
  • Cultivating a Leadership Ecosystem: Nurturing Growth Through Patience and Trust
    Apr 11 2023

    Introduction: Laurent discusses the importance of creating and developing a leadership ecosystem and the parallels to building trust in relationships.

    Changing perspectives: The process of adapting our beliefs and understanding to cultivate personal growth.

    Building relationships: The significance of patience and observation in establishing trust with others, including young children.

    The personal development industry: Exploring the assumption that change is easy or difficult and the role of leadership ecosystems in this context.

    Más Menos
    7 m
  • Emotional Triggers and their message
    Apr 7 2023

    Today, I'd like to discuss triggers in under two minutes. Triggers are external stimuli that interact with our beliefs and ideas about ourselves, sending us into an emotional overdrive or an amplified version of ourselves. This often leads to accelerated heartbeats, a chain of thoughts, and behaviours seemingly provoked by a single event. Triggers often cause us to lose the capacity to connect and control ourselves.

    It's important to note that triggers are not instantaneous; they often build up over time. The moments leading up to the triggering event can be separated by hours or even days. During this period, our beliefs and ideas are subtly challenged, gradually intensifying until a tipping point is reached, causing an emotional outburst, which we label as a trigger.

    In coaching sessions with clients, individually and in teams, we learn to recognize these signs and trace them back to the origin of the trigger. This helps us understand when we allow ourselves to become vulnerable and how we can regain control.

    Thank you for listening.

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    3 m
  • Introducing to short insights for vertical growth
    Apr 7 2023


    I want to introduce you to a collection of past videos, audio recordings, and podcasts where I share the insights and perspectives I've gathered over the years about the world. I aim to demystify and provide alternative viewpoints on various topics that can be applied to your daily life.

    As an experienced coach, I firmly believe in the power of personal and collective development to impact society positively. I think the more we understand and pay attention to our feelings, perceptions, and surroundings, the better we can connect with others and the world around us, ultimately leading to a more intentional and fulfilling life experience.

    In these recordings, I offer a personal touch and strive for simplicity to help you easily incorporate these insights into your life. I believe that when we approach life from a place of comfort and mental well-being, we can truly enjoy our experiences and contribute positively to the world around us.

    I hope you find these recordings useful, and I'm eager to engage in conversations with you through comments, feedback, or sharing your own insights. While I cannot guarantee that you will find these discussions enjoyable or pertinent to your life, it is my sincere hope that they resonate with you in some way.

    Thank you for listening, and I look forward to sharing this journey with you.

    Más Menos
    4 m
  • The power Coaching supervision -2mn or less
    Apr 7 2023

    Hello, I'm Laurent, and today I'd like to discuss the importance of coaching supervision in just two minutes. Coaching supervision, as I've experienced it both as a supervisor and a supervisee, is a collaborative environment established between supervisors and supervisees.

    This nurturing space allows for personal regeneration, encouraging us to rediscover ourselves, deeply reflect on our understanding, and tap into the spiritual aspects of our identity. It's a space devoid of goals or achievements, focused solely on contemplation of our experiences as a coach and our growth within this role.

    Coaching supervision helps us heighten our awareness, not necessarily in a deliberate way, but rather by freeing our intentionality and expanding our capacity to connect with the individuals we coach. This connection is not limited to coaching sessions but also extends to the energetic relationship we share with our clients as we invite them into the coaching conversation.

    By engaging with the systemic dimension of the conversation, we can remain present and attentive to each detail. Coaching supervision has been an immensely enriching experience for me, as I've gained valuable insights and wisdom from the expertise and life experiences of my own supervisors.

    I hope you too can benefit from coaching supervision. If this topic intrigues you, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

    Regenerate response

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    3 m
  • Short on Meditation - January 2023
    Jan 4 2023

    Leave everything alone to be together.

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    3 m
  • A meta view on Personal Development Ecosystem
    Oct 31 2021

    In this introductory episode, we ask some questions and explore some meta-views on what is a leadership or personal development ecosystem.

    What is the benefit for us? to society at large?

    Who are we when we address the notion of a development ecosystem?

    How does it relate to larger life questions and our relationship to the planet?

    I simply wanted to share initial perspectives and views on the topic. if it speaks to you, resonate in one way or another let me know and we'll expand, clarify, adjust, further explore these questions which I believe is at the root of leadership at a larger scale.

    Más Menos
    27 m
  • French | Que faire juste après sa session de coaching au juste?
    Oct 28 2021

    Je pense que nous apprenons mieux des experiences lorsque nous que nous les comprenons.

    Ici, je partage ma perspective sur que faire après une session de coaching afin que mes clients présents et futurs puissent prendre avantage du temps passé ensemble et de leur investissement dans leur programme.

    Cet épisode accompagne une série de podcasts qui explorent les nuances du développement des leaders en entreprise ou de mes pairs coaches afin d’apprécier et profiter au mieux de leur engagement.

    L'espace audio Authentic Choices est une extension des sessions et des programmes de coaching et de supervision:

    Dans cet espace je m'adresse à mes clients, présents, passés ou futurs. Les episodes sont courts, pragmatiques et nuancés. Ils ont pour objectif de partager, élaborer et finalement redécouvrir ce que j'ai appris au cours des 10 dernières années avec mes clients, mes professeurs et collègues.

    Si tu veux prendre contact, entrer en conversation, ou partager tes commentaires:



    Más Menos
    8 m
  • French | Comment préparer sa propre session de coaching.
    Oct 28 2021

    Je pense que nous apprenons mieux des experiences lorsque nous que nous les comprenons.

    Ici, je partage ma perspective sur comment préparer sa propre session de coaching afin que mes clients présents et futurs puissent prendre avantage du temps passé ensemble et de leur investissement dans leur programme de coaching.

    Cet épisode accompagne une série de podcasts qui explorent les nuances du développement des leaders en entreprise ou de mes pairs coaches afin d’apprécier et profiter au mieux de leur engagement.

    L'espace audio Authentic Choices est une extension des sessions et des programmes de coaching et de supervision:

    Dans cet espace je m'adresse à mes clients, présents, passés ou futurs. Les episodes sont courts, pragmatiques et nuancés. Ils ont pour objectif de partager, élaborer et finalement redécouvrir ce que j'ai appris au cours des 10 dernières années avec mes clients, mes professeurs et collègues.

    Si tu veux prendre contact, entrer en conversation, ou partager tes commentaires:



    Más Menos
    9 m