
  • What is Tithe? - Apostle Joseph Simwela
    May 23 2023

    *What is tithe?*


    ‘And all the tithe (tenth part) of the land, whether the seed of the land or the fruit of the tree, is the Lord’s; it is holy to the Lord. 

    If a man wishes to redeem any part of his tithe, he shall add one-fifth to it.

    *Leviticus 27:30‭-‬31 AMP*

    Tithe is the first of every ten or the first 10% of all our income and it belongs to God.


    And not only that, but we ourselves who have the Spirit as the first fruits — we also groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.

    *Romans 8:23 HCSB*

    It is the best or the first fruit we need to bring back to Him just as he gave his first and only son - our Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation.

    It means, it must be given first to the Lord. It must be put first in your budget and not last.


    These are the ones not defiled with women, for they have kept their virginity. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. 

    They were redeemed from the human race as the first fruits for God and the Lamb.

    *Revelation 14:4 HCSB*

    Tithe is Holy, pure before the Lord and our practice must show that. If we give in the end (which usually is impossible), it's like we have spoiled it with other budget lines.

    Once you have all your income - separate your tithe (even if you are not ready to give to God through your Priest by then).

    Remember! Tithe must be given to a Priest chosen by God or as the Priest instruct and not just anyhow.


    Furthermore, here [in the Levitical priesthood] tithes are received by men who are subject to death; but in that case [concerning Melchizedek], they are received by one of whom it is testified that he lives on [perpetually].

    *Hebrews 7:8 AMP*

    Your tithe is Holy, giving tithe is a fellowship, it's your contact point with the Lord - only if you understand that you are not giving to a man but God.

    God chose it that way so don't envy the receiver of your tithe if you want to get blessed.

    Each time you are bringing tithe to God, remove the physical - it's you and Him.

    . . . . . If a man wishes to redeem any part of his tithe, he shall add one-fifth to it.

    *Leviticus 27:31 AMP*

    The second part of our main text actually mean everybody tithes but to many it's unknowingly and unwillingly and because of that are not really blessed.

    Running away from tithing, is like tithing with an interest by force and without a blessing - You actually give your tithe plus 20% (one fifth) of it.

    *what does this mean*?

    If you are supposed to be giving MK 20,000 as your tithe monthly and you choose not to give. The Lord actually deducts MK 20,000 (10%) plus 4000 (20% of the tithe) - in total giving 24,000 forcefully without any blessing.

    But if according to the word, you do tithe and then die to other circumstances, you skipped knowingly (redeeming it) and you choose to give back - you bring 24, 000 and you are blessed.

    If you don't tithe, just know you tithe with interest unknowingly and you get no blessing. 

    And you wonder, how?

    The Lord takes back by removing protection on your money's as well as programmed blessings on your name - you make loses, thieves steal, no promotion, no contracts, no customers, no allowances, no workshops. 

    The loses you make in this category are far more than your tithe.

    Be wise and consider tithing your most important tool for rising in finances.

    Tithing is not really removing from what you had, it's spiritual and must be done in faith.

    This is why God says, try me in this and see if I am not going to open heavens for you.

    *I pray for you, may the good Lord grant you the grace to start giving what belongs to Him, in Jesus mighty name!*

    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Keys to recognize your breakthrough is near - Apostle Joseph Simwela
    May 23 2023

    *Keys to recognize your breakthrough is near*


    As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. 

    I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?

    *Psalms 42:1‭-‬2 NLT*

    _ I thirst for thee_

    Do you ever feel the urge to be with the Lord?, The hunger to pray, to be in the word, to be in a place of worship - to just be surrounded by the worshipping atmosphere?

    Hunger always call for something - before you eat, there must be hunger.

    Before you are filled or blessed, there must be a longing desire to be filled or to be with the one who blesses.


    Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.

    *Matthew 5:6 NKJV*

    There is no filling without the calling to be filled.

    If you want to take advantage of the kingdom system for your success, then you need to better discern the times.

    I am sharing with you, two things you need to note before the Lord blesses you.

    You need to know when the Lord is about to descend to bless you.

    How do you know you are about to be blessed?, Knowing that someone wants to give you something is enough preparation for receiving.

    How do you know you are about to receive?, Firstly - 

    1. *There is hunger within you to be with the Lord*. . .

    Suddenly, your desire to be with the Lord just hits another level, you just want to be in prayer, a place of fellowship, you just need to be reading the Bible, listening to the word.

    When you feel like praying more. . . .

    It's a sign

    When you feel like fasting. . .

    It's a sign that something is coming

    Your duty it's to be sensitive and never abort such a craving of the Spirit.

    Many times we abort our blessings by entertaining friends and other worldly things instead of nurturing the hunger God has given us.

    *David said, my Soul longs for you. . . .it's a sign. . .*

    What sign has the Lord given you that your life is about to change?, Have you understood it or are you walking in it?

    Another thing to note when the Lord is about to lift you is

    2. *Loneliness, loss of company or separation*

    When God wants to bless you, He will first give you a burden or situation which will separate you from others so You can be with him.

    It does not matter the kind of separation - some people can leave your life so you can be blessed

    Abraham was blessed even more when Lot separated from him

    Mary of Magaderene and two disciples went to the tomb of Jesus, but at the point when Mary remained alone, Jesus showed up.


    So Jehu left the others and went into the house. Then the young prophet poured the oil over Jehu’s head and said, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I anoint you king over the Lord’s people, Israel.

    *2 Kings 9:6 NLT

    Jehu was anointed King of Israel when he went into the house leaving friends outside.

    Jacob sent forth the sons and the two wives ahead, and he remained alone for his name to be changed . . .


    This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until the dawn began to break.

    *Genesis 32:24 NLT*

    And Jacob spoke, I will not leave you till you have blessed me - and Jacob was blessed, his name was changed from Jacob to Israel.

    Separate yourself, rock yourself in the room and pray, separate self and concentrate on the word of God to be illuminated with the light from above.

    *May the Lord grant you the grace to always hunger for him in Jesus name!*

    The grace to separate self, be upon you in Jesus name!

    Just like Jacob to Israel, your name is changing:

    Your tears will become laughter in Jesus name,

    Problems are being turned into a blessing, in Jesus name!

    You are strong and not weak in Jesus name!

    Those who despised you will honor, respect and lift you highly in Jesus name!

    Your name is favour, favour shall follow you all days of your life in Jesus name!

    *It is well, you are blessed today and forevermore in Jesus name!*

    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Making your Fasting Effective part 2 - Apostle Joseph Simwela
    May 22 2023
    *How to make our fasting effective part 2**Text*“No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people. Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.*Isaiah 58:6‭-‬7 NLT*As you purposefully or routinely choose to fast - there are thousands of orphans, widows,the aged, the poor around you - who are fasting on daily basis just because they don’t have food? Or no appetite just because justice is being denied to them due to their status of ''*being a no body in society*''  Take that which you have saved during your fasting and visit them - they will make your fasting effective. Give and remember them in prayer and you will surely be remembered. Your fasting could be meaningless if all that you did not eat, you take them at once in the evening. Many of you are like that - the breakfast and lunch you skipped, you still take them at 4 pm and then have your usual dinner at 8 pm. Think of those not having what to eat, bless them with food or anything valuable.The bottom line is, extending love to others - let your sacrifice be a true sacrifice by letting it go to others.A sacrifice is called a sacrifice by its value - Do not start fasting just because there is no food in the house, or the quality of food is not of your type - do it when you have everything - remember its a sacrifice.What are you giving up in your fasting?. ....For mothers or fathers, make sure you still buy good relish for the children or the rest in the house while you embark into your 14 days fasting. It is not Proper saving a good diet till you finish fasting - such fasting is not looked with favour before the Lord.Fasting is giving up something, the more you give up, the more it becomes effectiveAgain, your fasting must be spiritual, the goal is to meet the Lord and not showing people how good you are at fasting.*Text*“And when you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is the only reward they will ever get.  But when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.*Matthew 6:16‭-‬18 NLT*Your fasting is between you and God - don’t announce around or behave in away of showing off that you know how to pray - God remains silent in such kind of fasting. However, group fasting - Church or family are encouraged since you have the common goal.*Text*Jehoshaphat was terrified by this news and begged the Lord for guidance. He also ordered everyone in Judah to begin fasting.*2 Chronicles 20:3 NLT*Group fasting must still be made known only to the group or members for its effectiveness.As a family, a Church or smaller gathering - there are situations which need group fasting.It could be Church growth, family curses or limitations - consider group fasting.When did you ever hold a family fasting?... . Or A group fasting?. . . .Group Fasting's are very important. . .You can organize for three days or 7 days With teachings and prayers during each day.This allows the Lord to heal your family and generational curses are uprooted.If you happen to organize a family fasting and am around your location, am always ready to be your guest during such moments to boost up your spirit with the word and prayer - you can always invite. *Family fasting is powerful*Another thing you need to engage during your fasting for tangible results is *Proper breaking*Don't break your fasting with one eye on the clock and the other on food whilst seated in Kitchen or dining.*Text*while I was still speaking in prayer and extremely exhausted, the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me about the time of the evening sacrifice.*Daniel 9:21 AMP*Angels appear few minutes before breaking your sacrifice Or fasting and how you break your fasting matters.Angels will meet you in the prayer room, at the time when you are hungry and exhausted - they are searching for the praying man.Don't break your fasting without offering an evening sacrifice - that is a prayer whilst hungry and exhausted.End your fasting at a higher note in prayer, a prayer that will make you forget that its time up. Most answers are given as we finish the program. Many of you will be found in Kitchen 10 minutes before breaking your fasting, you must offer an evening sacrifice. . . .When your day was filled with the word, prayer and spiritual activities - you don't fill hungry to the point of simply waiting for time and food. *You must engage yourself spiritually during fasting. . .*Lastly, your fasting program is like a prayer offering to God, and ...
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • The Key to change - Apostle Joseph Simwela
    May 21 2023
    *The Key to change**Text*Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him, *Colossians 3:9-10 (NKJV)*The key to change is determined by a dual off/on switch - you must put off two things, the old man and its deeds - , that is - the evil spirit and the bad character he brought. Then you must put on the new man and His character, the good deeds of the Holy Spirit.Many are the same today, even after receiving Jesus because the new man was allowed to occupy the old wine skin.*Text*No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. 17 Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” *Matthew 9:16-17 (NKJV)*The Bible is clearly stating to us that we must not play around with the Holy Spirit - if we invite Him, we must make sure to forsake all bad character and cloth ourselves with His nature. If we still accommodate a bad character in our life, the scripture points to us that the worse can happen - meaning that it would have been better being ignorant of the Lord than knowing his path and choose not to walk in it.*Text*For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. *2 Peter 2:21 (NKJV)*It is good to be sure with what we are doing, we cannot deceive God - no one saves two masters. Better to be in the old state than to invite the Holy Spirit and forsake Him through our deeds, behavior and character.The reason many of us don't change is because we maintain the same behavior that brought a problemEven if God delivers us, heals us - but if we still maintain the same character that brought the evil spirit, it means the evil spirit will still get attracted and continue facing the same problems.Actually, the Bible says the problem will be worse because the evil spirit will now invite other spirits to torment your life.The old man returns with more devastating powers should you still show the character he brought - he follows his fruit.*Text*When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation. *Matthew 12:43-45 (NKJV)*_When he finds it empty_ , why empty? - it means the Holy Spirit that replaced him has left the house for not being offered deeds and character He desires and no house or heart must remain empty, one will host either the Holy Spirit or an evil Spirit.A new birth or having the Holy Spirit is not enough but the conducive environment of the Holy Spirit - your deeds.*Text*As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, *Colossians 2:6 (NKJV)*Do not just receive Jesus, you must as well decide to start walking in Him.To walk in Jesus means showing forth the character of Jesus - we must partake both his Spirit and the behaviour that comes with Him.The Holy Spirit requires a new way of doing things - your character and behavior must change to suit Him.The Holy Spirit may not desire the songs you used to listen and watch, may not desire the movies and TV channels you used to watch.Do not stick to the fruits the evil one left, your biggest assignment once you receive Jesus is to uproot the behaviour in you the evil spirit has left.You cannot have both the Holy Spirit and the character of the evil one in one place - if not uprooted, it will mean the Holy Spirit leaving and the evil one coming with more power to reinforce the bad character he left.True change follows a change in behavior.Even if one receives Jesus but if the Holy Spirit resides in the same environment that nurtured the evil Spirit, then change is only temporary. *I pray for you, may the good Lord grant you the desire to not only have Him - but also to walk in Him, in Jesus mighty name!*
    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Making the most of your time - Apostle Joseph Simwela
    May 19 2023
    Making the most of your time*Text*. . .they celebrated the Festival of Tabernacles with the required number of burnt offerings prescribed for each day.*Ezra 3:4b NIV*_prescribed for each day_A prescription in this context is a plan to carry out something, each day for the set period.For this set period, the Israelites had a plan spelled out on how they will spend each day.It means they were living each day on purpose - prescribed activities in order to achieve something.If we want to be successful in this life, then we need to take advantage of the little time we have.In the text we have read, the goal for the Israelites was to successfully celebrate a yearly festival - and for this to happen, activities were spelled out, planned out or prescribed for each day.In what season of the year are you?, What has the alpha and omega of your life instructed you to do? Why are you here on earth for? - If your goal as a student is to pass your exams, what activities have you planned out on daily basis to achieve this? - If your goal as a Christian is to grow spiritually, what daily activities have you planned out? - If your goal as a Pastor is to plant a Church, what is your daily prescription of activities - If your personal goal is to be debt free and become financial stable, what are you going to do each day to be successful?Take note of this, a win by the end of the year blossoms out of the desire to win each day - a focus on maximizing your daily 24 hours.Every man's life is in seasons and times, until you are able to figure out your season, times and daily activities will be disordered.Your season is like the goal and times being objectives. No matter how good an objective is, if it's out of season or does not achieve your current goal - then must be removed.Know your season, is it your planting season? - then stop eating your seed by pretending to be harvest time.*Text*To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied.*Ecclesiastes 3:1‭, ‬10 NKJV*What are you supposed to be occupied with? - thus your season and purpose.What is your daily prescription of activities to fulfil your purpose?, Unless you have this spelled out then you are not ready to grow and be successful.You do not have all the time to do everything - spend your time only on the things that lead you to your purpose and season.*Making the most out of your time is our text for today*How are you managing your time? You can recover almost everything whilst still alive here on earth, except time - 24 hrs. passed, it's gone for good.You must maximize your efficiency with time by setting your daily goals based on what you are currently being asked to do by your creator.God desires us to be productive here on earth and one of the strategy he wants us to use it's to be mindful of the time allocated to our life.We must be good stewards of time by making every unit of it counts.We can learn something from the camp of an enemy, *Text*For they do not sleep unless they have done evil; And their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall.*Proverbs 4:16 NKJV*Your enemy the devil :  - will not sleep until your promotion is stopped,  - Will not sleep until your contract has been hindered or terminated - Will not sleep until your relationship go sour - Will not sleep until your marriage plans have been stopped - Will not sleep until your marriage ends in divorceMy question to you is:What do you have on your daily agenda that you will not sleep until it is done?Success emerges from all activities before a daily sleep - what have you spelled out to do before you sleep each day?You are what you do in each 24 hours given.If you knew the lengthy of time you have to fulfil your purpose here on earth - some of you could not be sleeping the way you do.*Text*“Show me, Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is.*Psalms 39:4 NIV*This must be your prayer, your life is so brief for you to do everything - focus!The same brief moment you have to live here on earth, you want to be sleeping the whole day - wake up!*I pray that God will show you how brief your moment is here on earth and how huge your assignment is, in the mighty name of Jesus!*I want to leave you with this exercise, based on your current season or what you intend to do - Write something, that I will not sleep until the following have been done:------List them and be committed to achieve them each day. _Thus the way to grow and climb higher - your route to success._*God bless you as you take a step into maximizing your daily usage of time, be fruitful in Jesus name!*
    Más Menos
    13 m
  • Making your Fasting Effective part 1 - Apostle Joseph Simwela
    May 18 2023
    Making fasting effective part 1*Text*The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. God, You will not despise a broken and humbled heart.*Psalms 51:17 HCSB*Have you been fasting, and still not getting results? Or still feeling insecure in front of trouble? Here is the solution for you - compare your fasting with scriptures. Fasting is a spiritual sacrifice, not everyone would want to fast - and it is important to understand the things that takes off eyes of God on our fasting or sacrifice.The greatest offering you can give to God is your broken spirit - an honest repentant heart.During your fasting, make sure to spare time and sweep around your heart - take all unwanted peace's of your heart and present them before God.Take all of me, and give me you. I can't trust my own spirit any more - I need your Holy Spirit.A repentant heart must be offered during your fasting so you can effectively yield results. *Text*So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and fasting. I also wore rough burlap and sprinkled myself with ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your covenant and keep your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and obey your commands. *But we have sinned and done wrong*. We have rebelled against you and scorned your commands and regulations.*Daniel 9:3‭-‬5 NLT*_but we have sinned and done wrong_Our strength in the Lord lies in the understanding of our own nature as men - destined to fail or die, we are mortals.No matter how strong we have grown, there is always time to be replaced - if we have not failed before, it means time is still coming for our fail.Such a revelation calls for humbleness - regularly create in you a state of incomplete within you before the Lord.Whenever you are fasting, this must be your first step - present your repentant heart to the Lord - then, you can focus on feeding the new heart with new wine - the desires of the Holy Spirit.When you deny yourselves the physical needs of this world, make sure that- the hall or gap you create is filled by Spiritual food. Fasting is not only abstaining from food to be with the Lord, you must also stay away from other usual activities that eat up your time like watching movies, chatting with friends and the like. . . .*Text*But Jesus told him, “No! The Scriptures say, ‘People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”*Matthew 4:4 NLT*Much of your time in that period you have specified should be devoted into *prayer - worshiping God*, tell Him who he is, what he has done upon your life- *read the bible and meditate upon his word*. Jesus illustrated it that the substitute to the food we abstain is the scriptures. Without the scriptures and prayer - our fasting will be a burden to us as the physical pain will be so intense to the point of giving up. Abstaining from food and then spending much of our time on TV, friends or our daily schedule will be of no help - total denial must be accompanied by total devotion to God - then our attention will shift from ourselves to the Lord. our thinking will become more clearer and our ability to understand his plans will sharpen because we are not distracted by other things. *Text*After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”*1 Kings 19:12‭-‬13 NIV*Our God communicates through a gentle voice and if we are preoccupied with many things, we will not be able to hear Him speak.He speaks more to our life through our thought pattern and He demands a free state of our mind to express himself fully.You cannot see a vision while on TV or doing your usual schedule - you need to have time in isolation to listen from God - He speaks in silence and if you do not learn to tune in to the voice, you miss important signals from the Lord which were meant to bless your fasting period.*Text*My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.*John 10:27 NIV*Bible study, praying time, repentance and time alone for meditation should be a substitute to whatever you abstain during your fasting then you will see God working upon your lives.*May the good Lord grant you the grace to effectively conduct your fasting, in Jesus name!*
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • At your word - Apostle Joseph Simwela
    May 11 2023

    *At thou word - I will do it*



    When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down  your nets for a catch.” 

     “Master,” Simon replied, “we’ve worked hard all night long and caught nothing! *But at Your word*, I’ll let down the nets.”

    *Luke 5:4‭-‬5 HCSB*

    *At thou word - I will do it*

    There is power in the word spoken by God through His true, chosen and proven servant here on earth. . .

    A word is enough to change your life if believed and carried out

    You do not need more words in prayer, but a word received in faith

    Looking at the word in Spirit, 

    Its not that fishes were there at that particular time when Jesus said throw your net for a catch, but at his voice - the voice of the creator their master, fishes complied and made themselves available.

    True and proven servants of God do not need to see your money for business, your job or contract - he or she speaks a word and the Spirit of God fulfills the spoken word - angels are dispatched to bring you a job.

    There is power in the word spoken by a true servant of God. . . . *at your word*

    You might have tried that business, and it never worked and you gave up.

    You might have tried farming in those crops and livestock - and you didn't see any gain and you lost everything.

    Today I come with yet another voice of the Lord, go back to that previous vision and plan

     It could be that you started alone without the creative voice of the living God - its time, take a step.

    *Go back to that business in the mighty name of Jesus!*

    *Your job is coming in the mighty name of Jesus!*

    *God is working on your marriage and relationship in the mighty name of Jesus!*

    *Receive your promotion in the mighty name of Jesus!*

    The Lord will make customers available, there will be enough rains and fertilizer for your crops - stand up in strength and re -focus.

    You might have given up on school, or re - sitting for an examination that would change your life forever, but if you go back at the command of this voice, I guarantee you a testimony - you will testify to have acquired that which you desired.

    *There will be success in your school, in the mighty name of Jesus!*

    You might have given up sending job seeking applications, but at today's voice I guarantee you success - *Apply and get a Job, in Jesus might name!*

    Today!, I want you to say "

    *at your word Lord, I will do*

    *at your word Lord, I believe*

    And your life will never be the same, God bless you.

    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Who is a wife? - Apostle Joseph Simwela
    May 9 2023
    Who is a wife?*Text*He who finds a wife finds a good thing,And obtains favor from the LORD. *Proverbs 18:22 (NKJV)*_Who is a wife?_One simpler word that defines a wife is submission - wives are brides and it’s the nature of brides to submit.*Text*Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. *Colossians 3:18 (NKJV)*_as is fitting in the Lord_Which means to anything that is not a sin.Submission means doing anything one has been asked to and practically its lesser to the higher - submission is to the master and for this reason husbands are masters.Until you recognize that your husband is a master, then submission will be difficult and that will be the beginning of problems in your Christian home.Let's not allow teachings outside the Bible ruin our Christian homes.It is not everything that has a Bible quote means it is true and this is what Satan is using currently - he too says its written but does he interpret the mind of God?It's true the Bible talks of one flesh - the two shall become one, but that does not replace the design of God for the lesser to submit to the higher.*Text*Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. *Genesis 2:24 (NKJV)**Text*and said, For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? 6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.” *Matthew 19:5-6 (NKJV)*Actually Jesus brought in the meaning of one flesh in Genesis - they must not be separated, one body, and not legs and hands apart.A hand does not say to the leg, "we are one and same, go and carry a cup of coffee a lone" - every part knows its duty and so it should be in a Christian home.You are one body as husband and wife but different roles to play - Most problems we have in a Christian home today emerges from the fact that the husband or wife is not doing the designated role according to the Bible - the mind of God.It is true that a woman was taken from the side of man, but that does not mean they are of the same level, such kind of teachings have brought disorder in the Christian home and everyone is in the driving sit, we cannot have two heads in a marriage.God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit are one - the Godhead, it is in the Bible but Jesus being God did not forget the system -He says, I do only what my father tells me to do - Submission.And He said am going but be happy that the Holy Spirit is coming, - He will guide you in all things, He will not speak on his own.*Text*However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. *John 16:13 (NKJV)*Don’t be misled, allow the Christian home to operate the way God designed it.If you are a woman and experiencing problems in your family and God seem to be silent, ask yourself - am I a wife?To God, being a wife does not mean a mother of his children, or a ring on your finger - the wedding, noooooo! - to God, a wife is she who submits.If you don’t submit, no anointing will make your things work - you will keep on moving up and down seeing different servants of God in a fading hope._Submit_Submit because God says so, you will be judged for your own part and not the fact that the other side does not love - let God deal with the unloving husband._(To teach on the husband's love in a separate teaching)_Submission is a difficult thing but God demands it even if you are currently doing more for the family due to your capabilities.Even if it is only you workingEven if it is only you doing businessEven if it is only you going to Church - win your husband by the good character you show.Your Character is a window for your husband to the Church you are going to - he will follow a change in character within you - doing the word of God.He did not only say don’t murder, don’t lie, don’t commit adultery - The same God also said, "wives, submit to your own husbands"*Text*For He who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” Now if you do not commit adultery, but you do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law. *James 2:11 (NKJV)*A wife submits to a husband as to the Lord.
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