team.

    Barrie had been asked to join the Shroud Science team due to his extensive specialized skills in photography and his subsequent contract work with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, analyzing films and photos of U.S. Government atomic bomb blasts.

    Today, let’s continue with the interview that I began with Barrie Schwortz in PART 1 and hear more about the knowledge that he gained in working with the Shroud of Turin science experts, and what they learned and discovered about this ancient cloth.

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  • Behold the Shroud! PART 1. Interview with Barrie Schwortz, the 1978 Science Team Documenting Photographer
    Apr 15 2024

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    With this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio, we will speak with Barrie Schwortz who was the Official Documenting Photographer for the Shroud of Turin Science Team in 1978. Barrie Schwortz will speak with us about the Shroud as evidenced by his extensive professional photography background.

    Barrie had been asked to join the Shroud of Turin Science team back in 1978 due to his extensive professional work with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, scientifically analyzing films and photos of U.S. Government atomic bomb blasts.

    Join us now as we learn a little something about the life of Barrie Schwortz and about the knowledge that he gained in working with the Shroud of Turin science experts, and what they learned and discovered about this ancient cloth.

    This is PART 1 of the interview, Real Israel Talk Radio Episode 148.

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    50 m
  • My Passover Haggadah: An Extended Experience of its Depths, Shadows, and Realities
    Apr 1 2024

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    Each year at the season of Passover, multitudes of millions of Jewish people from all over the world, as well as those who are not natively born to the Jewish faith and culture, all gather together around each of their local family tables to remember a very special festival that is called Passover in the Bible. Why do they do this? What does it all mean, and particularly, HOW is the Passover table service conducted?

    With today’s episode of Real Israel Talk Radio (with an extended running time of one hour and 42 minutes), I am going to present to you what I understand and appreciate about the Passover. I will share with you my version of the biblical Haggadah or retelling of the Passover story. However, I will tell you the story from my point of view rather than from the culturally typical Jewish point of view. This means the readings and explanations that you will hear me speak about from my Haggadah will present according to a more non-traditional Jewish Seder. Essentially, my focus IS NOT designed to elevate the customary "fun" of the Passover with all of its typical table rituals, songs, and ceremonies that have come to shape the Jewish Passover of today. From my point of view, most of those rituals and ceremonies are merely SHADOWS of the True Passover as it relates to an unseen REALITY. My Passover Haggadah is designed to help us understand NOT WHAT the Passover is as a series of songs, prayers, and fun family time, but rather WHO the Passover is from a redemptive point of view.

    From my point of view, the Passover service is NOT a noun to elevate all the related ceremonies and table rituals of the event because I think this is a mistaken focus. As you will come to see from this program, the Passover is a verb designed to elevate an all-important Messianic redemption, which will point us to the solemn actions of the One called Yeshua, the Messiah. As I understand the event, the Passover, is about honoring the Messianic narratives of the New Covenant. Please, do come along for this journey into learning about the Passover from our presently-unseen Messianic Redeemer – One who WAS, who IS, and who IS TO COME.

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    1 h y 42 m