
  • Inter Podcast: Episode 28- Início do ano letivo nos EUA
    Oct 26 2021
    A Inter Study News fala com Roseli Azevedo da US Edukation, especialista em educação internacional e com o Gozalo Villena, diretor do English Language Institute do College of Staten Island de Nova Iorque.
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    7 m
  • Inter Podcast: Episode 27- Cidadão Global (global citizen)
    Sep 30 2021
    Conheca mais sobre o conceito de Cidadão Global no podcast da Inter Study News. Saiba mais visitando o nosso site: www.interstudynews.com
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    8 m
  • Inter Podcast: Episode 26- Study at University of Saskatchewan
    Jan 25 2021
    If you are interested in studying in Canada, you should consider several options in different cities. One interesting option is the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, which offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in diverse areas of knowledge. Learn more about about this university by listening the interview with Ms. Xing Xu, Agent Liaison Coordinator. More information about the university can be found at: https://www.usask.ca. Find out more about studying abroad at www.interstudynews.com (in 3 idioms: English, Spanish and Portuguese).
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    11 m
  • Inter Podcast- Episode 25- Study at NAIT in Canada
    Dec 12 2020
    This podcast presents the interview with, Jenna Ramirez, International Recruitment Coordinator at NAIT which is a leading Polytechnic University in Canada offering a wide range of programs from Applied Sciences and Technology to Health Studies.   To learn more about NAIT go to the website: http://www.nait.ca/ (www.nait.ca) Find out more about studying abroad at www.interstudynews.com
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    11 m
  • Inter Podcast: Episode 24- Study at University of Lethbridge
    Nov 26 2020
    This podcast presents the interview with Jason Ng, International Recruitment Officer at University of Lethbridge International. If you are looking for an institution in Canada listen to this podcast with valuable information about the University of Lethbridge! For more information about studying in Canada go to www.interstudynews.com
    Más Menos
    19 m
  • Inter Podcast- Episódio 23- Universidade Pública gratuita ou paga?
    Nov 20 2020
    No Brasil, assim como em diversos países ao redor do mundo, se discute a necessidade da gratuidade ou não do ensino superior. Há países em que o estudante paga pelo ensino superior público, porém existem outros em que esse serviço é gratuito para o estudante, pois é subsidiado pelo Estado por meio do pagamento de impostos dos cidadãos. A tendência mundial é a cobrança de algum tipo de taxa dos estudantes, mesmo que essas medidas ataquem o princípio básico do ensino superior considerado bem público e direito de todos. Saiba mais escutando o podcast da Inter Study e no site www.interstudynews.com
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    12 m
  • Inter Podcast- Episode 22- Study at Saint Mary's University in Canada
    Nov 4 2020
    If you have the dream of studying in Canada, and you don't know about the universities, about the courses offered and how to apply, you should listen to this new Inter Study podcast! This podcast is about a very nice conversation we had with Lauren Cullen, International Recruitment Specialist at Saint Mary's University. You can learn more about Canada visiting our website www.interstudynews.com You can also learn more about Saint Mary's University at www.smu.ca
    Más Menos
    14 m
  • Inter Podcast: Episode 21: Study at Brescia University College In Canada
    Oct 27 2020
    In the new Inter Study Podcast, Milijana Dragas, International Recruitment Specialist at Brescia University College talks about studying in Canada and at Brescia University College. Read more at www.inter.study and visit Brescia University College's website http://www.brescia.uwo.ca/ (brescia.uwo.ca) Find out more about studying abroad at www.interstudynews.com
    Más Menos
    13 m