
  • EP 84 Milked Dry: Tales from NYC’s Dairy Battlegrounds
    May 21 2024

    Milk - the quintessential wholesome beverage. But in 1930s New York City, it sparked a decade-long battle of epic proportions. Pitting dairy farmers against corporations, unions against consumers, this "Milk War" plunged the city into chaos as supplies dwindled and public safety hung in the balance over...a glass of milk? Listen in to this utterly captivating and unbelievable true story.

    A Milky War - When Food Turned Criminal in NYC

    Food & Crime - it's not a natural pairing that comes to mind. Food is sustenance, something wholesome that nourishes us. Crime, on the other hand, is the dark underbelly of society that violates laws and morals. But in the annals of New York City's history, there was a time when these two forces explosively collided over one of the most seemingly innocent food items - milk.

    NYC Dairy Wars - When the City Ran Dry

    In the 1930s, a complex web of competing business interests, farmer cooperatives, and consumer demands sparked what became known as the "Milk Wars" in New York City. At the center were three gigantic dairy corporations that controlled the lion's share of the city's fluid milk market.

    The dairy companies were accused of monopolistic practices, price fixing, and pressuring farmer co-ops in their favor. Meanwhile, independent farmers felt cheated by the cooperatives and big business arrangements. Picket lines formed, milk supplies dwindled, and New Yorkers faced the prospect of their city running dry of its coveted dairy supply.

    Milk Depots - An Oasis of Milk Safety

    However, from this sea of scandal and scarcity, innovations emerged that improved milk safety and access for the masses. Facilities funded by philanthropists like Nathan Straus distributed pasteurized milk, nutrition advice, and even affordable meals to impoverished New Yorkers.

    These milk depots became beacons of dairy enlightenment in the city's war over its "liquid gold."

    The Dairy - A Pastoral Picnic Paradise

    But the most delightful outcome was an idyllic restaurant and grazing area for cows which allowed families to escape the city's chaos. As Frederick Law Olmsted envisioned, they could picnic by the brook, enjoy fresh milk and simple fare, and for a moment, be transported to a pastoral wonderland amidst the concrete jungle's dairy battles.

    The NYC Dairy Wars were a tumultuous saga pitting big business versus farmers, consumers caught in the middle, and the very notion of milk as a pure, wholesome food source at stake. Yet from the greed and turmoil, innovations in safety and access emerged, ensuring that even as guns metaphorically blazed over batches of milk, the inherent goodness and idyllic imagery surrounding this fundamental food endured.

    So grab a glass of milk, find a quiet patch of green, and give a listen to this utterly fascinating episode that reminds us that when it comes to food, the quest for monetary gain must never outweigh a society's core decency and values. The stakes are just too high when you're messing with something as crucial as mom's good ol' milk.

    Sources We Found Helpful for this Episode

    The Prospect Park Dairy’s Throwback Menu - Prospect Park Alliance

    The Great Milk Wars | Brooklyn History Part 1 - The Brownstoner

    The Great Milk Wars | Brooklyn History Part 2 - The Brownstoner

    The Great Milk Wars | Brooklyn History Part 3 - The Brownstoner

    The Great Milk Wars | Brooklyn History Part 4 - The Brownstoner

    Books We Think You’ll Enjoy Reading

    • Milk: A 10,000-Year History by Mark Kurlansky

    Purchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon

    • Milk: A Local and Global History by Deborah Valenze

    Purchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon

    When you think of milk, what first comes to mind - a pure, wholesome beverage or a commodity ripe for corruption and greed after hearing this unbelievable saga? Share your thoughts on how this episode challenged or reinforced your perceptions of milk.

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    27 m
  • EP 83 Curdled Trust: Death in a Jug
    May 7 2024
    Milk - the quintessential wholesome beverage meant to "do a body good." But what sinister secrets lie beneath the pure white surface? Listen as Kim and Leigh tell the shocking tale of a scandal that plagued 19th century New York, when corrupt dairies were essentially poisoning the city's children for profit. This diabolical saga exposes the dark underbelly of an industry gone rotten.Food & Crime: The Sinister Side of Milk Milk is held up as a paragon of purity - a wholesome, calcium-rich nectar meant to nourish children and build strong bones. Iconic marketing slogans like "Milk: It Does a Body Good" have engrained milk's virtuousness into our cultural psyche. But behind this pristine facade lies a dark history stained with greed, corruption, and what can only be described as food crime.The Swill Milk Scandal: Poisoning a City's Children In the mid-19th century, as New York City's population exploded from industrialization, an insidious operation was unfolding. Rather than providing pure, quality milk from pastoral cows, many dairies turned to abhorrent cost-cutting measures. Cows were kept in foul, unventilated sheds, fed a noxious swill of fermented brewery and distillery waste. The resulting "milk" was a thin, bluish, and potentially toxic liquid hardly fit for consumption.Corruption Shielding the Milk Murderers Despite widespread public outrage over the deadly swill milk, the powerful interests behind the corrupt dairies worked tirelessly to shield themselves. Tammany Hall alderman "Swill Milk Mike" Tuomey led rigged hearings designed to discredit critics and health authorities. Behind closed doors, he colluded with dairy owners, accepting bribes and ensuring no substantial regulations would interfere with their lucrative scheme. It would take over a decade of fighting against entrenched corruption before any food safety laws could be enacted. The Legacy of Milk Adulteration and Food Crime While finally curtailed in the late 19th century, the swill milk scandal foreshadowed an issue that still plagues the modern food industry - adulteration for profits. Diving deep into food's sordid criminal underworld, our latest podcast episode provides a gripping cautionary tale about the toxic consequences of unchecked corporate greed meeting feeble regulations. Stay tuned for more on this disturbing chapter of culinary history.Sources We Found Helpful for this Episode How We Poison Our Children, New York Times, May 13, 1858 The 19th-Century Swill Milk Scandal That Poisoned Infants With Whiskey Runoff, Gastro Abscura The Swill Milk Scandal of 1858 | STUFF YOU MISSED IN HISTORY CLASS Swill milk scandal, Wikipedia The Surprisingly Intolerant History of Milk, Smithsonian MagazineBooks We Think You’ll Enjoy ReadingMilk: A 10,000-Year History by Mark KurlanskyPurchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon Milk: A Local and Global History by Deborah ValenzePurchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon Transcript🎧 Click here for the full, interactive transcript of this episode 🎧 Here’s our question for you: What shocks you most about the depths corporations were willing to stoop for profits during the Swill Milk Scandal - poisoning infants by adulterating milk with toxic substances, the blatant corruption shielding these practices, or society's sluggish response in enacting food safety regulations? Do you think adequate safeguards are in place today to prevent similar food crimes, or are you concerned corporate greed could still lead to public health crises from contaminated food supplies?Coming UpJoin us in two weeks for our next episode as we dive into the chaotic and violent "Milk Wars" that gripped New York City in the 1930s, when rival milk truck driver gangs waged a turf war over the city's dairy distribution.If you’re enjoying the podcast, we would love to have you join our supporting subscribers. Whether it’s a one-time gift, a monthly or yearly subscription, or sharing the episode/publication with a friend (or three), we appreciate your support of our work!Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/as-we-eat8938/donations
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    25 m
  • EP 82 Quiet Whispers: Hot Coffee & Eggless Mayo
    Apr 23 2024

    Dig into the seedy underbelly of the food world, where corporate titans wage secret wars over seemingly innocent products like eggless mayonnaise and hot coffee. From multi-million dollar legal battles to covert smear campaigns, this episode exposes the cloak-and-dagger tactics used by Big Food to protect profits - even if it means burning victims along the way. Get a tantalizing taste of the crimes and deception lurking behind your favorite eats.

    The Seedy Underbelly of Food & Crime

    You may think your innocent morning coffee or favorite sandwich spread is just that - innocent. But the food world has a dark side full of corporate espionage, legal battles, and covert smear campaigns. Get ready to explore the sinister side of your everyday eats.

    Eggless Mayonnaise Sparks War

    In 2014, an upstart vegan company dared to make a plant-based mayonnaise alternative called Just Mayo. Industry titan Unilever (maker of Hellmann's) wasn't having it, suing to prevent them representing the products as "mayo" since it contained no eggs.

    But the scandal went deeper than a simple labeling dispute. The American Egg Board, a USDA-sanctioned organization, secretly hired bloggers to promote pro-egg messaging and create anti-Just Mayo online ads. Emails even discussed plans to publicly "hit" the Just Mayo founder.

    This mayonnaisemelee shows how far Big Food will go to protect its turf - using underhanded tactics that seem better suited to cloak-and-dagger spies than sellers of sandwich spreads.

    The Hot Coffee Burning Truth

    In the 1990s, an elderly woman named Stella Liebeck was severely burned by McDonald's coffee that was served at a stunningly-high 180-190°F. She sued, initially asking for just $20,000 in expenses, but the case ballooned into a multi-million dollar punitive damages award.

    The media painted Liebeck as merely an opportunistic litigant. But the truth reveals McDonald's knew its coffee caused serious burns. The truth of Liebeck's burns and medical costs were glossed over as the public mocked her award.

    Years later, the hot coffee case demonstrates how large corporations control the narrative through selective reporting - distorting a victim's reality to protect their practices.

    Corporate Espionage or Savvy Business?

    With billions at stake, it's no surprise that major food players will go to great lengths to maintain dominance and squash threats. From funding shadowy PR campaigns to manipulating public perception, the cases of Just Mayo and McDonald's hot coffee give a glimpse into the darker side of the food industry.

    But are these simply savvy business moves to protect assets and brands? Or have companies crossed ethical lines better suited to the world of spies and criminals than honest food purveyors? Decide for yourself as you hear the full fascinating story on the latest Food & Crime episode of the As We Eat Podcast.


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    28 m
  • EP 81 Margarine Misdeeds: Crimes Against Butter
    Apr 9 2024

    From daring bootleggers to shocking corporate misdeeds and culinary espionage we uncover the criminal underbelly of oleo misadventures.

    Crimes Against Butter and the Margarine Misdeeds

    Who knew that something as innocent as butter could ignite a war between industries and the public? The latest episode of the As We Eat podcast dives into the criminal underbelly surrounding a popular butter alternative.

    Behind butter's sunny, wholesome facade lies a sordid tale of deception, bootlegging, and brazen lawbreaking - all thanks to an unlikely culprit: margarine. What began as a cheap butter alternative took an illicit turn as opponents of the "oleo" spread resorted to smear campaigns and oppressive legislation.

    The Oleomargarine Act and the Birth of Butter Bootleggers

    In 1886, the dairy lobby strong-armed the federal government into passing the Oleomargarine Act, imposing a hefty tax to cripple the margarine industry. Little did they know, this move would give rise to a daring new breed of criminal: the butter bootlegger.

    Much like the legendary rum-runners of Prohibition fame, underground networks sprung up to smuggle the "golden bars" of margarine across state lines. Daring housewives turned interstate traffickers, risking fines and imprisonment in their quest for the forbidden spread.

    As the margarine wars escalated, congress continually ratcheted up regulations. Some states outright banned the sale of margarine - yeah, you read that right. In response, the underworld adapted, employing stamp counterfeiting and other chicanery to peddle their illicit wares.

    Ultimately, the oppressive measures backfired spectacularly. World wars and economic turmoil only increased margarine's popularity with the working class. But the skirmishes left a trail of oleomargarine offenders in their wake, their "crimes against butter" immortalized alongside legendary mobsters and gangsters.

    Consumer Protection to Modern Misdeeds

    While the margarine saga highlights the unintended consequences of excessive regulation, it also underscores the vital need for laws to protect consumers from unscrupulous practices and public health threats.

    The 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act aimed to safeguard the public by prohibiting adulterated and misbranded foods and landmark court cases cemented definitions and standards.

    These laws continue protecting us today from corporate greed, food adulteration, and new frontiers of malfeasance like culinary espionage. One thing's for sure: after hearing these sordid tales of Food & Crime, you'll never look at your butter dish the same way again.

    Books We Think You’ll Enjoy Reading

    • Butter: A Rich History by Elaine Khosrova
    • Purchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon
    • Sheboygan County Connection IV: From Vollrath Zoo to Wisconsin's Margarine Wars by Sheboygan County Historical Research Center Purchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon
    • The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine by Mark Twain, Phillip C. Stead, Erin Stead (illustrator) Purchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon


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  • EP 80 Poisonous Passions and the Dark Kitchen of La Voisin
    Mar 26 2024

    Unveiling the Dark Side of Love: Food & Crime

    In the lavish courts of 17th century France, where opulence danced hand in hand with intrigue, one woman held sway over the hearts of the elite. Her name was Catherine Monvoisin, but history remembers her as La Voisin, a figure shrouded in mystery and infamy. Join us as we peel back the layers of deception and delve into the dark kitchen of La Voisin, where love potions mingled with poison, and scandal brewed like a potent elixir.

    Love Potions Through the Ages: From Myth to Reality

    Love potions have long been the stuff of legend, weaving their way through the tapestry of human history from ancient civilizations to modern times. In cultures across the globe, tales of magical elixirs and enchanted foods have captured the imagination, from Shakespearean comedies to Greek myths of Aphrodite's charms. But in 17th century France, the line between myth and reality blurred as nobles sought to manipulate love and desire through clandestine means.

    The Affair of the Poisons: A Scandal Unveiled

    The Affair of the Poisons cast a shadow over the glittering court of Louis XIV, revealing a web of intrigue that ensnared the highest echelons of society. It began with whispers of conspiracy and culminated in a series of sensational trials that shocked the nation. At its heart was La Voisin, a woman accused of selling not only love potions but also deadly concoctions meant to secure power and influence. As the truth emerged, the very foundations of the monarchy trembled, and the boundaries between magic and reality blurred.

    The Legacy of Love Magic: Then and Now

    As we peer into the annals of history, we glimpse a world where love and power collided in a deadly dance. Yet even as the echoes of the past fade into memory, the allure of love magic persists. From ancient rituals to modern-day spells, humanity's quest for agency over matters of the heart endures. In an age where pheromones mingle with perfumes and love potions grace the pages of Teen Vogue, the legacy of La Voisin lives on, a testament to the enduring power of desire.

    Sources We Found Helpful for this Episode

    • Ravaisson, Francois. Archives de la Bastille by François Ravaisson, 1870–1874, volume VI.
    • The Aftermath: La Voisin, Alarmist podcast
    • La Voisin, France’s Murderous Fortune Teller, SyFy
    • The Scandalous Witch Hunt That Poisoned 17th-Century France, Altas Obscura
    • Catherine Monvoisin And The Affair Of The Poisons, Headstuff

    Books We Think You’ll Enjoy Reading

    • The Affair of the Poisons: Murder, Infanticide, and Satanism at the Court of Louis XIV by Anne Sommerset
    • Purchase: Amazon
    • Louis XIV and the Affair of the Poisons: A Play in Five Acts by Victorien Sardou
    • Purchase: Bookshop.org
    • Strange Revelations: Magic, Poison, and Sacrilege in Louis XIV's France by Lynn Wood Mollenauer
    • Purchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon


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    How far would you go in the pursuit of love or personal gain?

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    32 m
  • EP 79 EP 79 The Deadly Art of Liberation: Aqua Tofana
    Mar 12 2024

    Come with us on a journey of deadly liberation as a popular apothecary brews a recipe for freedom, liberating over 600 women from abuse at the hands of those who should have protected them.

    Sources We Found Helpful for this Episode

    A Woman to Know: Giulia Tofana

    Guilia Tofana: World’s Most Dangerous Apothecary

    The Role of Women During the Italian Renaissance

    Books We Think You’ll Enjoy Reading

    If you’re an enjoy reading Gregory Maguire or a historical fiction fan, I think that you will enjoy Deborah Swift’s trilogy about our heroine/devious serial killer, Giulia Tofana. This is historical fiction so much imagination was applied.

    • The Poison Keeper by Deborah Swift
    • Purchase: Amazon
    • The Silkworm Keeper by Deborah Swift
    • Purchase: Amazon
    • The Fortune Keeper by Deborah Swift
    • Purchase: Amazon


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    11 m
  • EP 78 Love's Toxic Triangle: The Chocolate Cream Killer's Poisonous Obsession Love's Toxic Triangle: The Chocolate Cream Killer's Poisonous Obsession
    Feb 27 2024

    Indulge your senses and delve into the dark world of food and crime in our latest episode. Join us as we unravel the chilling tale of Christiana Edmunds, forever etched in history as the Chocolate Cream Killer of Brighton. From obsession to poisonings, this Victorian-era saga will keep you on the edge of your seat, questioning the thin line between love and madness. Tune in to explore the enduring question of what drives a person to such lengths in the pursuit of affection, and the unsettling legacy left behind.

    Sources We Found Helpful for this Episode

    • The Case of the Chocolate Cream Killer: The Poisonous Passion of Christiana Edmunds by Kaye Jones
    • Christiana Edmunds wikipedia
    • The Case of the Chocolate Cream Killer: The Poisonous Passion of Christiana Edmunds, Women’s History Network
    • ‘A Genteel Murderess’ – Christiana Edmunds and the Chocolate Box Poisoning, The Gale Review

    Books We Think You’ll Enjoy Reading

    • The Case of the Chocolate Cream Killer: The Poisonous Passion of Christiana Edmunds by Kaye Jones
    • Purchase: Amazon
    • The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah Blum
    • Purchase: Bookshop.org OR Amazon


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    34 m
  • EP 77 Layers of Deceit: A Recipe for Murder
    Feb 13 2024

    Welcome to Season 4 of the As We Eat podcast, where we'll be delving into the intersection of Food & Crime, unearthing fascinating stories from history. Today, we journey back to 19th century Paris, France, to uncover the enigmatic tale of Marie Lafarge, a young woman whose life took a dark turn amidst the backdrop of privilege and deception.

    In this episode, we explore Marie Lafarge's journey from a background of aristocratic privilege to a scandalous trial for the alleged poisoning of her husband, Charles Lafarge. We uncover the twists and turns of this captivating saga, shedding light on the complexities of justice and forensic science in the 1800s.

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    29 m