
  • 018. Surviving the Darkness: Ahna Hendrix on Awakening & Finding Purpose In The Akashic Records
    Jul 16 2024

    Ahna Hendrix shares her journey of awakening that was a ripping apart of her life, business, relationships, and reality as she went from CEO of her own company to Spiritual Guide and Akashic Channel in the space of 4 years.

    Ahna’s spiritual awakening began with the heartbreak of closing down her business and a sobriety challenge that brought to the surface a deep questioning of her life and her purpose. A year later she began working with the Akashic Records, which was the catalyst for the cracking open of her life, and the complete redirect of her professional path.

    Ahna shares the many challenges and dark moments she faced as her spiritual awakening unfolded, including bankruptcy, losing her friends, thoughts of suicide, and dealing with judgment and estrangement from family members.

    Throughout this episode Ahna shares many insights, tools and grounded practical advice for those navigating their own rocky moments in their awakening especially when it comes to how to find our footing in our rapidly changing reality post awakening.

    Ahna’s awakening was a true ripping apart of her life, as well as her identity which she has come to see was completely necessary for her to truly step into the purpose work she is here to do, and is now living and embodying with her work in the Akasha and the Akashic records.

    Ahna’s story highlights the true challenges that an awakening can bring while also showing us the potential that awaits us on the other side.

    • Awakening journeys can be unique and unfold over time, involving various experiences and practices.
    • Exploring different spiritual paths and practices can lead to a deeper connection with oneself and the divine.
    • Challenges and hardships are often part of the awakening process, but they can also lead to growth and transformation.
    • Finding one's purpose and fulfilling work may require letting go of old identities and embracing new paths.
    • Supportive relationships and communities are important during the awakening journey.
    • Going through a spiritual awakening can be incredibly challenging and may lead to moments of despair and questioning one's purpose.
    • Practicing gratitude can be a powerful tool in pulling oneself out of dark moments and finding a sense of purpose.
    • Losing one's identity and realizing that worth is inherent, not based on achievements or external factors, is a crucial lesson in the spiritual awakening journey.
    • Being discerning about the people one surrounds themselves with, even within the spiritual community, is important for personal growth and protection.
    • The Akashic Records can be a transformative tool in connecting with one's true self and purpose, and accessing guidance and healing.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 7 m
  • 017. SaraMae’s NDE - From Losing Her Legs To Learning To Love Herself
    Jul 9 2024

    SaraMae Hollandsworth shares her incredible story of awakening through a near-death experience and the loss of her legs. She always had a knowing that she was here for a purpose and spent her life seeking knowledge and personal growth. However, there were times when she turned off that knowing and faced the consequences. Eventually, she found herself in a toxic relationship that led to her physical decline and near-death experience. During the two weeks in a coma, she experienced intense battles and tests of her soul. When she woke up, she had to make the difficult decision to amputate her legs. Through this journey, she learned to love and accept herself fully. SaraMae Hollandsworth shares her journey of healing and self-discovery after a near-death experience. She discusses the process of letting go of coping mechanisms and learning to honor herself. SaraMae emphasizes the importance of surrender, trust, and faith in navigating life's challenges. She also highlights the connection between the mind and body, and how our thoughts and emotions can impact our physical well-being. Through her story, SaraMae inspires listeners to embrace growth, cultivate self-trust, and find redemption in their own lives.

    • Having a knowing of our purpose from a young age can guide our life's journey
    • Ignoring our inner knowing can lead to negative consequences
    • Toxic relationships can have a detrimental impact on our physical and mental well-being
    • Near-death experiences can serve as a wake-up call and reminder of our life's purpose
    • Self-love and acceptance are essential for healing and moving forward Letting go of coping mechanisms and external sources of validation is a crucial part of the healing process.
    • Surrendering to life's challenges and trusting in the guidance of the universe can lead to liberation and growth.
    • The mind-body connection is powerful, and our thoughts and emotions can impact our physical well-being.
    • Navigating difficult experiences with presence and trust can lead to a sense of peace and resilience.
    • Embracing growth and cultivating self-trust can lead to redemption and a deeper sense of purpose in life.
    Más Menos
    59 m
  • 016. The Power of Plant Medicine: Healing, Awakening & Spiritual Insights - Amanda's Transformative Journey
    Jul 1 2024

    In this conversation, Amanda shares with us her experiences with various plant medicines, including bufo alvarius, ayahuasca, mushrooms, peyote, cannabis, and rapé. She shares how each plant medicine has its own unique properties and effects.

    Amanda shares insights and lessons she experienced through these medicines, such as the dissolution of the ego, the importance of surrender and letting go, and the healing of relationships.

    For those considering plant medicine as part of their healing journey, Amanda emphasizes the need for a safe and supportive environment, the importance of the facilitators intentions, set and setting, and working with experienced guides when using these medicines.

    Amanda also highlights the role of integration and the importance of having established practices like meditation, yoga and a relationship with your breath to support yourself through these journeys.

    Amanda also shares her experiences with Icaros, the healing songs sung during ayahuasca ceremonies, and the profound impact they had on the journey.

    • Plant medicines such as bufoalvarius, ayahuasca, mushrooms, peyote, cannabis, and rapé can be powerful tools for healing and self-discovery.
    • Each plant medicine has its own unique effects and lessons, and it is important to approach them with intention and respect.
    • Working with experienced guides and in a safe and supportive environment is crucial when using plant medicines.
    • Plant medicines can help us connect with our bodies, release stored trauma, and gain insights into our patterns and behaviors.
    • Plant medicines can facilitate healing in relationships and provide insights and changes in one's life.
    • Tending to oneself is crucial for personal and collective healing.
    • Ancestral healing is a significant aspect of Amanda's journey with these medicines. Healing generational trauma is an important aspect of personal growth and can be facilitated through plant medicine journeys.
    • Integration is a crucial part of the healing process and involves incorporating the insights and lessons from the journey into daily life.
    • Following dietary guidelines and working with experienced facilitators can enhance the effectiveness of plant medicine journeys.
    • Icaros, the healing songs sung during ayahuasca ceremonies, have a profound impact on the journey and can activate deep healing.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 18 m
  • 015. Cultivating and Trusting Intuition - Clairsenses, Guided Insights, Belief, Practice, and Following Intuitive Nudges
    Jun 25 2024

    In this conversation, we explore intuition, something we’ve spoken to and about in multiple episodes thus far. We share about each of our journeys in learning to listen to and trust the messages that we’ve received. We touch upon how our intuitive guidance has shaped our lives in both big and small ways and how we can each receive this guidance. The conversation delves into the exploration of intuition, empathic abilities, and the development of discernment. It highlights the challenges of recognizing and trusting intuitive abilities, the impact of trauma on intuition, and the importance of setting boundaries. The discussion also emphasizes the role of belief, practice, and following intuitive nudges in developing and harnessing intuitive abilities.

    • Intuition and discernment are personal qualities that can be developed and trusted as guiding forces in life.
    • Receiving guidance can come in various forms, including signs, symbols, and intuitive knowing.
    • Exploring the significance of repeating numbers and the different types of clairsenses can deepen our understanding of intuitive abilities.
    • Cultivating and trusting intuition is essential for making confident and aligned choices in life. Recognizing and trusting intuitive abilities can be challenging, especially when influenced by trauma and the lack of boundaries.
    • Belief, practice, and following intuitive nudges are essential in developing and harnessing intuitive abilities.
    • Empathic individuals may need to establish boundaries and differentiate between their own emotions and those of others to work with their empathic abilities effectively.
    Más Menos
    49 m
  • 014. Family Constellations with Johanna Lynn - Healing Trauma & Family Dynamics
    Jun 18 2024

    In this conversation, we talk to Johanna Lynn a therapist specializing in Family constellations; powerful modality that helps individuals understand and heal the dynamics within their family system.

    Johanna shares with us how this process allows for the exploration of hidden patterns and traumas that may be influencing our current relationships and behaviors. She explains how the work bypasses the story and focuses on the energetic and subconscious level, providing profound insights and healing.

    Johanna highlights how these group constellations offer a safe space for sharing and healing, as participants can relate to and learn from each other's experiences. And how by uncovering and healing family dynamics, individuals can create healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

    And to close, we discuss the impact of healing work on future generations and Johanna offers a personality profile to help listeners explore their family imprint.

    • Family constellations can provide insights and resolution by exploring the systemic dynamics within our families.
    • The work focuses on the energetic and subconscious level, bypassing the story and providing profound insights and healing.
    • Group constellations offer a safe space for sharing and healing, allowing participants to relate to and learn from each other's experiences.
    • By uncovering and healing these dynamics, individuals can create healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Healing is an essential part of the awakening journey and can have a profound impact on our relationships and overall well-being.
    • Acceptance and understanding of our parents' experiences can lead to healing and a shift in our relationship dynamics.
    • Healing work can have a positive impact on future generations by breaking patterns and creating a healthier family system.
    Más Menos
    57 m
  • 013. Ayu’s Galactic Awakening - Healing Childhood Trauma, Awakening To Connections with Extraterrestrials & Other Interdimensional Beings
    Jun 11 2024

    In this episode, Ayu Sophia shares her cosmic awakening story and her experiences with extraterrestrials and interdimensional beings. She explains the concept of the soul and the soul group, and how her particular soul group comes in during times of great transition to help awaken and guide others. Ayu discusses the importance of understanding the bigger picture and our relationship with Mother Earth. She also talks about her early spiritual experiences and her journey of self-discovery, which included out-of-body experiences and encountering beings in different dimensions. Ayu then delves into her cosmic awakening, where she connected with ETs and learned about the true nature of humanity and the planet. She emphasizes the importance of healing and activating our DNA to fulfill our potential as a species. Ayu concludes by sharing a channeled message from the Arcturians about the ongoing ascension process.

    • The soul is part of a soul group that comes in times of great transition to help awaken and guide others.
    • Understanding the bigger picture and our relationship with Mother Earth is important for our awakening and evolution.
    • Early spiritual experiences can be confusing, but they can eventually make sense and lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world.
    • Exploring different perspectives and listening to other beings can provide valuable insights and help us reconsider our beliefs.
    • We are in a critical window of opportunity to raise our frequency and shift into a new level of light for the next cycle of energy.
    • Spiritual awakening can happen at a young age and lead to encounters with beings in different dimensions.
    • Disillusionment with mainstream media can lead to a deeper spiritual path.
    • Cosmic awakening involves connecting with ETs and learning about humanity's true nature and potential.
    • Healing and activating our DNA are essential for our individual and collective evolution.
    • The ongoing ascension process involves shifting our vibrational frequency and embodying more light.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 11 m
  • 012. Gurus, Guides & Outsourcing Your Power - Importance of Self-Responsibility & Discernment
    Jun 4 2024

    In this conversation, we discuss the topic of Gurus, Guides, and Outsourcing Your Power. In May 2024, an article was released about a spiritual cult known as Twin Ray and through the lens of this story, we discuss the importance of self responsibility, discernment and questioning everything as we navigate our spiritual paths.

    We discuss the dynamics of codependency and the victim oppressor that can play out in the spiritual and healing realms when we abdicate our power and look to others for all of our answers.

    We discuss the energetic imbalances that take place, and how we can empower ourselves by doing the inner healing work to become aware of our wounding and patterns before we seek external guidance.

    We close our conversation with a discussion on the cultivation of inner knowing and the role of intuition in navigating the spiritual journey.

    • Be discerning when seeking guidance on the spiritual journey and question everything
    • Avoid giving away power to external authorities and cultivate self-direction and self-responsibility
    • Trust your own inner wisdom, intuition and discernment when seeking guidance and healing on the spiritual path.
    • Do not give away your personal power to others; remember that true healers are there to assist, not to heal you.
    • You have all the resources within you to navigate your path. Seek those that help you gain access to that so that you are the leader of your life.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m
  • 011. Helen’s Awakening Journey - Miraculous Healing & Activation of Gifts
    May 28 2024

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Helen Fletcher, an energy healer and spiritual guide. She shares her journey from being a research nurse to embracing spirituality after a profound awakening experience.

    She recounts her experience of healing her beloved cat, Mac, from a tumor, sparking her curiosity and leading her to explore the world beyond the physical. Helen's life transformed as she delved into spirituality, energy healing, and developing her intuitive abilities.

    Helen shares the challenges and lessons she has learned through her awakening journey, including her recent experience with her energetic and mischievous puppy, Murphy.

    She emphasizes the importance of cultivating a holistic approach to healing and understanding the power of our thoughts and beliefs in creating our reality.

    • Profound awakenings can lead to a complete shift in perspective and a deep exploration of spirituality.
    • Challenges and obstacles are often opportunities for growth and self-discovery.
    • Pets can serve as spiritual teachers, bringing up our shadow aspects and helping us confront and heal unresolved issues.
    • Embracing spirituality and personal growth can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose to life. Awakening experiences can lead to a deeper understanding of spirituality and the integration of science and spirituality.
    • Cultivating intuitive abilities and healing skills is a practice that can be developed over time.
    • A holistic approach to healing involves integrating Western medicine with complementary therapies.
    • Our thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on our reality and can be harnessed for healing and personal growth.
    Más Menos
    1 h y 4 m