
  • Falando de Mercado: Preços internacionais de soja e milho desestimulam vendas de safra brasileira
    Jul 26 2024

    O ritmo de farmer selling para as safras brasileiras de soja e milho progride lentamente desde a temporada 2022-23, à medida que produtores acreditavam que os preços subiriam em 2023. Mas o excesso de oferta global pressiona para baixo os preços da oleaginosa e do grão desde então. Diante da lentidão das vendas, qual o cenário atual para a safra 2023-24 e o que podemos esperar para a temporada 2024-25?

    Junte-se a Renata Cardarelli, editora da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, e Nathalia Giannetti repórter da publicação Argus Brasil Grãos e Fertilizantes, em um bate-papo sobre a comercialização da safra brasileira, diferencial portuário de soja e milho em relação à Bolsa de Chicago e perspectivas para a próxima temporada.

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    11 m
  • Brazil corn and soybeans: farmer selling, harvest update and 2024-25 outlook
    Jul 25 2024

    Since the 2022-23 season, farmers have been selling at a historically slow pace, believing that prices would maintain an upward trend, but the global oversupply continued pressuring prices down. What can we expect for this season’s soybeans and corn crops, and what’s the likely picture for the 2024-25 season?

    Listen to this podcast where our experts will address:

    • Farmer selling pace and planting decisions for corn and soybeans
    • 2023-24 crop estimates and initial outlook for the 2024-25 season
    • Demand outlooks for 2023-24 and 2024-25
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    11 m
  • Driving Discussions: Dropping in on USAC Diesel
    Jul 23 2024

    In this episode we take a look back on recent developments in the region, the state of play during the summer of 2024 and an early forecast of what may lie ahead in the fall.

    Argus' Senior US Atlantic Coast distillate report Cooper Sukaly and Associate Editor of US Products Jason Metko.

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    9 m
  • Falando de Mercado: O impacto da reforma tributária nas commodities
    Jul 18 2024

    A reforma tributária terá grande impacto nos mercados de petróleo, gás, minérios e combustíveis. Após a aprovação do primeiro projeto de regulamentação da pauta na Câmara, o texto segue agora para o Senado.

    Junte-se a Rebecca Gompertz, repórter da publicação Argus Brazil Gas Markets, e Diogo Martins Teixeira, sócio no escritório de advocacia Machado Meyer e especialista em tributação, e saiba mais sobre o projeto aprovado e quais mudanças ainda estão em discussão no Senado.”

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    29 m
  • SAF Insights with EcoCeres
    Jul 17 2024

    Asia Biofuels & Net Zero Deputy Editor Lauren Moffitt speaks to EcoCeres’ Global Head of SAF, Phil Moore, on recent issues affecting SAF markets and their implications for the nascent Asian industry. Topics include impacts of the anti-dumping investigations the EU and UK have launched into Chinese biofuels imports, regional and global developments in SAF mandates and how they will affect the Asian market, changes to SAF feedstocks accepted in the US and EU and pricing trends and outlook.

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    27 m
  • Marine fuels dialogue: Red Sea blues and its impact
    Jul 16 2024

    The key bunkering hub of Singapore has seen an increase in vessel arrivals in the first half of 2024, particularly as ships divert around the Cape of Good Hope. Fuel prices and freight rates continue to be elevated compared to a year back, reflecting varied constraints in vessel routes, supplies, and firm buying interest for conventional fuels in Asia. Join Argus’ team of reporters from freight, oil products and marine fuels desks in this lively discussion, as they analyse the impact of geopolitical trends on these key markets.

    Topics covered:

    • Overview of Mideast gulf freight rates and Asia fuel pricing in 1H24
    • Insights into marine fuel supply and demand in Asia
    • How the shipping industry has adapted to meet the challenges of Red Sea disruptions

    Speaking on this podcast:

    • Cassia Teo, Reporter - Marine Fuels
    • Asill Bardh, Reporter - Oil Products
    • Sean Zhuang, Senior Reporter - Reporter
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    8 m
  • Fertilizer Matters Episode 16: Ammonia – New capacity, price outlook, trade flows
    Jul 9 2024

    Hear Argus’ analysis of key factors driving global ammonia market sentiment, with a particular focus on significant new capacity additions and its potential impact on prices and trade routes.

    Join Ruth Sharpe, Editor, Argus Ammonia and Sophie Mason, Manager, Urea and Ammonia Analytics as they discuss these topics in the latest episode of Argus’ Fertilizer Matters podcast series.

    Key topics covered in the podcast:

    • Overview of travel in Q2 and main themes raised in market
    • The latest on new capacity from US and Russia
    • Knock on impact on key markets in the east and west
    • Outlook for sentiment and pricing in Q3
    • Impact of more Chinese exports emerging in east Asia
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    13 m
  • The Crude Report: The TMX series - As volumes hit the water, markets and prices emerge
    Jul 9 2024

    The start of waterborne loadings from the 590,000 b/d Trans Mountain Expansion (TMX) pipeline is already providing a glimpse of how markets and prices will evolve around this new development. While still in its early stages, the new flows of heavy Canadian crude are having some impact on global markets and have shown to be perhaps less competitive than initially expected. Join Argus’ crude and LPG editorial manager Gus Vasquez and Pacific coast reporter Rachel McGuire in discussing the most recent developments and price behaviour.

    Key topics covered in the podcast:

    •   Canadian crude pricing as initial volumes hit the water
    •   Insights into who is buying and where the flows are headed
    •   How logistics are developing to meet challenges in Vancouver
    Más Menos
    12 m