
  • E60 Voices-com
    Nov 21 2019
    The BS with Bob podcast featuring entrepreneurs, business people and marketers this week talking with David, David is the CEO of voices.com and is a voiceover person myself is pretty cool to be able to talk to the guy that's in charge of probably the largest place to go to get that to get voices David, welcome to the program. Thanks much Bob thought glad to be here and tell some stories. So how did you get in that the whole voiceover Dick everyone finds her own path and my nose is pretty unique. Actually I see with sound go out and share about how Bob had an old record player and dad had a shortwave radio so I always could tinkered with you technology if you could call it that went to school and got a degree in in audio engineering that I opened up a small recording studio, so this was an opportunity for a reported music bands and so forth, but actually got my name in the newspaper on my birthday and I was actually that article brought in some local businesses that were looking to how the female voiceover reported done for phone system that actually met a young woman, just the day before, who was a classically trained singer and that that ladies and now Stephanie is now my wife and cofounder voices.call that time she was a classic between singer and I asked her to do these voiceovers and so she did a phone system and some local radio commercials and that was the problem referred to it as well. Instead of us doing the production. Why don't we become this. The connector between the voice actor in the client is looking to hire them and so we got out of the production ourselves and really reinvented ourselves as as this marketplace that connects the businesses with those voice actors and that's what we been doing for much the last decade and how did you score the name voices.com we actually didn't start as voices.com we we began as as interactive voices, which wasn't exactly the greatest website name the pigeons will listen to new media or interactive media. It was around the height of what was then the Web 2.0 movement when you know everything was big bright and bubbly on the web about flashy colors and and companies like twitter and Flickr were like dropping bowels from their name and as we want to be part of this movement so we were set on changing rebranding. In effect, so I did with many entrepreneurs do you pull up a browser you Google the domain name of your choosing of your desires and we had landed on a website called as a medical Journal club silencing the critical voices in your head is a medical journal that had been updated since about 2000. And so we reached out actually through a lawyer sent an email to this owner and asked what he saw the name and if so what price and he came back he said initially said that $50,000 and then know you know through some negotiation offered six payments of $5000 can of every quarter every three months with them another $5000, and for that he went to the deal. So we were able to almost like a lift and shift their business from the old servers to the new servers and redirect all that traffic that's been actually evolved one of the biggest turning points for us. It was a name that is short. It's memorable. It's easy to spell it, since what we do in a nutshell, so it's been the it's been really great for my from that standpoint. So how does something like voices.com work for the end user so it must have a business and I want to get a voice and looking for a male voice and female voice. Can I use voices.com to have auditions with different voices or how does that. How does even work. The process is very simple. You sign up for freeing you create an account and its most points will we call client feels people are looking to hire a talent have that project in their mind and so you after signing up you can do what we call posting a job was free to post the job and that is where you outline just as you said in looking for a male voice and a female voice I you know I might be enormously particular language so into this case English will allow you to pick the accent even consider certain regions that have many thicker, stronger accents than that others you can go through and then pick each range. This style of performance. Maybe that particular role. If you want a superhero or a sports announcer or a villain that corporate executives and this helps the actor ultimately deliver auditions for the persona that you want to have you to perform the voice and then of course you attach your script what you want. Auditions is a couple even a couple sentences is fine. You pick a budget which is somewhere between you know start to the hundred to $250 and goes up depending on the duration of the recording and the complexity is of the recording itself and then your deadline when you want your auditions back is something like the dating profile or dating service for voices audios a really challenging medium because there's often not the shared language or lexicon for how we describe ...
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    20 m
  • E59 Steve Lynch Autograph and 2 22
    Aug 16 2019
    The Steve Lynch podcast is a www.podcastforhire.com production. If you are looking for someone to tell your story, please contact Bob Schmidt from Podcast For Hire at 608-785-0555 if you are looking for Steve Lynch find him here https://www.facebook.com/stevenllynch or find Alena Rae find her at https://www.facebook.com/alena.nicholson.7 Transcription for seo purposes only.Founding member of the band autograph Steve Lynch joining me. I had the opportunity to interview Steve a few times over the last handful years and always enjoy chatting with them always enjoy seeing you guys live and always enjoy just the person that you are Steve because a lot of times rock stars. A lot of times people in your position. Don't give time to be ordinary person and you know were friends on Facebook. I've tagged you in a couple things and you actually respond to your fans, which I think is is cool. Well I just look at myself as an ordinary person register your lab work hard to become our guitars and you know I appreciate all the parents out there so much I may not yield to be an honor to have people listen to me naturally like what I'm doing, you still get a kick out of. When people come up to and say are you Steve Lynch yeah absolutely no will of course you know it's it's one of those things where the recognition and respect that you received the excitement from that never goes away. A lot of people get a chance to do some really cool things over the years of me being in radio I had the chance actually broadcast from inside of a bridge over the Mississippi River walk while they were building this bridge. I'm guessing that you had the chance to do some cool things that the average ordinary Joe hadn't had the chance to do is just the traveling yell and just being on stage plates, such are numerous amount of people and it was only autograph I did a lot of traveling. My clinics was promoting my books. I have three books out cultlike touch looks one, two and three of us promoting those like Dr. travel to 20 different countries in Q3 25 cities felt that was great. It's a blessed life. You know it really is. That's where I feel about him very thankful. Steve a lot of times people think of rock 'n' roll they think of sex drugs and rock 'n' roll that can ask about the typical question to most people ask, but I do ask about you know seeing some year friends and some of that you know people that you that you played with over the years, you know, succumb to drug addictions and things like that. It was, it isn't hard to be on you know be on stage and BN on the road and and and Kelly keep a clean and free life. Like the I was just you as I drink too much, but that you know that I was looking thought that I just didn't like okay so so that was that was easy for me to not but I didn't try but it was easy for me to share with you. I was just going through focusing on playing guitar and and just putting on a good performance and I've always just got My mindset that links it was difficult to also see all the people go through the hardships that you know what drugs you will because of our lives and see people go don't go very fast when they do try to come… Same as they were previously so that is. His music business different now than it was in the 80s. Europe your gambling into all these different aspects of the music business and trying to be a musician and songwriter. All the same time. Like with autograph. I was basically the general manager the tour manager and the business manager on the night on the one that was leaked the liaison in between, you know, all different aspects. The endorsements the booking agent. I did most most all the interviews and then I took care of all the banking eye to eye pain. Everybody I get all the business taxes and everything so you know those there is a big burden what I limit SSN because I think that the that the big thing now is that you have quit the band autograph. Steve stepped off from you know from from performing. Are you still a part of the band even though you're not playing with them or if you basically cut ties altogether. Well, I basically cut ties altogether. You know I wanted to move on to something different. And one thing my fiancé later told Ms. that I thought was a really good analogy of you know after your if you have a CD in your car and you play it over and over again for 35 years. Eventually you want to change that CD in your car and go on to different things you want your listener difference because you just got tired of playing the same songs doing the autograph that you know I look at myself like I have a lot more to offer the what I was contributing to autograph and point out is the last job we did get off your ass. That was mainly all written by sign that my writing was going in a completely different direction. Attached as it is now so it just didn't sound like autograph at all. I need not at all. It was a completely different thing. It was his guitar playing audit. A lot ...
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    14 m
  • E58 Carnival Cruise - Deon
    Jul 23 2019
    I had fun having conversation with Carnival Cruise director Deon.
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    13 m
  • E57 Amanda McDonough Ready To Be Heard
    Feb 6 2019
    Amanda McDonough

    Social Media
    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBERhpWcbrcDEsM0A0D36rg
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialamandamcdonough/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/ActingAmanda
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amanda_mcdonough/

    I am truly amazed by my episode 57 guest Amanda McDonough. She is probably the most inspirational of all the guests I've had to this point. She pushed me to try to figure out how I could talk with her, I am glad I did. Ready to be heard the book that Amanda wrote is a must read.

    Amanda McDonough was born in 1990 and diagnosed with hearing loss at the age of 4. As she grew older, her hearing steadily declined as she battled to hide her ongoing hearing loss from her family, friends, teachers, and the world. Despite facing unbelievable challenges, she succeeded in; getting straight A’s in school, having a successful child acting career, and leading a fairly “normal” life.
    McDonough currently resides in Los Angeles, California and enjoys successful inspirational speaking and acting careers. Amanda’s recent television, theater and film credits include: ABC's "Speechless," NBC’s “Bad Judge,” ABC Family’s “Switched at Birth,” Chris Lilly’s Pilot series “Just Us Guys,” "Our Town" with Tony nominated Deaf West Theater and films such as “Listen” directed by Michaela Higgins and "Silent Star" directed by Steven Sanders.. Her films "Passengers," "Loud and Clear, " and "Lady Electric" have gone on to show in various festivals (such as Cannes) and win awards.




    How I overcame my hearing loss, discovered who I really am, and found a balance between the hearing world I was raised in and the Deaf culture to which I now belong.
    How to overcome your own struggles and obstacles in life.
    How to live your best life with hearing loss.As well as, how to better communicate with & empathize with the people in your life currently experiencing a decrease in their hearing. (Last chapter of my book is called "The Hearing Loss Handbook" it contains tips and tricks for dealing with hearing loss.
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    32 m
  • E56 Kat Chrysostom Broken to Branded
    Jan 25 2019
    Kat Chrysostom
    Benefab® Owner & Founder
    Website: benefabproducts.com
    Office: 855-957-8378

    In 2011, at age 19, Kat was riding her horse back to the barn when he suddenly stumbled and fell. After Kat regained consciousness, she discovered that her horse was dying, and she was paralyzed. After a long and difficult struggle, Kat found a holistic therapy that helped her regain her mobility. Soon after recovery, Kat began exploring the possibilities of using the same life-changing therapy to reduce pain and suffering on the creatures she loved. And so Benefab®, a company specializing in wearable therapeutic pet products, was born. Recently, Benefab® has partnered with the ASPCA, a non-profit organization whose mission is to save the lives of animals.
    In addition to running Benefab, Kat loves to help people channel their passion into profit. Her newly released book, Broken to Branded, is full of true business stories and real-world strategies designed to help entrepreneurs build a successful business without losing sight of their purpose.
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    27 m
  • E55 Teri Parker-Brown Voiceover Acting
    Jan 16 2019
    Contact Teri Parker-Brown

    Teri says if you really want to do voiceover get out and take a class, acting or improv. Meet some people, get an agent, get online and see what you can find out about the business. And see if in the pit of your stomach if that is something that you should really pursue.
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    26 m
  • E54 Lorri Allison Craig Launch a Business on Lunch Hour
    Jan 9 2019
    Lorri Allison Craig is a Certified Financial Plannerwakethewarriorwoman.com/workshopThe BS of Bob Schmidt podcast featuring entrepreneurs, marketers and business people this week talking with Lorri Allison Craig is an entrepreneur and author and a certified financial planner wanted to talk with her about starting up your own business over your lunch hour and I think that a lot of us as entrepreneurs can have that is a dream in our work and are 95 and were thinking about the daily grind and the crap that were dealing with on a daily basis with again we can do it better. Lori, is it possible for us to do better and that you know can I start a business only during her lunch hour anybody come to people that are God only 75% higher than that is a lot of people just hate what they do on a daily the grind is just there, I developed the lunch bag in the UK learn on your lunch hour to start a business doing something that you have is is that the key right there is doing something that you love you again something that it's not worth the joy you don't care how many traits you spend doing what you know, I found that II mean I really enjoy podcasting. I'm just waiting for the dollars to start rolling in. So how do you do how do you monetize the thing you love to do and end up making a living out of it that not only did that learning to halt the difference that parents see that and for asking different ways that you can make money and lifting her that when you get a bad business plan part that is forecasting different ways that you can monetize that care mistakes with your business plan is not necessarily for somebody else it's for you to… More and think to go do some research is like, okay, let's look at some other podcast. How do they make money and find some no entrepreneurs that you can just follow their plan. Instead of reinventing the wheel. You think that a lot of entrepreneurs try to reinvent the wheel every time. Why can do better than that, and then realizing that there drowning in minute I spent all this time and I could just look at this or could I just googled that you know what had the answer right there rather than spending time doing a short story. My daughter grip on my lap running a business from my home and said she didn't think anything about it. Just as she graduated from college. He started business in her home and now she went to multimillion dollar corporation from her living room while while he lived saying to me, mom and found only now – or if I'd only known that and said okay well that's Lamb writing this so that people can just you know get it in a simplified version and a male only difference Glatz like one of them is building a team of professionals explain you have decided what you want to do that next year as when you want to go find the accountants in that attorney and that can help you in that particular area to want to get your team together absolutely need to get your team going that before you going to need to know what you can again like that great idea rightly admit you'd mentioned business plan a couple minutes ago and the importance of a business plan. What kind of detail should we put forth in her business plan to make sure that people don't get that. I don't know that there tell doing the business plan because it is so big and complicated and daunting and that scripting I think the first time that you do it you start with a simplified business plan. You go to the Internet and you find a sample kind of closely related to what you want to do because it's going to have a lot of things – that maybe you haven't thought at sea as a template and go through it and see if you're on the right thing. Not you I'd thrown out more ideas than I've ever actually started business with probably 5 to 1. So if you do the business plan and simplified version you can kind of see upfront whether it seems viable or not Outlook let me ask a little bit about that because I my mind is always with all this would be a great idea. All that domain names available. I buy the domain name might be annoyed. I start jot down things I start going hundred and 27 miles an hour. Then I hit a wall in my Idea than the scroll runs by to look at the squirrel for a while and I forget where I was guessing that a lot of entrepreneurs have that same squirrel mentality that I do this I owe next thing you know that you know, it sounds like you're definitely an entrepreneurial brain so I would start no. If you do you want Dick a great idea you analyze everything that you live, you know, what are the things you like to read what you like to look at when you're surfing on the web like you and your joys in life and write those down and shrink them into another top trading you like and then do values work like what's important to you is freedom important is your home environment important to know what things that I am pointing all those things and to get it values and what you live, and gives you the direction the fillet...
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    23 m
  • E53 Dr Rod Wallace - Drowning in Potential
    Jan 2 2019
    https://rodwallacephd.com/The BS Bob Schmidt podcast talking entrepreneurship, business and marketing. This week's guest is economist, consultant and author Dr. Rod Wallace and Telluride that the one class that I got the lowest grade in in college I just graduated and that in April was economy are economics and it's weird because I like the class. I studied hard in the class but the teacher didn't allow stem open books only got a B in the class. I'm very sorry to hear that, Bobby. We can do better, but of course we can ride your business strategist. What is a business strategist actually do the work for planning and so you know, the book of what might I let you know we want to grow in Europe and Asia and we want to shrink in. You know our presence in South America, but the really interesting part of that is taking a step back and saying what's really going on in the world because that plan. We want to grow in Europe and Asia should be based on what's really going on in the world and that's the interesting part where we say okay why is it that okay that it seems that technology growth as measured by an economist has shrunk since 1980. Or it's been a lot slower 1980 than it had been before 1980. Even though you look at all the amazing stuff that come out like computers in cell phone and artificial intelligence and ego. What now the most amazing technology ever and were scared of email people being replaced by machines. And yet, the economists say that economic growth has slowed. During that time I said we want to grow and then we want to shrink we want to grow what we want to grow our presences as American businesses going to grow our what they deliver. It couldn't we talk about it. GDP, which is basically the total value of everything produced in the United States are you thinking we got 270 million people in the US, something like that and if we produce no 50 thousand dollars of stock per person that better than if we only produce $25,000 of stuff for person to talk gross domestic product that's what the GDP is as or try to grow okay because I was sure to try to make it is simple as possible because when people are listening you know sometimes your heads in the cloud. Sometimes there you know it's it's kind of on his background. Sometimes there be no pain will close attention so try to make things as simple as possible for people that are listening well the part that's really saying is that we have an increasing number of people that are going to college and are getting educated, and that that seems like it's fantastic and back at night, but the same point we are in a country where more than half of the public universities one third of the senior people in the last year cannot make a cohesive argument but cannot assess the quality of evidence in the document or interpreted table door, going to school forever. It's just that we don't seem to be necessarily learning a whole lot. The whole time were doing so would you suggest we do in place of that. I think what we need to do is first and foremost understand more clearly what it is that were trying to get out of our educational system. Right now we have everyone is is going through and improving little pieces of the educational system and we have a bunch of teachers that are really awesome and that most of them care about Arctic art, our kids, not all of them but most of them do. And then we have a really cool programs that are designed to take kids into the behind. Grade level and bring them up to grade level with other programs that are designed to take kids are younger physically and mentally handicapped in and mainstreamed in each one of those things is really awesome. The problem is when you combine them all what you have is you have yelp, the teacher is trying to help these five first-graders who are behind first grade level. Enter like 17 digit code into the computer to take their weekly standardized test and the rest of the school just going to classrooms is going haywire. We had to be much clearer about what we want from education and once we do that, then we can ask a developer that would do that well will masses that I mean I hate to say this word but eventually segregate kids and put you know the kids a little bit smarter in this group little kids that are not as smart in this group and consider trailing in this group rather than a specific solution. I think the more important they will what the purpose of education is it just like to teach our kids a certain set of skills. If so, then having different kids in different classroom probably makes it makes good sense. On the other hand, if the purpose of education is to really help people collaborate and work together and that that's the most important thing that we want from our school system than having all kinds of different kids in the same classroom is going to be helpful because it divides different challenges than we have. Otherwise, it really depend on the goal of what is a school for Rod...
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    24 m