
  • Ep. 58 - Could Functional Medicine Help Unlock the Block Between You and Your Baby?
    Jul 24 2024

    On today’s episode of the Badass Fertility Podcast we sit down with functional fertility expert and nutritionist, Olivia Mitchell. Olivia brings a wealth of wisdom and critical insights on how to get and stay pregnant even if you've been given an infertility diagnosis.

    In fact, she challenges that term arguing it’s medically inaccurate and prefers the term “sub-fertility” because it indicates the truth: your fertility can be improved.

    Olivia looks at fertility from a “whole body system” perspective. She teaches her clients how to get into what she calls “welcome baby mode” Olivia does this by looking for the roots causes of sub-fertility of which she says there are three main ones:

    • overlooked thyroid issues (even if you’ve had the panel tested),
    • nervous system dysregulation,
    • gut inflammation.

    From there, we dive deep into topics like:

    1. Why does the standard approach to fertility fail to help every couple?
    2. What's the most powerful thing a TTC couple can do to support fertility?
    3. Is TTC for a year before asking for support still good advice?
    4. What's the deal with all the supplements out there for fertility?
    5. What testing should someone get when starting to search for better answers?

    If you’ve been trying all. the. things to get pregnant: done the standard testing, tried the standard approach (clomid, IUI, IVF, etc) and you’re still not pregnant or suffering miscarriages, this show will provide enlightening info, in a non-scary way, for you.

    To learn more about Olivia or her programs follow her on Instagram @yourfertility.yourfuture

    For high vibe inspiration, down to earth information and authentic support from someone who's been there, follow me @BadassFertility

    Grab my Free E-book, 3 Surprising Habits that Block Your Baby

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    49 m
  • Ep. 57 - Preparing for Pregnancy? 7 Things I want You to Know Before You Get Pregnant
    Jul 17 2024

    There are a lot of books out there giving you advice on how to prepare for pregnancy. But I guarantee none of them are talking about it in quite the same way as we are on today’s show.

    If you’ve been

    • struggling to get pregnant,
    • diagnosed with “infertility”
    • or “unexplained in fertility”
    • if you’ve experienced miscarriage
    • or are just starting out in this journey and want expert advice from someone who’s been there,

    This show is for you.

    We’re talking about All. The. Things they don’t tell you when you’re expecting (or hoping) to expect. But these 7 things make a huge difference in how you live your journey and, therefore, the results that you get.

    So if you’re living your life:

    • in two week segments,
    • tired of feeling small at your clinic,
    • finding it hard to believe that you’ll ever bring home this baby,
    • finding yourself in self-sabotage mode whenever you get your period

    Then this show is for you my friend. Enjoy!!

    Ready to dig deeper and get to core of what's going on? Start by downloading my Free E-book, 3 Surprising Habits the Block Your Baby Click HERE to grab your copy while it's still available.

    Looking for daily hits of high vibe inspiration and down to earth information form an authentic supportive source who's been there? Follow me on IG @BadassFertility

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    32 m
  • Ep. 56 - Double Your Odds of Pregnancy the Badass Way: Part 3
    Jul 10 2024

    Struggling to conceive is one of the most lonely and isolating experiences women endure.

    All of the women I've met on this journey struggle to share about it with most or even all of the close people in their life. In fact, around half of the women I’ve met on this don’t tell their mothers or their mothers-in-law what’s going on. There’s no right or wrong or good or bad there, but the consequence of keeping it to yourself can be high.

    But how do you know who to keep in and who to keep out? How can you tell if someone will be trustworthy and not make you feel worse? Harvard researcher and infertility expert Alice Domar has a system called the ECAD that can help. On today’s show we dive into it and look at how it can benefit your journey for the better.

    Want to go deeper with what you heard? Grab a copy of my Free E-book while it's still available. You'll learn 3 Surprising Habits that Bock Your Baby Click HERE

    Want daily hits of high vibe inspiration, down to earth information from an authentic, supportive source who's been there? Follow me @BadassFertility on IG

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    26 m
  • Ep. 55 - Double Your Odds of Pregnancy the Badass Way: Part 2
    Jul 3 2024

    When the stakes are high, and you’re being told your “odds” are low, it feels impossible to believe you’ll ever bring your baby home. You may look around and find yourself trapped in an awful state of mind that you never expected to be in.

    Maybe you’re:

    • Crying everyday (or for several days in a row)
    • Wondering if you’re being punished
    • Questioning whether you have any good eggs left at all
    • Wondering if your partner/husband/wife would be better off with someone "more" fertile.

    These thoughts are completely normal, but that doesn’t mean they are necessary. In fact, when you learn how to think differently, your beliefs shift, your actions change and your results change too.

    If you know you’ve been stuck in this cycle of constant negative self-talk and you want it to stop, then you’re in the right place my friend.

    Today’s episode will go into all of that and give you a few insights you can take away and apply immediately.

    If you want high vibe inspiration and own to earth information from an authentic, supportive source (someone's who's been there!) Follow me on IG @BadassFertility

    If you want more details on how to work on rewiring your mindset check out this FREE E-Book. It's short and sweet and packed with 3 essential secrets you've GOT to know.

    Click HERE for the Free E-Book, 3 Surprising Habits that Block Your Baby

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    28 m
  • Affirmations don't work, unless you do this ONE thing.
    May 22 2024

    For today's episode we're diving back into the Badass Fertility Podcast archives to share one of my all time favorite episodes. We're talking about the power of affirmations to support OR sabotage your efforts to get and stay pregnant. We hear a lot about positive thinking to help you through the struggle to conceive. But we often get misled about exactly why and how it works... and when it doesn't. Or worse yet, when it backfires. Today's episode is critical if you want to learn how to use the power of words to support, not sabotage your success on this journey.

    For daily hits of high vibe inspiration, down to earth information and authentic support on your journey to your baby, follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility

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    22 m
  • Double your odds of pregnancy the BFP way: Part 1
    May 15 2024

    When we think about getting pregnant, it’s always focused on the physical body. But what about the role the mind plays in the body? We forget the tremendous toll that stress, anxiety and depression play upon our nervous system. And we pay a high price for that forgetfulness.

    Women diagnosed with (my least favorite word) “infertility” experience stress, anxiety and depression levels much higher than in the mainstream population. This is cause for concern in itself. But what makes things worse, is that those mental states have physical repercussions that negatively impact fertility. So, women given this diagnosis are now at a double disadvantage because they’re already struggling, but being labeled “infertile” makes it even harder to conceive because of the observable impact that diagnosis has on the nervous system.

    It’s like a total catch 22.

    Thankfully, there’s a science backed way out of this mess, and I’m going to break it down for you on today’s podcast.

    This is Part One of a three part series where I’m breaking down the 3-pillars behind the BFP's 60% pregnancy rate in our most recent cohort.

    If you’re ready to hop off the hamster wheel of never-ending conception chaos and master the tools behind our incredible pregnancy rate, click HERE and join the BFP

    Doors close May 21st or once it's full. Imagine, on May 22nd you could be in an entirely new, inspiring and resource rich world of badass mamas in the making. You in?

    Questions? I have answers! And I loooove to chat on IG. DM me “BFP” to get the convo going. (Find me on Instagram @BadassFertility)

    References (cause, you know... science :)

    The Mind Body Program for Infertility: A New Behavioral Treatment Approach for Women with Infertility. (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0015-0282(16)53275-0)

    Impact of a group Mind/Body Intervention on Pregnancy Rates in IVF Patients (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.03.046

    The impact of stress on fertility treatment DOI: 10.1097/GCO.0000000000000261

    (Rodney, K. L. & Domar, A.D. (2008) The Relationship Between Stress and Infertility. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 20(1), 41 -47)

    (Roozitalab, S. et. al. The Relationship Between Infertility, Stress and Quality of Life with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Infertile Women. Journal of Reproduction and Infertility, 2021 10.18502/jri.v22i4.7654)

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    24 m
  • After multiple failed IUIs and IVF these miracle mamas never quit, and brought home their baby girl: Nita and Penny's Story
    May 7 2024

    Meet Nita and Penny. These two badass ladies could've stopped after the first, second, or third failed IUI, but they didn't. They could've given up after a chemical pregnancy, but they didn't. They could've said f*ck this when their sperm donor's junk got lost in transit on transfer day, but they kept going. These two amazing women knew they were meant to be moms and kept saying YES even when the universe was throwing serious curve balls. On today's episode they reflect on their journey to motherhood and what helped them get there.

    Like this podcast? You'll LOVE my masterclass: From Burnt Out to Badass happening Wednesday May 8th. CLICK HERE to register. I'm teaching my 3 favorite secrets to shift out of conception chaos into clarity without adding 1,000 things to your to-do list.

    ...Oh! And, I'll be answering all your questions and showering you with goodies! Register now before it's too late CLICK HERE

    Questions about anything? DM me on Instagram @BadassFertility. I LOVE hearing from you and am always happy to chat. :)

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    1 h y 2 m
  • Women who bring home their babies learn to TRUST themselves: Learn 3 essential habits they’ve got on lockdown and transform your results.
    May 1 2024

    One essential thing that we don’t have nearly enough of on this journey is TRUST. Often we stop trusting our body; we stop trusting our choices; we stop trusting that one day our baby will be in our arms. Instead, we begin counting numbers, statistics and odds. We use the past as a predictor of the future, and it does not look good. In this podcast we explore:

    · Why evolution makes us prone to think we’ll never succeed on this journey

    · What science has to say about increasing the odds of conception

    · Three essential habits that women who succeed on this journey have on lockdown.

    · Why going through your fertility journey alone decreases your odds of success.

    If you like the podcast, you will LOVE my masterclass! We have tons of fun. Join my free, live masterclass here: From Burnt Out to Badass. I’m sharing three of my favorite tools to shift out of conception chaos and into clarity without adding 1,567 things to your to-do list. I'll also answer all your questions and give some goodies to everyone who attends live.

    Or, click below to register for my free, live masterclass May 8th, 2024


    Want daily hits of high vibe inspiration, down to earth information and loads of authentic understanding? Follow me on Instagram @BadassFertility

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    26 m