
  • S02-E01 - Arcana: The Mistery Behind Triads
    May 11 2023

    he number 3 is one of the most interesting and magical numbers in mathematics. It comes right after the number 2 and is an odd number that is used to represent the quantity of three objects or units. It is the first number that is used to form odd numbers after the number 1. In the Major Arcana of the Tarot, it represents the card of The Empress.In arithmetic, it is used to form odd and even numbers through addition or multiplication. It is also used in geometry, where it is the minimum number of points needed to determine a plane and the minimum number of sides needed to form a triangle.In number theory, 3 has a place among prime numbers. 3 is a prime number, which means it cannot be divided exactly by any other number apart from itself and the number 1.The number 3 also plays an important role in physics and chemistry. In physics, it is used to represent dimensions in three-dimensional space using the coordinates X, Y, and Z. In chemistry, carbon, one of the most important elements in life, has three stable isotopes.In popular culture, it has a special meaning. It is used as a magical number in many cultures and beliefs, and is believed to be a lucky number in many parts of the world. Additionally, the number 3 is used in many popular phrases and expressions, such as "all good things come in threes", "third time's the charm", and "three's a crowd".

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Arcana - Welcome to Arcana. The Tarot's House.
    Mar 2 2023

    Welcome to Arcana

    You are welcome to this space as many times as necessary. We thank you for sharing your time with us. Next, we share with you how this space works.

    - What is said in this podcast corresponds to information supported by bibliography which will be cited in each episode.

    - The intention is to provide information that is useful while keeping respect for any cosmogony and any beliefs. This is a guide rather than a manual on the Tarot and its mysteries.

    - The responsibility for the use of the information belongs to the person who listen and recommend this information. In this space we do not seek to promote ideologies, beliefs or cosmogonies; on the contrary, we seek to gather as much information about each Tarot letter and locate it in some line of knowledge.

    - To understand each other, and to start from a version of the Tarot that we can consult, we will use the Marseille Canon as described by Marianne Costa and Alejandro Jodorowsky in the Book La Vía del Tarot.

    If your tarot deck does not belong to the Marseille Canon or you notice differences in the descriptions, do not disconnect. You will see that you will know your tarot by studying the differences with other decks.

    At Arcana, we are convinced that there is no absolute way to read the tarot, only ways to interpret it. We consider it important to give information that expands the stories symbolically expanded as a result of playing the cards.

    This podcast is a library where topics about the arcana are poured. If your search is based on reading, this space will help you with information about the cards. In the same way we will share the useful information to achieve readings using the Tarot.

    This space is not intended to be a matter of debate, it is just a free and informative space in which we respect the different ways of seeing and thinking about the Tarot. We think more about this space to share experiences and information.

    If what interests you my dear pilgrim is to know about the world of Tarot, or being the case, a deck has come into your hands, I invite you to go through your deck together.

    It is not necessary to have a Tarot available, you can take this space to consult or satisfy some intellectual curiosity.

    The only thing we ask of all participants is to keep their mind open to the information that is shared.

    I remind you that the use of the tools and information that you hear are the responsibility of those who practice and use them.

    With this welcome we begin the transmissions of this podcast. We hope your participation and that you share your experience in the world of Tarot with us and the pilgrims.

    For those who listen to this podcast, it may be something new or curious, but I also know that there are some of our listeners who found us because they are in the learning process.

    The only certainty is that the Tarot in the history of man fulfills a function that is important to us: Save symbolic relationships that have been established over time within the iconography of the Tarot.

    From what you hear, take what works for you.

    This is Arcana.

    Más Menos
    5 m
  • Arcana: The House of Tarot.
    Mar 3 2023

    Welcome to Arcana.

    Tarot is one of the oldest card games known to man. It is one of the doors to the symbolic world.

    It is an important element for the education of esotericism. The origin of this game is as mysterious as its illustrations.

    Some versions say that it is a game from China. Others, from the depths of India, from Egypt itself, there is a deck known as the Egyptian tarot.

    There are speculations that mention it as a work of Hermes Trimegistro. Among his clients there are bohemians, poets, philosophers, hippies, psychologists, scars, esoterics, cabalists, among others.

    The tarot contains in its history joy to be medieval and Christian illustrations, x-ray of the social structure of the moment it was created.

    One of the most recognizable features is the color palette that makes it up in its most traditional form, which is the Marseille tarot.

    A deck of cards from the Canon de Marseille consists of 78 colored mines and will be divided into two parts: major arcana, minor arcana.

    The minor arcana is the section of the 78 cards, which consists of 56 colored plates and divided into four series: sticks, coins, swords, wands and cups.

    Each stack has 14 cards with the same order in their illustrations, which are King, Queen, Horse, Zota and 10 numbered cards from 1 to 10 where the first is known as Ace.

    The French deck that we know today is born from the tarot with some changes such as the figure of the horse disappears, the wands are transformed into diamonds, the cups into hearts, the swords into black hearts and the golds into clubs.

    These four suits are important because in the tarot they symbolize the four paths that fundamentally make up life. In this way, the clubs symbolize fire, the cups symbolize water, the swords symbolize the air, and the gold symbolizes the earth.

    The major arcana represent the paths of initiation and have been interpreted in different ways over the centuries. This section is made up of 22 sheets. His illustrations are: one the magician, two the priestess, three the empress, four the emperor, five the high priest, six the lover, seven the chariot, eight the force, nine the hermit, ten the wheel of fortune, 11 the justice, 12 the Hanged Man, the 13th arcane, or the nameless arcane, known as death. Fourteen temperance, 15 the devil, 16 the tower, 17 the star, 18 the moon, 19 the sun, 20 judgment, 21 the world, and the arcane without number, which as a mind is known as the madman.

    As the tarot is like a library that is revealed through its sheets, it contains in its structure codings that at the time were the foundation of science, such as astrology and alchemy.

    From what you hear, take what works for you.

    This is Arcana.

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Arcana: The System of Numbers We Use.
    Mar 3 2023

    The Arabic numeral system, also known as the decimal numeral system, is one of the most widely used numeral systems around the world today. As the text mentions, this system originated in India around the 5th century AD. and became known as "Hindu numerals". However, it wasn't until it spread throughout the Arab world that it became the numbering system we use today.

    One of the main characteristics of Arabic numerals is that they use ten digits, from 0 to 9, and are based on place value. This means that the value of each digit depends on its position in the number. For example, in the number 123, 1 represents 100, 2 represents 20, and 3 represents 3. The Arabic numeral system also uses a decimal point to separate whole numbers from decimals, allowing fractions to be represented very easy and efficient.

    The introduction of Arabic numerals in Europe was a gradual process that began in the 12th century thanks to Arabic influence. Arabic numerals gradually replaced the ancient Roman and Greek numeral systems, and spread rapidly in Europe thanks to the invention of the printing press and the need for precise mathematical calculations in commerce and science.

    Arabic numerals and the positional numeral system were fundamental to the development of mathematics and science in the Middle Ages and the modern era. They enabled the development of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics, and are essential in physics, engineering, and many other scientific and technical areas. Without Arabic numerals and their numbering system, many of the mathematical and scientific advances of the last few centuries would not have been possible.

    In short, Arabic numerals are a decimal numeral system that originated in India and spread through the Arab world to the West, where it became the numeral system we use today. The Arabic numeral system is very efficient and easy to use for mathematical calculations thanks to its place value and the use of the same symbols for all quantities. Its introduction into Europe was fundamental to the development of mathematics and science in the Middle Ages and the modern era.

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • Arcana: The Representation of Nothing. The History of CERO.
    Mar 8 2023

    The Babylonians started placing the "two wedges" sign in places where we would write a zero in our system, which was read as several. Zero is an abstract concept that does not represent a specific quantity, but denotes the absence of value. The invention of zero is attributed to the ancient Hindus, who used it in the 5th century AD to denote an empty space between two numbers. Through Arab influence, zero was introduced to Europe in the 12th century and became an integral part of the Arabic numbering system.

    There are sources that mention the Indian astronomer and mathematician Brahmagupta (590-670) as the first to treat zero as a number, creating the first rules for performing mathematical operations with it. The wise Hindus saw how to add and subtract zero and concluded that multiplying any digit by zero gave zero.

    At the same time that this was happening in India, the same conclusion was reached in other parts of the world. Not all cultures had zero within their numerical system. Zero also emerged in Mesoamerica and was devised by the Mesoamerican civilizations before the Christian era, by the Mayan culture. It was possibly used earlier by the Olmec culture. The Romans did not know zero.

    In numerology, zero is considered a master number that symbolizes infinity and completeness. It represents unlimited potential and divine perfection and is associated with the universe and cosmic energy.

    Overall, zero is a complex symbol that represents a wide range of spiritual and symbolic meanings. It is considered a gateway to divine consciousness and wholeness, and its presence in different cultures and traditions is evidence of its spiritual importance and relevance.

    In Maya culture, it was represented with the drawing of a snail shell and, for that reason, it was also considered a symbol of periodic regeneration. Also, the zero, corresponding to the Popol-Vuh book, also represents the sacrifice of the corn hero to be deposited in the earth and emerge to the heavens as a representation of the sun.

    For the Egyptians, the zero was an interval for generalization since in some operations, although there was no character to designate it, a blank space was left.

    The zero also comes to symbolize an object that has no value in itself, but only because of its position. In Mexico, we have the expression "es un cero a la izquierda" (he/she is a zero on the left).

    Several characteristics of zero are preserved in the major arcana called Le Mat (The Fool).

    It should be noted that the concept of zero was used by the Maya at least a thousand years before the Europeans.

    Take what serves you from what you hear.

    This is Arcana.

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Arcana: The Unity Representative
    Mar 7 2023

    The number 1 has been one of the most important numbers in the history of mathematics and science. Its origins date back thousands of years and it has been considered a sacred number in many cultures and esoteric traditions.

    In ancient cultures, the number 1 was used to represent unity or singularity. For many, it symbolizes divinity in all its splendor. In ancient Greece, it was considered the first natural number and was used as a basis for constructing all other numbers.

    Philosophers like Pythagoras believed that 1 was the principle of all things and that everything else originated from it. In the Middle Ages, it was used in Roman numerals as a simple vertical line. With Arab influence in Europe, a more advanced numbering system was developed that used the number 1 as a basis for constructing all other numbers.

    The number 1 has a significant impact on modern culture and society. It is used as a symbol of unity, singularity, and excellence. It can be found in many popular expressions such as "the number one" or "the first on the list."

    It also has a deep esoteric meaning that dates back to ancient civilizations and cultures. In esotericism, it is associated with divinity and perfection, as it is considered to possess a creative and unifying power that is found in all things.

    In some esoteric traditions, the number 1 is considered sacred and mystical, symbolizing the unity of human beings with the universe. It is believed that when higher consciousness is attained, the individual merges with the universe and becomes one with divinity. It is also associated with leadership and authority. Some branches of numerology consider those with a destiny number of 1 to have great potential for leadership and making important decisions in life.

    The esoteric meaning of the number 1 is rich in symbolism and depth. It represents the unity, singularity, and original creative force of the universe, and is associated with divinity, leadership, and good luck. As such, it is a number that has been considered sacred and mystical in many cultures and esoteric traditions throughout history.

    It has a deep esoteric meaning that dates back to ancient cultures and civilizations. In numerology and esoteric traditions, the number 1 represents the unity, singularity, and original creative force of the universe

    This number is associated with divinity and perfection. It is considered to possess a creative and unifying power found in all things. In some esoteric traditions, it is believed that when one reaches higher consciousness, the individual merges with the universe and becomes one with divinity, symbolizing the unity of the human being with the universe.

    The number 1 is associated with leadership and authority. According to some schools of numerology, people with a destiny number of 1 have a great capacity to lead and make important decisions in life. In this sense, the number 1 is also associated with success, determination, and self-confidence.

    Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung spoke of a series of symbols that he called unifiers. These symbols tend to reconcile opposites. Some examples are the Squaring of the Circle, mandalas, hexagrams, the Seal of Solomon, the wheel, the zodiac, etc.

    For Jung, the unifying symbol is charged with powerful psychic energy.

    According to Jacques de la Rocheterie in his observations on dreams, he mentions that the number one appears in dreams when the process of individuation of the individual is advanced. At this point, the individual is able to balance (unify) the two main forces of the mind: the conscious and the unconscious.

    When the symbol of one is revealed to a person, it is said that the totality is unified in that person. That person blossoms in all their splendor.

    Take what serves you from what you hear.


    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Arcana: May the Duality be with you
    Mar 16 2023

    The number 2 is one of the essential numbers in mathematics and everyday life. It is the first even number. This number has a fascinating history dating back to ancient times. The Babylonians and Egyptians already knew the concept of even numbers and used the number 2 for measuring and counting. The ancient Greeks also considered the number 2 as a fundamental number and included it in their numerical system.

    The number 2 is the first prime number after the number 1. Prime numbers are those that are only divisible by themselves and by 1. The number 2 is the only even number that is prime and is the smallest prime number.

    In biology, the number 2 is used to represent diploidy, which is the state of having two copies of each chromosome in a cell. Humans, like many other animals, are diploid and have two copies of each chromosome in each cell.

    It contains a deep esoteric meaning in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. It is associated with duality and complementarity. It represents the idea that everything has its opposite or complement.

    In Chinese philosophy, the number 2 is considered a Yin number, representing darkness, passivity, and receptivity, in contrast to Yang, representing light, activity, and creativity.

    It is related to the idea of polarity, which implies that each person has a masculine and feminine polarity. The balance between both polarities is considered essential to achieve inner harmony and spiritual enlightenment.

    Although it is generally considered a symbol of balance, it is rather a symbol of opposition, conflict, and reflection. In esotericism, 2 marks the realized balance or the latent threats.

    Number two symbolizes the manifestation of dualism that supports the general aspects of life, dialectics, efforts, and struggles - all movement. It is the cipher of all divisions and ambivalences, as well as the first and most radical one (creator-creature, masculine and feminine, matter and spirit, etc.), from which subsequent divisions are derived.

    The number two has the power to contain contrary and incompatible oppositions, as well as complementary or fertile ones. It gives life to dualities as they say, "both in hate and in love." It expresses a first latent and then manifest antagonism.

    It is common to see bifold animals (two-headed) in heraldic symbolism. These symbolic phenomena correspond to two possible natures of two: on the one hand, it shows the splitting where the animal doubles its strength; or, on the contrary, it is the process of detachment from which wear and tear will be palpable. It would be talking about internal divisions that weaken it.

    Some cultures rest their symbology on a fundamental dualism as simple as the fact of day and night. The deities are born from the containment of basic polarities and are good and bad at the same time, reflected in their positive aspect (the diurnal) and the negative aspect (the nocturnal). Similarly, two represent the rivalry between other opposites such as left and right, high and low, inferior and superior, in cardinal points (which are opposed in two pairs).

    In Celtic culture, duality is represented by a pair: that of the druid and the warrior. Sometimes this personification can occur in one person. The meaning of this pair is to mark the strength and wisdom of tradition to continue existing.

    Surely you have felt the manifestation of two in your life. If you remember any occasion, do not hesitate to write to us or send us a voice message to share with the production team and if you wish, with other pilgrims.

    Hoping this information is useful to you, we bid you farewell.

    From what you hear, take what serves you.


    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Arcana: The Arcanes
    Mar 23 2023

    Welcome to Arcana

    To continue, there are some things we think you should know and we'd like to tell you about.

    If you've made it this far with us, we believe it's not by chance. In response to your interest, we share with you the protocol for accessing the Library of the Language Genius.

    In the next episodes, The Time Godmother will indicate how to obtain the key to enter.

    Meanwhile, it's important that we have a general agreement on two topics: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

    We'll share a general list of ideas about both so we can advance in the podcast.

    The list you'll read below are not definitions of the arcana, they are general ideas we'll be working with.

    Imagine that everything we're going to learn from the tarot is an onion. To get to the center, we'll have to go layer by layer. That's what we intend to do.

    We'll start with generalized ideas to get to more concrete ones.

    Más Menos
    9 m